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雅思口语考试 如何巧妙背答案?

1 语速



我们以基础题必考话题之一的social networking sites来大家举个例子好了。When did you start to use social networking sites?

Let me see. Um, it was probably six or seven years ago, when I was in high school. Back then, we had a popular networking site among students, called Renren, which was sort of like the Chinese equivalent of Facebook. However, it wasn’t managed well, so I started to use wechat a couple of years ago. It's a real game-changer. Everyone has shifted to Wechat and its friends circle, I mean, everyone, literally.

一般来说,需要回忆的内容,我们显然是要慢一些说的,比如Let me see; um, 还有具体的数字,例如6 or 7 years. 还有要强调的内容,比如it's a real game-changer; I mean, everyone, literally 等,我们的语速同样要放慢,因为这是我们情绪和感受的体现。但是如果是背诵的话,估计就不会有这些正常的语速变化了~

2 停顿

我/今天/去星巴克/点了/一杯美式咖啡。按照中文的逻辑,这个肯定是按照意群来停顿了。如果有个人这样说话:我今/天去星巴/克点了一杯美式咖/啡。这样的话烤鸭们也会觉得有点难受吧,这人显然不知道自己在说什么。英文里面也是这样:I went to Starbucks/ and ordered an Americano,/which is my Dad's favorite,/ as well as mine.越是长的句子,背诵痕迹也会越明显。正确的做法是:在一个语块后面停顿,还有在要强调的重读单词后面停顿。

3 发音和语调

见过很多背诵的烤鸭,他们的发音问题也是蛮明显的。因为背诵的时候,烤鸭估计只认准一个点,那就是“这个是高分的,我能背下来就好了,不用管那么多!”所以有些单词的动名词形式发音不一样(eg: present);过去式现在时长得一样,但是发音不同(eg:read);还有一些比较饶舌的单词(eg: characteristic) 估计烤鸭blabla全部一股脑背过去,错了也不管~ 真是当考官吃素的...(maybe真有一两个vegetarian)如果一个单词,尤其是长单词,你的发音很吃力,或者出现多次错误,考官会认为这是考前临时背诵的,并不是你平时英语表达会使用的词汇。

还有就是语调,考官最反感的就是robotic tone, 从头到尾像机器人一样一个语调。就像前面说的,人一激动,语速会变快,而声调的起伏也一样会起变化。就好像我们中文里面,讲到些开心,激动的事情,会不由自主地升调;讲到伤心,沮丧的事情,会降调一样~ 你说话的时候语调一成不变,又不是在播新闻联播,考官怎么可能不怀疑~


除了语速之外,答题思路也是考官判定你是否背诵的一个渠道。最容易出现背诵痕迹的主要有两点:1. 前后矛盾;2. 文不对题。比如说,在基础题Sport 的话题的时候,烤鸭可能说了自己不喜欢运动;但是到了卡片题An article you read online or from magazines about healthy living,或者An activity you do to keep fit的时候,自己又变成了健身狂人~ 这种难道不是前后矛盾么?另外文不对题也有这个情况,尤其是P3部分,很多问题都是考官即兴提问的,因此很多烤鸭自作聪明,把考官的问题rephrase成自己准备过的话题,硬往准备过的内容上拉。这种生拉硬拽,加上考官对你语速还有语音语调等方面的考察,很可能就会判定你为背诵了~

5 语言风格

如果你的表达特别“written English”,也很可能被判定为背诵。这个现象在基础题尤为明显。很多同学的习惯是,看到话题就把自己的答案“写”下来。无论你是5-6分的考生,还是7-8分的考生,“写”出来的东西肯定比“说”出来的东西要formal很多。背了“写”好的范例,肯定会让考官感觉很不自然。这也就是为什么真正厉害的雅思口语老师在给大家准备范例的时候都是直接答题,把录音转换为文字,再润色。如果你有提前准备范例的习惯,不妨按照这个方法来试试。


这一点,应该就不必多说了。虽然口语考试是要以你的语言水平为标准,但是毕竟也是一个主观考试。考试时边说边望天,望地,望窗外,低头扣手的,考官都会认为你有可能是在背诵。想要让自己看上去自然些、真诚些,就看着考官的眼睛(太紧张就看他鼻子)。另外也要适当加一些肢体语言,比如你说到it is this big, 说到this big的时候可以用手比划一下“这么大”。此外,一般来说,如果你是有交流欲望的话,身体都会稍稍前倾,表示对谈话有兴趣or自己有很多内容要表达的~ 这些细节烤鸭们也要留意下~

1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:sth you eat at first time


Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time.

