1、 练习比较少,导致很多单词看的都懂,一说说的吞吞吐吐,发音不准确。平时一定要尽可能多说,还有跟读一些听力材料,让嘴巴的肌肉适合说英文,让普通的单词脱口而出,复杂的单词能够说得很清晰。
2、 平时喜欢背写好的思路,写好的句子和段落,导致自己缺乏一个根据问题,马上可以整理思维给出回答的能力。练习口语的时候,可以先不看思路和答案,自己用自己的语言说,说完对比思路和答案,再说,这样提高的是口语能力,而不是翻译能力(考场上没现成的材料让你翻)。
3、 心理作用。考场上很怕自己卡壳,怕自己没话可说,怕自己说错单词和时态;怕自己遇到题目没想法,有想法没单词,有单词说不出,说了说不流畅或者说错等等。这样导致陌生的话题没反应,熟悉的话题又说的不好。这个还是平时练习不够的结果
4、 心里有鬼。备考的时候主要以背诵为主,背素材,背答案,到了考场怕自己背漏,背错,或者考到没背到的东西,所以会高度敏感。考官有时候一打断,加问问题,学生马上就奔溃。
5、 缺乏语境。平时很少和外国人交流,考场的时候不知道对方是否能听懂,是否认可自己,是否听出自己的错误等等,这种想法也会导致紧张的情绪。
6、 将雅思想成一个魔鬼。 平时对雅思口语考试听了很多负面的报道,包括印度考官,5分老太,声音太低,语速太快等等,因此,到了考场的时候,也怕自己是受害人,进入考场前已经开始紧张。
7、 考场因素。 等待的时间比较长,而考试的时间又比较短,学生总是觉得一不小心就会考不过,所以很紧张,影响发挥。 或者有些题目,特别是part3的题目,没有准备过,也完全没有任何的想法,刚好遇到比较挑剔的考官,也会影响分数。
1、 多练习。
2、 熟悉考题。
考试当日可以兜里揣着1-2页口语的题目和回答, 进考场前自己看一下,闭着眼睛说一下,这样会让自己的嘴巴热身。
3、 开始说慢。
刚开始练习的时候,可以放慢速度,争取每个单词都发音清楚,特别是长单词,譬如说accomplish, babysitter, procrastination, paragraph, 等等。 只有你嘴巴的肌肉很熟悉发长单词的音,你才会轻松发好每个单词的音,你才会更加自信。
自己一个人练习的弊端是没有对话的感觉。考场上有时候考官会随机按照你的回答加问一些问题,这个时候你的随机回答能力很重要。在和朋友练习的时候,可以叫对方多问你why, 逼迫你解释自己的回答,这样也可以提升你面对质疑时候的信心和交流能力。
雅思口语p2话题范文:a city you’ve visited that you like 去过的城市
You should say:
Where is it
When did you go there
What did you do their
And explain why you like it
Recently, I have visited Agra, in India, It's been a very beautiful place. I have gone to visit this place with my father who has some business meetings at there.
This place has many number of historic monuments built during reign of Mughal Era. In all places, I like Red Fort and Taj mahal very much. Taj mahal is considered as one of the seven wonders of the world. Its beauty is simply the best, completely inexplicable. Made in white marble and looks as same as from all four sides, very gigantic sculpture. while Red Fort is completely different. Inceptionally, I thought that it would be mere a giant castle. But inside the Fort there was a city inside with many places of market, theatre, food streets and kings' palaces. These all are worth visiting places. One can not find the way if he lost. Very distantly scattered all these places inside the Fort. So nobody can see in a single day. People of city are also very friendly and always endeavour to assist. They have great hospitality sense and I have really enjoyed, had taken many selfies and snaps with others and posted on my social sites and many people inquired about this place too. Just only drawback I found that has been dirt. People seemed not taking care seriously about maintaining cleanliness around such beautiful places. Later, I have heard that government has initiated towards that part; but overall felt a great experience.
雅思口语p2话题范文:a bicycle trip单车之旅
Who you are with
And explain why it is impressive
Follow-up Questions
Do you think its important t What kind of transportation do you chose when you go out?
Do people like to travel by bike in your hometown? Why?
What kind of transportation are good for environmental protection? Why?
Do you think travel by bicycle is better for traffic? Why?
Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?
I’d like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience. It’s a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an attractive place for Hanoi residents to visit at weekends and during holidays. Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year, is not far from Hanoi. It’s just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think it’d be sensible to travel there by motorbike.
I think it’d be an ideal trip if we had a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laidback, fun and memorable, in my opinion.
There are several reasons why I prefer travelling by motorbike rather than by car, but most of all, I wouldn’t want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way. Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by motorbike, as I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but not least, I think it would be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards
雅思口语题库part2话题参考答案之:a future plan which is not related to work or study(与学习工作无关的计划)
You should say
- what the plan is
- when you thought of the plan
- who is involved in the plan
- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.
Let me talk about my plans for this upcoming Christmas holiday.
Just a few weeks ago, my friend in Argentina contacted me and told me that he and his family are planning to visit the San Francisco Bay Area during the holidays. Since he is one of my best childhood friends and I've been living in the area for several years, I didn't hesitate and offered to be their tour guide.
They plan to stay here for only a week, and my plan is to drive my SUV and take them to some of the most popular tourist spots within the city of San Francisco, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Coit Tower. I'm also thinking to spend a day to tour some of the most famous wineries in the Napa Valley. And if they are up for longer drives, I'm also willing to take them to Lake Tahoe and the Yosemite National Park.
I've always been good at making travel arrangements. As soon as my friend can confirm their dates, I will start doing research on hotels and restaurants, and try to come up with a detailed itinerary so that they can know what to expect during their stay.
Oh, since they will be here during the winter, which tends to be rainy and snowy, I will also have to constantly check on the weather forecast and make changes if necessary. The point is to be safe throughout the entire trip and find alternatives if the weather doesn't cooperate.
雅思口语题库part2话题答案:a good service
You should say:
who provided the service
when you received the service
who was with you at the time
and explain how you felt about receiving the service
I’d like to tell you about a recent purchase I made and the service I received which I thought was outstanding.
I bought a necklace from a small online shop that I found whilst surfing the net. It wasn’t a shop that I had bought things from before so I was slightly apprehensive about it. The shop didn’t have a wide range of gold jewellery but what it had was unique in style without doubt.
So, about three weeks ago, I selected a gold necklace to buy from this shop and within just three days it arrived through the post. The delivery came beautifully wrapped in fine Japanese style wrapping paper along with a gift voucher for a discount on my next order. I was truly impressed with the care that had been taken in wrapping it and the personal note that also came with it. But what impressed me the most was the free gift that arrived as well. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Along with my necklace was a matching bracelet which was also exquisitely made.
I remember the day it all arrived because my best friend was visiting me at the time. When I opened the parcel, we were amazed at both items of jewellery. My friend immediately went online and put in an order of her own. So, I suppose it goes to show that good customer service has its own rewards.
It’s hard to describe how I felt. Of course, as I said, I was amazed but it was more than that. Life can be tough sometimes and when you get such a lovely, unexpected present, it makes you feel as though anything is possible in the world. I’m pretty sure that small shop will do very well in the future. I know I will certainly order from that shop again.