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雅思大作文:research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential

雅思大作文题目:Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improving health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Medical advancement like new drugs and therapies have been improving the average longevity of citizens and both their phyical and mental well-being, so a massive amount of funds have been and would be continously poured into this field. This essay discusses whether the fundings should originate from ordinary people, major coporations or governments.

Individuals, or the general public to be precise, perform little in medical progress. This fact should be widely acknowledged although this group is the major one that enjoys the achievements on health care. That is mainly because any one kind of new medicines requires time and money that is way beyond any single citizen’s affordability compared with the other two parities mentioned.

Business markets, in comparison, play a vital role on this issue. Businessmen can better detect and meet the needs of people – patients in this context – and they are able to invest greater capital in the pursuing latter higher profits. This strong incentive can bring along fresh treatments and a series of new drugs in the short term. However, the patented medical products with high prices can inflict greater pain for the lower class, which is the root of growing health disparities in the global context. Simply put, health care should not be regarded as a commercial activity but a social obligation.

Governments should take over this mission and cover the most costs. Their obligations, a well-argued and decided issue, are to organize social assets and to invest into fields that benefit people amid the general development. Moreover, the authority occupying greater statistical resources can better decide in which particular disease or diseases should the fundings be invested to help the majority or the immediate. Yet, it is to admit that tax revenue for these scientific researches may be ended up in vain as all the progress have based on numerous failures.

To sum up, I believe that major global companies and governments can both be the main investors on these projects whereas some tradeoffs can be implemented to benefit virtually all citizens, like regulation on price fixing and supervision on the distribution of government fundings.

雅思大作文:children are allowed to play on computers and tablets

雅思大作文题目:More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In the ear of advanced technology, the use of computers has been expanded into many walks of life; gradually, the educational function is targeted within the group of patients who attach more expectations on creating a better studying environment for their descendants. But following is the controversial opinion which believes the significance of negative impacts.

The revolution brought by computers and tablets also changes the traditional concept of education especially for parents who used to believe that the schooling is the only proper way to learn, while, due to the multi-function in a variety of applicants, such electronic devices have been regarded as an efficient alternative to acquire more knowledge even during playing games. Besides, the vivid animation and simplified explanations attract youngsters’ attention easily, by which they can remember a lot of new things and the duration is considerable.

However, the disadvantages are looming. The top concern for the public is that most researches have reflected the addiction of playing rather than learning; although the apps contain something educational, the main purpose is entertaining; as a result, they could never satisfy the need of a great amount of knowledge students should have, and unless the enough supervision and guidance are provided, what they do is just a waste of time. Meanwhile, the healthy problem also should be taken into consideration. There is a common knowledge that staring at the shinning screen frequently could affect the youth’s eyesight, which can be more seriously when using the portable Ipads on the moving vehicles or walking.

In conclusion, we cannot ignore the effectiveness of applying computer and tablets into education field, which actually would be a useful tool, but parents need to understand the drawbacks and give sufficient support for their children.

雅思大作文:drug companies have the responsibility to help the poorer countries

雅思大作文题目:Some people say that drug companies have the responsibility to spend money on researching medicine to help the poorer countries,others think the main responsibility of drug companies is making money. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Nowadays, people attach more importance on health due to the increase of the cost on treatment. Whether the medical companies should take some social responsibility has raised a fierce discussion in the society, for which I reckon the answer is yes.

It is obvious that, in some cases, companies especially the national or multinational enterprises play as an leader not only in promoting the local economy, but also the spiritual aspect, where their intangible impact comes from, and that is more significant for medical industry, because the area is close to the public’s life. Such corporations have the ability, including distributing the fund and technology, to put more efforts in improving health for the poverty who can be beneficial immediately, so that it is efficient to improve the healthy level among the whole society. At the same time, following the action, the positive reputation can be achieved, which could be effective to enlarge their influence within the citizens who would take the priority over other brand.

However, the nature for the companies is to get more profits, which cannot be overlooked by other purposes, and the more money they earn, the more contribution they can make for the economy of the society. Meanwhile, the expenditure invested in the research and development of new drugs is enormous; if the profits are not guaranteed, the future of their career could be threatened, as well as the incomes for the employees, the consequence and the burden of which would be more serious especially when the companies are small-scaled.

In conclusion, although the difficulties and worries are looming in front all the medical corporations, it is worth taking the responsibility of creating a better living environment for the community where they are located to achieve a long-term win-win situation.