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how you felt about it

Sample answer:

I’d like to talk about the experience when I first ate stinky tofu, which is a pretty popular Chinese snack that you can get basically from any snack bar. Anyway, you can tell from its name that it has an unpleasant smell, which used to make me wanna puke. I mean, every time I walked past a snack bar that sells stinky tofu, I would be disgusted by the horrible smell. And also, it is deep-fired, which is not good for my health and skin, so I never wanted to try it.

However, once I played truth or dare with a bunch of friends, and they dared me to take a bite of stinky tofu. I was reluctant, but at the same time, I didn’t want to be called a party-pooper, so I went outside and get myself a cube of stinky tofu. I struggled for a while, and I have to say, it was really hard to hold my breath for that long. Finally, I summoned up the courage and take a bite. Surprisingly, it tasted amazingly good! It was crisp outside, and tender inside, besides, they had this incredibly palatable sauce, which made it all the more savory. I just fell in love with it at first bite, right now, even only the thought of it can make my mouth water. I remember I bought 2 boxes of them that day, and I ate them all without sharing with my friends. The smell almost killed them, but I really had a blast.

Since then, I tried quite a few things that I’d never thought of eating before, like spiders, sashimi and stuff like that. And I realize my preconception has stopped me from eating many kinds of delish food, so I feel that I missed out on a lot of fun in the past.



1. Hometown,

你现在住在哪里? 你的家乡在哪里? 目前在学习什么?

2. Major:

What’s your major ? why did you choose the major ?

3. Work/study :

Do you study or work ? Do you need to work very hard ? what do you after work ?

4. TV program

Do you like watching TV? What’s your favorite TV program ? what are the benefits of watching TV?

5. House/apartment ,

Do you live in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window ? 还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?Do you others visit your home ? what do you usually do when visitor come ?

6. Color:

你最喜欢什么颜色? 为什么? 你儿童时期喜欢什么颜色? 你会用什么颜色装饰房间?

7. Outdoor activities

你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?

8. Sunny day /rainy day :

Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days ? what do you usually do during sunny days ?

9. Swimming:

喜欢游泳吗? 为什么? 自己游泳还是别人一起? 一周几次? Do you like go swimming on holiday ?

10. Healthy sport


11. Photo

Do you like taking photos ? what’s your favorite photo ? would you like to be a photographer ?

12. Gift:

送花作为礼物么? 礼物需要贵重吗?

13. Hat

Do you wear hats ? did you wear hat when you were a child ?

14. Bring things

What bring when go out ? bring different things in day and night ? 会什么时候出去》 白天还是晚上? 出去一般做什么? Even forgotten to bring sth.?

15. Living :

Which part do you live in China? Do you like where you live ? Would you like to live in south of China in the future ?

16. Toy :

小时候玩的玩具是啥? 玩玩具的好处是啥?

17. Subject:

高中最喜欢的科目是啥? 最不喜欢的科目?

18. Shoes:

Do you like shoes ? 会网购鞋子么? 鞋子是好看重要还是舒服重要? 你知道有些人大量购买鞋子么? Will people willing to pay for an expensive shoes ?

19. Music :

音乐乐器难学么?儿童需要有音乐课在学校么? 音乐课对儿童的影响? Do you learn any music instrument ? Do you have any music classes in school ? Do you think it is necessary for children to have music class ?

20. Game:

打游戏么? 手游还是电脑游戏? 喜欢什么游戏? 年轻人打游戏好吗?

21. School :


22: Living city:

是否喜欢这个城市? 以后还想住在这里么? 你觉得这个城市的交通系统是否方便? 你喜欢用公共交通工具么? 用公共交通坐过的最长的旅程是多久?

22. Watch


23. Book reading :

Do you love reading ? Do you prefer to borrow books or buy books ?

24: Dream

Do you remember you dream when you wake up ? do you like hearing other’s dream ? do you think dream will affect life ? why ? do you want to learn more about dream ?

25: Robots

Are you interested in robots ? why ? Do you like robots to work at your home ? Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver ?

24. Friends

你和你朋友业余时间做什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好? 下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么? Why or why not ?

25. Teachers:

最喜欢的老师是谁? 想做老师么?what qualities a good teacher should have ?

26. Holiday

你喜欢的holiday 是啥? Why ? 你在假期用来干什么?

27. Magazine :

喜欢看杂志么? 喜欢买杂志还是借?为什么?

30: Housework

会不会做家务? 什么类型的? 你小时候会做家务么? 你觉得小孩子应该做家务么?

31 . Mirror looking

你经常照镜子么? 经常买镜子么? 你认为镜子是一个必要的装饰品吗?

32. Public transport

你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行么?

