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Task1 - Describe what you were like when you started attending school.

3月26日托福口语Task1 - Describe what you were like when you started attending school.

Task 1.

Do you like the primary school you attended. Use examples and details to support your explanation.




I was six when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn. It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and teachers were serious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and I never cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyed Chinese class the most, the teacher would encourage us to act out the stories we’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends. Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse,it was more of a game for us rather than just words and textbooks.



I wassix when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn.It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and teachers wereserious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and Inever cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyedChinese class the most, the teacher would encourage us to act out the storieswe’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends.Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse,it was more of a game for usrather than just words and textbooks.


Well, I like my primary school a lot, and I had a lot of precious memory there. Actually, it was a pretty small school, and the students were from the same neighborhood. Our parents knew each other very well, and everybody knows everybody else. I had a strong sense of belonging to the school, and we were very emotionally bonded with each other. Teachers there were very attentive to the students, they were more than just teachers, they were like friends. Since the atmosphere was easygoing and friendly, the student were willing to attend class discussion, and we all enjoyed going to school.


8月27日托福独立口语Task 2:do you agree or disagree that students should learn to draw or paint

8月27日托福口语Task2 – Do you agree or disagree: children should learn to draw or paint?



Task 2参考答案:

I agree with the statement, coz first, they offers students a good way to release pressure; nowadays students are under a huge amount of school work pressure, like we have to take classes almost 8 hours, and deal with endless exam and class assignments; painting or drawing definitely offers a good way to blow off steam or unwind; also, it helps students to enhance artistic taste and offer the needed inspirations, like sometimes when I am stuck in math, a short period of immersion in painting will refresh my mind and help me to crack the problem.


Sample Response:

I agree with the statement. First, painting and drawing offers a chance for young children to unwind a little bit. I mean, most students in China study at least for eight hours and they have to deal with tons of academic tasks each single day, like papers, group projects and exams. They need some interesting staff like painting to refresh their mind. For the ones who are not good at these classes, they can relax and enjoy the stories about some famous painters, musicians. And for those who have gift in such areas can fully develop their personal talent and learn some basic drawing skills, which can help them to be prepared if they wanna major in art when they go to college.



