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考官态度问题:有考官在考试过程中表现的很不耐烦、考生才回答几个字就打断,考官声音太小、语速太快、疑似睡觉、面瘫等负面表现,且以上表现直接影响到考生考试的发挥,或者考官缺乏专业性,明显没按正常流程来(比如考试时间太短或太长,而一般正常考试时间是11到14分钟),或者part 2没有给1分钟准备等等这些情况,我们都是建议投诉的,并且投诉成功的概率会比较高。




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收件人: 英国文化教育协会

地址: 北京市朝阳区东三环北路8号亮马河大厦办公楼1座7层, 100004

电话: +86 (0)10 8591 9000(服务时间:周一到周五:09:00 – 17:00)


Describe an application you often use on your phone or computer.

You should say:

What it is

When you started to use it

Why you often use it

And explain how you feel about it

An app that I always use is a photo app that makes your photos look more beautiful, or adds fancy or amusing images to your pictures – sometimes even animations. This app is quite fun and popular for a number of reasons. Sometimes I use it to make myself look younger, with smoother skin or a nicer skin tone – especially if I am a bit blotchy or spotty in a photo! On other occasions I use it to add little cartoon stars or images to my photos to make my friends laugh or create an amusing effect. The animations you can add to photos with this app are quite cool as well. For example you can choose a Ming Dynasty headdress and the app will actually follow you around in a video so it looks like you’re really wearing it. It kind of stays on your head, so to speak. This kind of video animation is really quite funny and a lot of young people like it. I guess I started using it a few years ago when it first came out, and everyone was really excited about it. To be honest I don’t use the app as much nowadays as I used to – I sort of got bored of it when the novelty wore of. It’s that kind of thing – it’s sort of a gimmick really – you have fun with it for a while, but then you lose interest. So, now I use it a lot less. I still use the beautifying features though so I can look better in photos that I share with friends or on my WeChat moments.

Part 3

1. Which phone app is the most popular one in your country?

WeChat is the most popular phone app in my country, by far. It has become our main communication tool, and people even use it to send work documents – so it has functions and features that are useful way beyond just chatting with friends. It also has a pay feature which connects to your bank account, so you can use it to pay for things quickly and efficiently in stores.

2. Do you think parents should limit the time that their children spend on phones?

Most definitely – some kids spend way too much time staring at their phone screens, playing games, messing around on apps. These things can cause children to become anti-social, to ignore human face-to-face interaction in favour of chatting to friends or playing games on the phone. Children really need to be disciplined in this regard and given time-limits when they are allowed to play on computer games or phones.

3. Do you think people rely on phone apps too much?

Yes, I do think so. In my country so much is done through apps now, and actually I find it quite frustrating to have to do everything with an app. Although it has some benefits and can make certain things quicker and easier and more efficient, it can also be problematic and often these apps don’t work properly, or you get into problems when you change your phone number, and things like this.

4. What kind of apps might help people to study?

There are a lot of educational apps available these days, for children of all ages, and for adults too. Language apps, mathematics apps – all sorts. Some of them are very good, and because they are way more engaging than books, and interactive, so sometimes they are better for learning than the more traditional methods.


Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.

You should say:

Who or what made the noise

What the noise was like

What you did when you heard the noise

And explain how you feel about it

Well, I am quite sensitive to noise, actually, so I can think of quite a lot of things that make a lot of noise, or have made a lot of noise on occasions when it has irritated me. In fact, the one time that really sticks in my mind is when I was studying for my final exams, just days before the exams, and they decided to renovate a building right next to our dormitory. All day, and for some hours at night there was a terrible noise of mechanical diggers, drilling, vehicles moving soil and bricks and rubble, and workmen shouting and banging. I was really angry, actually, because I really couldn’t concentrate at all. It went on for several days – scraping noises, digging noises, machine noises, the sound of banging. It seemed endless. When you live in a city, or a place which is developing quickly, there are always projects like this going on and it can be really annoying when you need peace and quiet to study, or relax or even sleep!! I am pretty sensitive to noise, you see, and I have a fairly quiet disposition, so these things are a real test of my patience!


1. What places are noisy? Can you give some examples?

Cities are usually noisy places, at least big cities. Most cities in my country have a high population and huge roads to accommodate all the traffic, so there’s a lot of traffic noise in the central areas of the cities. If you live near an airport then you have to suffer the noise of planes flying overhead day and night… Perhaps also if you live near to a school, then at certain times of the day there’ll be a lot of noise – screaming children running around shouting and playing and having fun!

2. What can happen if a neighbor or family member insists on listening to music really loudly all the time?

Haha, well most people will get really bothered by this kind of thing. I don’t think anyone likes their personal space to be invaded by other people’s music, especially if it’s loud and aggressive music like heavy metal. If it is something like light classical music then it might be bearable, or even very pleasant, but most family members or neighbours would complain if someone played loud music all the time. Maybe if it were occasional, then that wouldn’t be an issue. It also depends how sensitive people are. Some people are more tolerant to noise than others.

3. What might be the dangers of listening to music with earphones when running or walking in the street?

Well, this is a curious question because there are quite a few examples of people running, jogging or walking down the street and crossing a road while listening to music on headphones, and getting hit by a motorbike or scooter simply because they haven’t heard the noise of the engine, or the beeping of the horn – and because the motorbike rider didn’t know they couldn’t hear the horn beeping as they tried to warn them. Especially today with these small wireless headphones – you often don’t know that the person cannot hear you, because you don’t know they’re wearing earphones or headphones.

4. What can be done to reduce traffic noise?

Well, there are a few measures that I think are often used to reduce traffic noise in cities. One is prohibiting people from using their horns on main roads through residential areas, another is constructing barriers by the sides of major roads to prevent the noise getting into residential communities nearby. I also heard that some car manufacturers are building cars that are increasingly quiet on the roads.

5. Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?

Not really. I think that the world will be much quieter than it is today because of the kind of technological advances that are being made to reduce noise, and also because people are becoming more sensitive to noise and value personal space more than in the past.