33. Celebrity

Who is your favorite celebrity in China ? Do you like any foreign celebrities ? Would you like to be a celebrity in the future ? whether we should protect famous person ‘s privacy ?

Part 2

People 人物篇

1. Describe an experience you spend time with a child ( what did you do, when did you do, how do you feel) P3: how to teach children ? Is sweet a god thing to reward them ?

2. Describe an interesting neighbor (描述一个有趣的邻居) P3:邻里关系咋样? 住在大城市和乡村的区别? 怎么改善邻里关系?

3. Describe a famous person you are interested in (描述一个你感兴趣的名人) P3: 名人应该有隐私Privacy ? 如何成名? 你们国家有钱人是谁? 对于人们来讲,有钱是很重要的事么?

4. Describe two people you know from the same family (描述你认识的两个来自同一个家庭的人) P3: 家庭对中国人来说重要么? 家庭生活过去和现在有什么不同在中国? 老人和孩子一起生活好么? 如果家庭成员性格不一样怎么办?

5. Describe an important family member who has great influence to you (描述家庭成员里对你影响大的重要的一位(who, 对你做了什么事影响大, 这件事在哪里发生) P3: 待更新.

objects 物品篇

1. Describe sth. Old kept for along time in your family (描述你家中保存的一个旧物品) P3: 博物馆有什么作用?

2. Describe a gift you received (描述你收到的礼物) P3: 是否送过同样的礼物给别人?送给小孩子应该挑什么礼物? 你觉得什么是有教育意义的礼物呢? 为什么人们现在收到一些礼物不如以前开心了?

3. Describe a book you want to read again (描述你想再看一次的书) P3: 为什么父母要给孩子读故事? 中国人小时候读什么书?

4. Describe an important object in your home ( 描述家里珍贵的物品) P3: 机器有没有用,是不是所有机器都是必要的? 老年人对机器的看法? 未来有什么机器》 你觉得机器人有没有必要?

5. Describe a foreign food you ate before (描述一种你吃过的外国食品) (是什么,什么时候吃,在哪里吃,为什么要吃它)Part 3 待更新

Places & Buildings 地点&建筑篇

1. Describe a quiet place (描述一个安静的地方). Part 3: 什么地方没有噪音,生产噪音的原因是啥?

2. Describe a tall building (描述一个高的建筑) P3: 住tall building的优缺点? 气候对建筑设计的影响? 为什么每个人都喜欢设计房子?

3. Describe a tourist attraction ( destination) 描述一个旅游景点 P3: 问一大堆旅游的问题.

4. Describe a country you want to work for a short period of time (描述你想工作的一个国家) P3:什么类型工作适合国外短期工作? 去International company 需要什么技能? 小孩去国外工作好吗》? Why ?

5. Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited (描述一个你访问过的有趣房子或公寓) ( where,whose home, why you go there , why it is so interesting ) P3: Why people want to move from new buildings ?

6. Describe a shop open in your hometown (描述你们家乡的一个商店)P3: 什么类型的shop 在中国受欢迎? 中国是否应该保护那些小商店?

7. Describe a sports place in your town (描述你们城市的一个运动场所)P3: 为什么人们喜欢看国际体育比赛?

Event & Experiences 事件&经历篇

1. Describe sth. You are waiting for (描述一件你正在等待的事情). Part 3: 等待好么? 耐心. 人们每天都在等什么? 每天有什么事情需要等待?人们比过去要有耐心么?

2. Describe an interesting bicycle /car trip (描述一有趣的乘车的旅行) p3: bicycle and motor bicycle 的选择,为什么选择,城市交通和农村交通的区别?

3. Describe a special meal you want to have (你想有的特殊的一顿饭) P3: 好的酒店服务需要什么? 是否不同季节要吃不同的东西?

4. Describe a time you saw a wild animal (描述你见过的野生动物)P3: 对动物园该不该发表建议和观点? 游客该不该给动物园喂食?

5. Describe an event in history in your country /Describe an important event in your country(描述你们国家的一个历史事件/国家的一重要事件) P3: Do you like history ? History museum useful ? Should museum be free? 未来的博物馆会有现在的什么物品作为文物? Should private person build museum ? How show lives 2000 years ago in the museums ?

6. Describe a holiday you want to have in the future P3: 国人最喜欢的旅行地是哪? 旅行者对当地的人民生活影响是啥?

7. Describe a decision you disagreed with (who, what decision, have you told her or him, explain why you disagree) P3: 青少年有哪些艰难决定要做? 没做好决定的话有什么坏的影响? 怎么做好决定?如何使用这些方法? 为啥有些人还是不用这些方法? 为什么有人用了这些方法还是没做好决定? 还有啥其它决定年轻人应该自己做?

