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In the early 19th century the fur industry reached what was then known as the Oregon Territories. Lewis and Clark found massive numbers of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout there, swimming among the beaver dams scattered across the Columbia River Basin.

But in an effort to starve American interests, Canada's Hudson's Bay Company tried to create a "fur desert" by killing off as many fur-bearing animals as they could. As a result, beavers had all but disappeared from the area by the year 1900. And once the beavers and their dams were gone, fish populations dropped.

Today, steelhead trout numbers in the region continue to fall. But scientists and government agencies are working to restore their habitats.

"We're looking for restoration approaches in these areas to recover ESA-listed species, but we really don't know what works and what doesn't." Nick Bouwes of the environmental consulting firm Eco Logical Research and Utah State University.

He says that the U.S. spends a billion dollars each year to restore watersheds, but without any real empirical information to guide those efforts. So Bouwes and his team tested the idea that by helping beavers, they could help the fish.

Dams naturally alter the flow of streams, providing fish with a variety of suitable habitats. But the watersheds have become so degraded that there's not enough woody vegetation available for the beavers to build strong dams. The flimsy ones they do build get washed away whenever there's a big storm.

"The idea was, can we reinforce these dams so that they maintain their integrity during high flows, and can be maintained by beavers to capture that sediment, to reconnect that floodplain?"

For seven years, the researchers compared Bridge Creek, which had lots of artificially strengthened dams, to Murderer's Creek, which had none. And in Bridge Creek, the fish flourished—despite the view held by some that beaver dams are bad for fish. The results are in the journal Scientific Reports.

"Beavers, they're really good at making a mess of a system, and it's that messiness that's exactly what we're looking for, by creating more complex fish habitat."

And costing just $11,000 for each kilometer of stream, artificial dam reinforcements are much cheaper than conventional restoration methods—since the beavers do most of the work for us. And that is a dam good deal.








七年来,研究者将有过很多人工加固水坝经历的Bridge Creek与没有人工加固水坝经历的Murderer's Creek,相比较。虽然有观点认为海狸水坝对鱼类有害,不过在Bridge Creek,鱼类大量繁殖起来。这项研究成果刊登在《科学》杂志上。




1. kill off 全部杀死;灭绝;

例句:his spray will kill off any pests or insects.


2. as a result 结果;后果;

例句:As a result, daily output has doubled.


3. wash away 冲垮;冲走;

例句:Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan.


4. be good at 擅长的;精通的;能干的;

例句:I'm pretty good at water skiing.



Mars is a planet of outsized splendor. Despite being only half as big and a tenth as heavy as Earth, it bears the solar system’s tallest mountain, longest canyon and largest crater. At 22 and 12 kilometers wide, however, its inner moon Phobos and outer moon Deimos are figurative small potatoes. Scientists suspect both formed much as Earth’s single large moon did, from a massive debris disk ejected into orbit by a giant impact eons ago. But if Mars’s moons formed like Earth’s, why are they so very much smaller?

The answer may be that they did not form alone. New simulations from Pascal Rosenblatt of the Royal Observatory of Belgium and colleagues show how the debris disk from a giant impact on Mars could have generated additional moons a few hundreds of kilometers in size. After forming in the dense inner regions of the disk, those larger moons would have stirred the disk’s sparser outer reaches, allowing smaller companions like Phobos and Deimos to coalesce from the ripples. The study appears in the journal Nature Geoscience.


In this scenario, the reason we only see Phobos and Deimos today is that the bigger moons were destroyed a few million years after their formation. Their low, fast orbits outpaced Mars’s rotation, creating a tidal pull that sent them spiraling down to crash into the planet (Earth’s moon, by contrast, orbited slower than our planet’s rotation, allowing it to spiral outward and survive). Future investigations could test the new hypothesis by looking for clusters of Martian craters produced by the infalling moons, but in the meantime, proof that Mars can kill its companions is right before our eyes: The orbit of Deimos is stable, but Phobos is in a death spiral, losing two centimeters of altitude per year to Mars’s tidal pull. It will plunge into the planet in 20 million to 40 million years, leaving lonely, far-out Deimos as the last vestige of what may have been a once-mighty system of Martian moons.

For Scientific American — 60-Second Science Science. I'm Lee Billings.





1. by contrast 相比之下;与…相反;

例句:The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.


2. look for 寻找,寻求;

例句:You can look for the book in the library catalogue.


3. in the meantime 在此期间;其间;

例句:In the meantime the sky is turning clear.




