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首先,口语作为一个输出的学科,是最能体现学生的语言功底的,所以大家目标分是23+的尽量不要去套用某某网站或者资料书的大众模板,要自己改动一下,变成自己的专有模板,才能在考官哪里体现出来考生的creativity。比如 :口语的task1,2 的模板,最烂大街的莫过于:I prefer/ like…for the following two reasons. The first one is that….the second one is that….这个考官听的很boring了,他们也有审美疲劳的时候,所以,可以开头句多样化一些,比如题干是talk about a person you admire? 回答可以是well,Steve Jobs came to my mind when we talk about role models… actually, I am really into his talent towards designing…besides, why not talking about his generosity… 这样的开头很独特又自然,可以shock 一下考官,所以自然比I prefer这种开头句好太多的了。

其次, task 3,5 的答题模板也可以遵循上述法则,不要落入俗套,除非你的目标分数是20分,各种模板都能在听力能力,表达能力不错的情况下保证这个成绩的。要拿到23+,那么独特性又来了。首先,注意task 3 的模板可以直接以对话者的态度开头,比如: the girl strongly opposes with the plan that… especially, she doesn’t believe 阅读的point1,…. And also,she doubts that…这种句式顺下来文章的主题内容就可以了,如果阅读和听力是一致的内容,把opposes,doesn’t believe,doubts,换成 supports, believe,trust就可以了。另外,Task 5 的模板比较复杂一些,可以表明问题以后就阐述自己的立场, 比如: the problem is that.. I do recommend her to choose the 1st solution which is …, because…这里尽力阐述这样做的好处是什么,自己脑补,不要原文给的信息。接着阐述缺点是什么的,even though she worries that…所选方案的缺点是什么这里表明,but I think it is not a big deal, she can…这里要表明怎么解决这个问题,比如:缺钱的问题,去借或者打工都可以的。剩下有时间就说一下不选的方案有什么缺点,没时间就不讲不选的方案了。

最后,简单说一下task4 和 task6,这两个题目偏学术,没有固定的模板可以遵循,就看听力的能力怎么样,能听懂完整的版本,就顺着 听力内容讲:比如: task 4,切题回答,题目问using the prof‘s eg to explain reactance? 模板就是reactance means…for eg…听力中的故事顺下来就可以了。 不要加in the reading , it says… 等字眼,太刻板的。除此之外,task6 的题目也是一样切题回答,题干: using the professor’s example to explain 2 advantages of franchising?回答: the first advantage is that… for example, the second advantage is that… such as…



Task 4

题目文章中介绍的词是autogenic succession, 意思大概是通过群落对环境的反作用使环境条件发生变化,由于这些变化了的条件的作用形成了新的群落而引起演替。听力中用了松树(pine tree)作为例子,最开始森林里非常的dry,阳光又充足, 松树长得就特别好,这时候松针(needle)就开始掉了,然后积攒在地上,然后土就变得非湿了。而且当松树长得特别好的时候,松树的shade会挡住阳光,这时候就非常适合oak tree生长了



The autogenic succession means where the plant community causes the environment to change and this modification drives the succession. The professor talked about the pine trees in the forest. At the beginning, the forest was full of the sunlight and the soil was dry, so the pine trees were especially good. Then the needles started to fall and build up on the ground so that the soil became moisture; also, the pine trees' shade started to block the sunlight, the whole ground became shady. Contrary to the beginning, the whole environment started to be more suitable for oak trees.


Task 3

题目阅读文章部分学校说要组织学校学生当志愿者去清理操场垃圾,一年一次,听力中女生不同意,第一因为没有那么脏,其实有人在打扫,整个还在控制范围之内,再弄新的poster的时候可以把旧的也打扫了。 第二点, 学生来学校是学习的,不是来打扫的,学校应该花钱顾一些专业人员来干这事。



The school decided to ask students to clean up trash on the ground once a year as volunteers. The female student totally disagrees with it. The first point is actually it is not that messy. Somebody has been cleaning up and the whole situation was under controlled . And she also mentions that when students put up the new posters, they could take care of the old ones. Besides, the female thinks all the students come to school to learn, not cleaning up the campus, so that the school should use money to hire some professionals to do it, not the students.



