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1、I would do anything before that. 我什么都肯做,就是不愿做那件事。

2、She is no less diligent than her elder sister. 她和她姐姐一样用功。

3、One minute too late is no more in time thanhalf an hour (is). 迟到一分钟与迟到半小时同样是不准时。

4、His strength is superior to mine. 他的力气比我大。

5、Colored people are by no means inferior towhite people. 有色人种丝毫不比白人低劣。

6、My arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend. 我比我朋友后到纽约。

7、We love truth above everything else. 我们热爱真理甚与一切。

8、It is worth next to nothing. 那几乎一钱不值。

9、How could he compare with Bill Gates? 他怎能同比尔嚫谴南啾饶兀?nbsp;

10、Easier said than done. 说易做难。

11、I like that best of all / least of all. 我最喜欢/不喜欢那个。

12、I can’t think of a better idea. 我想不出比这个更好的了。

13、No other book has had a greater influence on my life. 任何其它的书对我一生的影响都没有这本书

14、Nothing is so easy as this. 没有比这更容易的事了。

15、The more a men knows, the more he discovers his ignorance. 一个人懂得越多,越发现自己无知。

16、So much the worse. 更加不妙。

17、Better late than never. 迟做比不做好。

18、Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。

19、I would sooner die than do such a thing. 我宁死不做此事。

20、Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 聪明人热爱真理,而愚人逃避真理。



关于发音,我们能做到一点就可以,就是不要发错了,最可怕的发音不是发音不好听而是把单词念错了。我经常会举的一个例子就是salary和celery,很多同学经常会把“工资”(salary)这个单词读成“芹菜”(celery),这样我们每个月领的就不是工资了而是芹菜。还有full和fool,很多同学也会把full这个词读成fool,这样当我们说“吃饱了”(I am full)就变成了“我是傻子”(I am fool),甚至有的同学问别人“你吃饱了吗”,读的也是长音,这样就是在问别人“你是傻子吗”(Are you fool)。而回答的同学也发错了,发得也很长,回答的是“我是傻子”(Iam fool)。





关于表达,就是平时一定要多说英语,多和别人交流(去英语角或者晨读或者没事自己多背诵一些东西都可以),要是能找一个老外就更好了,正所谓:The more you speak the more progress you will make.但是这个过程还有一个好的办法,可以让我们更容易去表达我们想要表达的,就是用英文字典。一定要用英英版,这样我们每学一个单词就知道如果如何用英语去解释这个单词,当我们形成了这种解释的思维方式表达就更容易。具有很好的英语表达能力不一定需要我们有很多单词和很大句型,需要的是我们有一种解释的思维方式。

有一个例子能很好地说明这一点,就是以前一个中国人去加拿大定居,这个人英语单词量很小,很多单词都不会说,但是他经常能很好地表达自己,有一天他去商店买发酵粉(baking powder)这个英语单词确实很难,但是他用了一些小学词汇表达了这个词的概念,说的是:I wanna buy something make steamedbread can bigger and bigger.


托福口语:美国的火星文 你不可不知的“微英文”


今天的这个社会,是个社交的时代。通常的,我们会同时与五个以上的童鞋聊天。为了聊的爽,语言的表示就必须迅速,于是乎就有了SMS-Language,一种以缩写为主的火星文。下面,就是对常见火星文的总结,希望在国外的童鞋好好背诵 使用!


add address

afaik as far as i know

agreemt agreement

aka also known as

asap as soon as possible

atb all the best

ayor at your own risk


b be

b/c because

b4 before

b4n or bfn bye for now

bbl be back late(r)

bcnu be seeing you

b''day birthday

bhl8 be home late

bil boss is listening

brb be right back

btdt been there done that

btw by the way

buzz off buzz off


c see

cid consider it done

cmi call me

coz because

ctr center

cu see you

cu see you around

cub l8r call you back later

cul see you later

cuz because

cyr bos call your boss

cyr bro call your brother

cyr h call your husband

cyr ma call your mother

cyr ofis call your office

cyr pa call your father

cyr sis call your sister

cyr wf call your wife


da the

don doing

dylm do you like me


ez easy


f2f face to face

f2t free to talk

fotflol falling on the floor, laughing out loud

fyi for your information


gal get a life

gr8 great

grt great

gtg got to go

gudluk good luck


h8 hate

hak hugs and kisses

hand have a nice day

hot4u hot for you

how r u how are you

hp handphone


ic i see

iluvu i love you

im2gud4u i''m too good for you

imho in my humble opinion

imnsho in my not so humble opinion

imtng in meeting

iyq i like you


j/k just kidding

jhb johannesburg

jic just in case

jk just kdding


k okay

kit keep in touch

kwim know what i mean


l8 late

l8er later

l8r later

l&n landing

ldn london

lol laughing out loud or loads of love

luv love

lv love

lyn lying


m8 mate

mgmt management

mmfu my mate fancies you

mob mobile

msg message

msia malaysia

mtfbwu may the force be with you

mtg meeting

mth month

myob mind your own business


n and

n case in case

n/a not applicable

ne any

ne1 anyone

nethng anything

niting anything

no1 no one

nufn nothing

np no problem

nvm never mind


oic oh, i see

omg oh, my god


paw parents are watching

pcm please call me

pcme please call me

pl& planned

pls please

plz please

plz4gv me please forgive me

ppl people

prl parents are listening

puks pick up kids


r are

rgds regards

ringl8 running late

rtfm read the flippin'' manual

ru are you

rucmng are you coming

ruok are you ok?


shopn shopping

sit stay in touch

soz sorry

spk speak

stfu shut the flip up

sum1 someone


tel telephone

thanq thank you

thkq thank you

thx thanks

tmb text me back

tq thank you

ttyl talk to you

tx thanks

txt bac text back

tyvm thank you very much


u you

ur your

ura.you are a star

uraqt you are a cutie


w/ with

w/o without

w8 wait

w84m wait for me

waiting w8n

wan2 want to

wan2tlk want to talk?

wbs with

wearing a walkman

wel well

wiv write back soon

wknd weekend

wot what

wru where are you?

wu what''s up?

wud? what you doing

wygowm will you go out with me


x kiss

xlnt excellent

xoxox hugs and kisses


y why

yr your

yyssw yeah yeah sure sure whatever


1ce once

2 to

26y4u too sexy for you

2day today

2mor tomorrow

2moro tomorrow

2morrow tomorrow

2nite tonight

3sum threesome

4 for

911 emergency - call me



acquaintance, affectionate, amicable, caring, considerate, emotional, enthusiastic, expressive, favorite, frank, friendly, generous, gentle, helpful, honest, humorous, ideal, intimate, kind, patient, reunion, sociable, sympathetic, talkative, thoughtful, trustworthy, etc.


a shoulder to cry on, an easy-going person, ask for help, be an understanding person, be friendly with

be on intimate terms with sb., be well-acquainted with, broad-minded, cheer sb. up, for the sake of friendship, have a bosom friend, have a large circle of acquaintances, help sb. out, keep friendly relations.

keep/lose contact with, make friends with, reach an understanding, seek common ground while reserving differences, t urn to one’s friend when in difficulty, understand each other, warm-hearted, etc.


1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. What does friendship mean to you?

3. What kind of people do you make friend with?

4. Why do you think friendship important to you?

5. What is the basis of friendship?



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