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part1. 生活日常(Daily conversation)

Answer with length

Daily conversation部分基本涉及的都是和我们日常生活相关的话题。如兴趣爱好,学习生活,家乡学校以及家庭等等。有的时候问题可能考生觉得只需一个字就可以回答完成了,但如果在考场上真的这样做了,最后得到的成绩肯定是不会高的。因为雅思口语考试考察的是考生的英语水平,而单个词的回答或者是短句的回答很难体现考生的英语水平,更深层次上来说,其实给考官的感觉应该是该考生英语水平有限,所以无法组织有效的语言来让对话往下进行。所以考生需要注意的就是在回答一些尽管用是或者不是就可以完成的题目时,尽量给出有一定的长度的答案(简单回答 + details)。这里的detail可以是原因,也可以是具体的例证也可以是补充的相关信息。举个例子,在兴趣爱好范围中考官问到:

Examiner: Do you like playing sports? (你喜欢运动吗?)

如果考生只是回答yes I do或者no I don't都是不合适的。怎么做到让自己的回答有长度有内容呢?我们需要加入具体的细节。喜欢什么样的运动以及喜欢这些运动的原因或者为什么不喜欢运动的原因都可以作为加长回答的内容。所以以下的回答就会显得更加适宜,更能展现考生的实际口语水平:

Candidate: No, I don't really enjoy playing sports. I am more into watching it than doing it cos I do not like being all sweaty after physical exercise. I much prefer staying fresh and smell-free.(不,我并不喜欢运动。相较而言我更喜欢观看运动比赛而不是亲身上阵。我不喜欢运动完以后浑身臭汗淋漓的感觉。我更偏向于保持清爽干净。)

Use native expressions

中国考生在口语考试或者日常交际中常常显得生硬死板的原因通常是我们运用的词汇或者是表达方式都是从教科书里生搬硬套下来的。比如问好,我们最常用的就是“How are you? I am fine, thank you, and you?”。实际上可以运用的表达方式有很多,比如 “ how are you doing?” “how is it going?” “how have you been?” “what's up?”。这些表达方式都是我们可以在美剧英剧或者好莱坞电影里听到看到的实例。我们其实都知道,但是却让它们沉睡在我们的脑海里没有重见天日的一天。所以大家需要更留心,在观看英语电影电视,收听英语广播歌曲的时候,注意native speakers使用的是什么样的表达方式,句型结构,什么样的词汇构成,然后运用在自己的身上。长此以往,对提高自己的英文表达能力肯定用不小的助力。

part2.个人陈述(Individual presentation)

Be layered and organized

Individual long run也是我们熟知的话题卡部分。考官给考生一张话题卡以及一分钟准备时间,之后考生需要根据此话题卡做一个1-2分钟的独自描述。在描述过程中需要注意做到主次清晰逻辑清楚。以以下的话题卡为例:

Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

and explain why this person influenced you so much.

怎么做到逻辑清楚呢?我们可以根据话题卡上提示的小问题来构建自己的回答。where you met them? “well, I guess the teacher who influenced me the most is my maths teacher from middle school.”这里我们其实已经把第二个小问题也回答了。但是我们还没有进行进一步的描述,所以借鉴之前提到的simple answer + details的技巧,我们可以在这里做出更深入更细节化的描述。比如“he is an average looking guy with no particularly worth-mentioning feature, like everybody you walk by everyday without giving a second look”,从外貌入手介绍此人,之后可以过渡到他给你留下的印象,“at first i was not really fond of him cos i had little interest in maths. It always seemed boring and tedious to me and i was never good at it, however, he managed to turn me around by…”,这里可以通过讲述一个故事来突出他是如何扭转你的态度并给你带来何种影响的。他的特殊性以及对你的影响应该就是最后画龙点睛的部分了。可以通过描述你之前现在的变化来突出他对你影响之深远。当我们把以上内容串联起来之后就会发现我们的层次和逻辑都清楚了。切记在第二部分考生一定要保持思路清晰,逻辑分明,不要给考官思路混乱有什么说什么的杂乱的感觉。

part3.双向讨论(Two way discussion)

Brain storming


Compare the importance of facilities and equipments with the importance of good teachers. (比较设备和教师在教学中的重要性。)


观点:teachers are more important.