8. Describe an experience in countryside (什么时候去的,和谁去,去做什么,然后为什么是enjoyable )(描述一下你在乡村度过的美好一天) P3: 为什么有人愿意留在农村? 乡村和城市有什么不同? 现在的乡村跟过去比有什么不同?

9. Describe an unforgettable experience (描述一次难忘的经历)(时间,地点,为什么记忆深刻)P3: 待更新.

10. Describe a plan which is irrelevant to your work and study (描述一个跟你工作和学业无关的人生规划) P3: 你认为人们每天需要做的计划是什么? 你喜欢做计划么? 有些人不喜欢做计划,为什么?你觉得大多数人能完成他们的Plan 吗? 什么愿意呢? 你觉得人应该有Plan 还是做喜欢做的? 年轻人考虑工作的原因? 家庭对选择工作的影响? Salary 对工作的影响?

11. Describe your experience on good service , a shop or restaurant ( when , where, what, how is you feeling) (描述一个经历的好的服务) P3: Service in large shop and small shop different ? how people do when they get bad service ? why some people don’t know what service is good ?

12. Describe unusual activities you did in free time (sth. You didn’t often to do) (描述你业余时间做的不同寻常的活动) P3: 男女之间Free time 差异是啥? 以前的人和现在的人free time 数量差异,做的事情的差异是什么? Children free time做什么?

13. Describe a time when something made you laugh (描述让你发笑的一次经历) (what it was , when and where, who was with you, and explain why you remember it) P3: Is comedy popular in China? Are there any other form of comedy beside the comedy on TV? What are the differences between comedies in books and those on TV? Why comedy is used as advertisements ?

14. Describe a wedding you attended (描述你参加过的一个婚礼) ( who, when, ) P3: 什么年龄结婚最好? Why?

Social Media & Entertainment 社会媒体&娱乐篇:

1. Describe an expensive sport you want to learn (描述你想学的昂贵的体育)P3:你对一夜暴富的看法?

2. Describe a well-paid job you are good at (描述一个你擅长的高薪工作) P3:为什么有些工作工资高? 政府工作能赚非法钱么? 人民工资有高有底公平么? 工资高的人会lazy吗?

3. Describe a website you know (描述你知道的一个网站( how do you know ? 多经常去看这个website, why) P3:你觉得年轻人适合的上网年龄是几岁? 网络在几岁的年龄段最流行? 除了刚说的那个website还有什么吗? 觉得应该多上网么?

4. Describe a movie you like (描述一你喜欢的电影) P3: How to make a movie ? Does the billions of cost of movie is a waste ? 年轻人老年人喜欢什么电影? 喜不喜欢黑白电影?

5. Describe an activity that you feel excited (描述你感觉兴奋的一个活动) P3: Is it good for people to try news things ? why people today love to dangerous activities ? why some people are afraid to try new things ? what help do people need when they are trying new things ?

6. Describe an interesting tradition in your country (描述一个你们国家的有趣传统) P3: 中国哪个节日更重要? 人们对节日的态度有没变化? 人们生活方式有什么改变?

7. Describe an exciting activity but expensive ( 描述一个刺激又昂贵的活动) P3: 男女对于exciting的选择是啥?

8. Describe a song you like (描述你喜欢的一首歌)

9. Describe an ads you have seen recently (描述你最近看的一个广告) Part3 : 广告一般如何吸引人? 广告对小孩有影响么? 为什么选择广告专业? 你认为中国的广告行业发展怎么样? 你认为为什么外国企业要进入中国市场?

1月变题季雅思口语P2预测范文:person who once moved to live with you

Topic:Describe a person who once moved to live with you.

You should say:

when and where this person moved in

how you know this person

how you got along with this person.

and how you feel about living with this person.

Sample answer:

Well, I once lived with a good friend when I was just graduated from university and rented an apartment with two bedrooms just near where I worked. He was a good guy and got alone well with me since we knew each other in the school. He asked if I would like to live with him so that we could share the rent and I thought it would be perfect to live with him because we were good friends and trusted each other.

He found me firstly when he needed some players in his team to attend the school football league in the university. And we found some more hobbies in common such as travelling and photography, so we became good friends and spent lots of time together.

We worked in the different companies so we had lots of working experiences to share at home, and he was a good cook too, so I could enjoy delicious food when back home at night. And we agreed to tidy up the room in turn so that our apartment was always clean. So I think living with him is quite enjoyable because we could share lots of things together, but did not have to worry about bothering each other in the daily life.



