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When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip. 当你旅行时,你更喜欢单纯地游玩,还是拍照记录整个旅程?


I like taking lots of pictures on my trips. First, I enjoy taking photos. It’s even more fun taking photos at a place that I’m new to. When I’m visiting a new city, I get to see colors, shapes and lines that are so different than what I’m familiar with, they inspire me to take better pictures. Second, our memory is very limited and unreliable. We will forget about the things we did and the people we met in a week or so if we don’t have some kind of record. And these record can be shared with our friends and families too, it’s better to show them the highlights of our trip rather than just speak about them in words.


Talk about the things students can do to deal with homesickness. 学生应该做些什么来应对思乡的愁绪?


There are many things we can do to overcome homesickness. First, we should keep in touch with our families and friends. This is easy to do thanks to the internet. Long distance calls used to be pretty expensive. Today it’s different. We can call, video chat or email our friends and families for free, right from our phone. Second, keeping ourselves busy also helps. There’re clubs students can join on campus. Such as film clubs, book clubs, even study groups. Students can learn from a new social group, as well as making a few friends.


Some people prefer to collect old things, others prefer to throw things away after they’re done with them. Which do you prefer to do? 有些人喜欢保留旧东西,其他人选择在用过之后将它们扔掉,你的偏好是什么?


I usually throw things away after I’m done using them. First, I live in a very small apartment. I have very limited storage space, I can’t keep everything because there’s simply no room for them. Some of my friends like keeping things, they rent self-storage space to keep all their belongings. I don’t think it’s a smart move. Basically they’re paying for things they don’t want to throw away to become trash. My parents do it too. They put things in drawers and closets and keep them there for years without ever touching or using them again. I would just give them to someone else or throw them away.


1. “This sounds interesting, but I have too much on my plate at the moment.”


When you start your disagreement with a compliment: “this sounds interesting”, it makes the person less defensive and gives you a validreason to decline “I have too much on my plate at the moment”.


2. “I’m sorry but last time I did ___, I had a negative experience.”

“不要意思,上次我这样做时,我很难受 。”

This is a life-saver for me every time I have to explain to people that I do not eat meat. Before I would say that I was a vegetarian, but for some reason this explanation has never worked on hospitable Italian grandmothers. They would try to feed me bacon, sausage and octopuses (yuck!) explaining it with “this is not meat” or “I just put a little in this dish”.


Now I simply say, “I’m sorry, but I can not eat meat. Last time I did, I had a terrible headache.” And it works like a charm, because no one wants to hurt you on purpose.

现在我只是说,“不好意思,我不能吃肉。上次我吃肉时,我头疼得很厉害。” 这非常管用,因为没人想故意伤害你。

The focus here is not on what you want or do not want to do, but on your previous bad experience.


3. “I’d love to do this, but ____”


This is a great way of saying that you like the idea, you are willing to help, but you just can not do it at the moment.


Note: Just do not go into a lengthy justification of why you can not do it.


First, it is not necessary. Time is a limited resource and when you say “yes” to one task, you have to say “no” to other opportunities that might be more important, urgent and beneficial to you at the moment. Second, offering a lengthy explanation makes you sound guilty and unsure, so people might push further to see if you will agree.


4. “I’m not the best person to help on this. Why don’t you try X?”


If you feel that you can not contribute much to the task, have no time or lack the resources, do not beat around the bush! Let the person know it up front. This, however, does not mean that you can not be helpful. You can still refer the person to a lead they can follow up on.


5. “I can’t do this, but I can do ____ (less commitment).”

“我不能这样做,但是我可以 ___(做出较少的承诺)。”

This is another variation of the previous method. You are saying “No” to a request, but you are still offering your help on your own terms, choosing the easier, less time-consuming commitment.


6. “You look great, but ___ does not do you justice”


This is a great way to diplomatically express your opinion when someone asks you a question about their appearance, without hurting the other person’s feelings (especially if the person asking you is your friend, your superior or your spouse).


7. “That sounds great, but I just can’t put one more thing on my calendar for the next few weeks. Let me call you ___ (specific time range).”


Sometimes you might get a proposal, an idea or a request that sounds interesting. But considering the amount of tasks on your to-do list, you do not feel like taking another commitment just yet.

有时你可能会得到一个有趣的提议、想法或请求。但考虑到你任务清单上的内容, 你可能不想做出其他承诺。

In this case, instead of saying a straight out “No”, you are giving yourself time to reflect before making a final decision: “Let me call you ___ (specific time range).”

在这种情况下,与其直接说“不”, 不如争取时间想想再做决定:“等我在__时(具体的时间范围内)打电话通知你。”

However, if you are not interested, do not leave the person hanging on. Use other ways to say “No” that are more definitive (e.g. methods #1,#2 or #3). It is more disappointing when the person is counting on you and you let them down.




