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雅思口语, 中间停顿会对分数有影响吗,今天小编给大家带来雅思口语中间停顿会对分数有影响吗,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思口语 中间停顿会对分数有影响吗




这肯定是没有办法避免的,例如大将雅思话题变成中文,而后又使用中文回答,这样肯定是可以完全“没有停顿”吗? 显然在大多数情况下不现实。

另外还为了语言的“真实度”和让考官相信答案的“原创度”, 合理的犹豫停顿也是有必要的。



1.Do you do housework at home?

I always keep my own bedroom clean, and help my mother with the other housework

2.Do you think men and women should share housework?

Yes, I do. If both the husband and wife are working, then they should share the housework. However, if the man is working and the woman is looking after the house, then the house work should be her responsibility

3.What kinds of housework do you dislike to do?

I really hate ironing. I have burned myself so many times while ironing, and I find it really frustrating to try and get the clothes to look really good. I always end up feeling very hot and bothered

4.Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?

Yes, but not all that much. I would keep my room clean, and help to wash the dishes after eating, but that was about it.

雅思口语part1新题范文:Video game

1.Do you play video games?

No, I really do not like playing video games, I find them annoying.

2.What kinds of video games do you like to play?

I do not play, but the only game I have tried and liked is Mario Bros, that is quite fun.

3.Is it good for young people to play video games?

I do not think it is good for young people to play video games as much as they do. Anything in moderation is fine, but some of my friends are completely addicted to playing, and play for hours and hours. This is not good for their eyesight, and they do not move around enough. I still believe young people should play outside, and do sports


1.How often do you buy shoes?

I am not very keen on shopping, and am very careful with my money. I therefore only buy shoes when I really need them. Maybe the ones I have are falling apart, or I need some particular shoes for a special event.

2.Have you ever bought shoes online?

No I have not. I do not think it is a good idea, as I like to try shoes on, and walk around in them to see if they feel comfortable. If you buy them online, you cannot do that, and there is a risk they will not feel right.

3.Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Yes, I have a friend who absolutely loves buying shoes. She has so many pairs, and changes shoes every day. I do not know how many she has, but I know it is a lot!

4.What’s your favorite type of shoes?

I like wearing anything that is comfortable. Usually I wear either boots, or sneakers.


Describe an interesting tourist attraction

You should say

Where it is

What you can do there

And explain why you think it is interesting


Ok then, well the tourist attraction that I’d like to talk to you about is West Lake, which is here in Hangzhou. And I apologize if you’ve already heard a lot of other candidates talk about it, but out of all the tourist attractions I know, West Lake is the one I’m most familiar with, and I really do think it lives up to its reputation as being one of the most beautiful lakes in China.

But anyway, as for where it is, well as I mentioned just now, it’s here in Hangzhou, but to be more specific, it’s actually right in the heart of the city, so um… yeah, it’s very accessible, and also very easy to find. For example, it’s only, like, a five-minute taxi ride from the train station, and you can also get the subway there.

And um… regarding what you can do there, well, a good way to take in all the scenery is to just wander around the lake. And there are also quite a few teahouses dotted around the lake, some more expensive than others, I might add, so if you do go to one, it’s a good idea to take a quick look at the prices before you sit down and make yourself comfortable, otherwise you might be in for a bit of a shock!

What else? Um..…. Oh yeah, of course, you can go on a boat on the lake, and if it’s your first time there, then it’s something you should definitely do, because I’d say it’s probably the best way to experience the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.

So yeah, it’s a really interesting place to visit, and if you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely go if you ever have the chance!


lives up to - If someone or something lives up to what they are expected to be, they are as good as they are expected to be.

right in the heart of the city – in the centre of the city (地方、位置或时间)准确地,恰当地,精确地 You can use “right” to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something)

it’s very accessible -易到达的(If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it)

take in the scenery -看风景

dotted around -散落 (If things are dotted around a place, they can be found in many different parts of that place.)

I might add - 我应该补充一下

make yourself comfortable - 让自己舒服些

you might be in for a bit of a shock - 你可能会大吃一惊!

tourist attraction



