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托福综合口语是从第三到第六题的部分。综合题由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。




第四题是普遍认为最难的一题,但记好一个技巧:“阅读找概念,听力找例子”,由于此学术题是由同一个人出的,听力内容肯定跟着阅读内容走,而且思路都是一样的,因此读细阅读对听力的理解相当有帮助,就如Animal Domestication 这道经典题作为例子,阅读中谈到了三个话题:有些动物不容易被驯养,动物是否容易被驯养和它的territory(T)有关,动物是否容易被驯养和它的 social structure(S)有关。因此就光看阅读,我们可以揣测出既然是动物的驯化,“动物”一定是听力中的例子,结合阅读的第一个话题,有些动物不容易被驯养,那么有些动物就容易被驯养,可以模拟出如果找例子,一般而言肯定是两类动物,一个容易,一个不容易。再结合阅读中第二个及第三个话题,可以揣测出是否容易被驯养和分别和这类动物的T 和S 有关,从阅读中我们可以了解到“没有T,有S”更容易被驯养,那么听力中我们要去寻找的就是作者是如何用例子阐述某类动物是“没有T,有S”或“有T,没有S”的。找到例子,结合阅读提出的话题概念,最后整合成口语表述内容。


第五题是综合题中相对最简单的一道,因为第二题已经反复练习了Choice 的考法,无非是多了听力,但第五题难度表现在20s 准备时间里,要求对听力内容及Choice 大致信息的构建,技巧在Choice 理由的选择上,由于此时题目未要求采用Choice 题中preference, A/D, 还是comparison 题型,建议采用comparison 题型构建思路,也就是支持自己观点的同时,对反对观点也进行陈述。分别找一个理由就够了,这样就能省下很多的准备时间。


第六题考点很复杂,因此去琢磨考什么没有意义,而更多去思考怎么考。一般而言,第六题往往是从两个或三个角度出发阐述问题,因此听力之前大致思维路线就要清楚,仍然注重example 的记录,对不理解或听不懂的内容仍然采用怎么来怎么可回去的方式答题,切不可盲目替换。


1. Describe a person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response.

2. Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response.

3. Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Explain how this person influenced your life. Give specific reasons and details to support your explanation.

4. Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response.

5. Describe a person whom you would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about?

6. Describe a special friend in your childhood, why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response.

7. Describe an elder person that you respect. This person could be one of your grandparents or neighbors. Explain why you admire this person,and how this person influenced you.

8. Describe the person to whom you would like to turn for advice when you are in trouble. And explain why you would like to turn to this person for advice?

9. Describe your favorite performer or musician. Explain why you like this performer or musician most. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

10. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good leader? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these qualities are important.

11. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

12. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good teacher? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

13. In your opinion, what are some important qualities of a good team member? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this characteristic is important.

14. In your opinion, what are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

15. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion,what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

16. Which do you think is the most important quality of a strong friendship: loyalty,honesty or sense of humor? Explain why? Please include details and examples in your response.


1. It takes me three clear / cleanly days. 它花了我整整三天时间。

2. There are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class. 我们班有五十余人。

3. The total expense amount to a hundred dollars. 全部费用合计100 美元。

4. We were fifteen, all told. 我们一共十五人。

5. The delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters. 代表团共十五人,包括两名翻译在内。

6. There were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children. 出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。

7. We take a rest at intervals of two hours. 我们每隔两小时休息一次。

8. I ask you to teach me every other day. 我请你每隔一天来教我。

9. Beijing is ten times as big as my home town. 北京有我的家乡十个那么大。

10. The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth. 太阳是个庞大的炽燃火球,比地球大一百多万倍。

11. By comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in 2003 increased (to) 3.5 times. 与1992年相比,这个国家2003年对外贸易总额增加了2.5 倍(增加到3.5 倍)。

12. That table measures three feet by three. 那张桌子三英尺长,三英尺宽。

13. He valued the house for me at 500 pounds. 这房子他替我作价为三千五百镑。

14. His coat is rated at 20 yuan. 他的大衣值价二十元。

15. The job was finished at a sitting (a stretch). 这工作一下子(一口气)就做完了

托福口语:形容闲适生活的Butterfly idleness


…an entirely new phase of existence——a butterfly idleness; Nothing to do, nobody to be responsible to, and untroubled with financial uneasiness...San Francisco was Paradise to me. I lived at the best hotel, exhibited my clothes in the most conspicuous places, infested the opera...I spend money with a free hand, and meantime watched the stock sales with an interested eye.

首句中Butterfly idleness就是说他自己“清闲得如同蝴蝶一样”。类似这样的修辞手法很多,但是是我们自己创造不出来的,但是却可以通过参考别人的托福口语表达方式来丰富自己的词汇资源。


...actually seldom do I have free time because I spend much time in working and learning. Learning is a life-long process. I learn music, language, and movie. Nevertheless, occasionally, I enjoy the butterfly idleness. It is an entirely new phase of existence. However, I am not the one who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth so I dare not to spend the money with a free hand...

现在来看,Butterfly idleness这个短语用来在托福口语中表达休闲生活是非常恰当而又形象的,相信考官在看到这个短语的时候就一定能在脑海中勾勒出你描述给他的画面。大家一起来记Butterfly idleness吧。