理由:facilities and equipments are a nice addition to the process of teaching and learning but they are lifeless and can only do so much as to help students learn. A good teacher is hard to come by and when we do, the influence the teacher has on students is enormous and hard to quantify, and I do not think I can say the same about the tools.













雅思口语part1答案解析:Stay up late

1. Do you often stay up late?

Yes. I often stay up quite late at night. Usually after midnight – either because I am studying or because I am lying in bed reading on my phone, chatting or watching TV series.

2. What do you do when you stay up late?

I sometimes just stay awake chatting to friends on my phone, reading novels, or following my favourite TV shows. Occasionally I stay up late because I’m out with friends on the weekend – you know, at a bar, or club or KTV or something like that.

3. How do you feel when you have stayed up late the night before?

I usually feel okay if I’ve had a good lie in bed in the morning. But if I have to get up early the following day I feel over-tired, bleary-eyed and not mentally sharp enough. It can take me too long to properly wake up. I don’t like this feeling, so I tend to only stay up late if I know I can have a long lie in bed the following day.


Describe a sentence or a few words you like from a poem or a song.

You should say:

What it is

How you know this poem or song

Why you like this poem or song

And explain how you feel about this sentence or a few words

Oh this is a tough question! But the one that really stands out in my mind is the line from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’. To me this line is very meaningful and it’s clear what the poet is trying to say. Although it is painful to love someone, then lose them, through separation or death, the process of being in love with someone, being at their side, and sharing love, the struggles of love, too, is better to have experienced, than have not experienced at all. He’s basically saying that despite the suffering, we learn things from intimate experiences in life, and those things can make us stronger people. They build our character, they increase our empathy and understanding of others, and they make us the people we are today. If you hide away from experiences in life, simply to shelter yourself and keep ‘safe’ from hurt or danger, then you will never really be a strong person with a profound understanding of life and human nature. Like most lines of poems and songs, you can interpret this one in different ways, and expand on its meaning. This is something I really like about poems. They are often open to varying interpretations. I think most people are drawn to poems about love and relationships, because these things form the foundations of passion and struggle in our lives, and also these things are the things that confuse us too. Matters of the heart are always hard to deal with, sometimes troubling, and we are all left wondering in our marriages or relationships “is this really worth it? Is it worth the struggle and conflict of personalities being with this person?” – for many relationships involve a degree of conflict, difference of opinion, arguments and strife about differing values and life decisions, and we all think, if we are honest with ourselves “is this really worth it!? It could be easier if I were alone!!’ This quote by Tennyson is a reminder of the value of what we learn from relationships, and even failed relationships or those in which a partner sadly dies. And, therefore on several levels it resonates with me and is meaningful.


1. Do you think children are interested in learning songs and poems?

I think that children are particularly attracted to songs and poems, actually. I think a lot of kids’ learning involves music, songs and rhymes. This is because it helps vocabulary and ideas stick in their heads, as well as, of course, being entertaining. Children like learning with movement, song and dance, and enjoy being actively engaged in things with other children. Songs provide this, especially if combined with movements, gestures and dance. Performance is a great way to learn and I am a strong believer in performance art being incorporated into curriculums for children in school – it makes them feel encouraged, engaged in the learning materials, and active and happy at the same time. Learning certainly should be much more focused on songs and musical activities in my opinion. Kids find it inspiring – actually, adults do too!

2. Do you think it is easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults?

I think it depends. Some adults are really into songs and poems and can pick up the words really quickly, too. So, I think it depends on the level of motivation. But, in general I reckon that children are more willing to sing and get involved in group performance than adults. Adults can be a bit shy and find these things intimidating, so I think that can prevent them wanting to get into these things, and therefore they aren’t so willing, and because they’re not so willing, they are less likely to remember words of songs and poems if they’re pushed. Having said this, I think most adults remember the words of their favourite songs, the songs they play a lot on headphones or so.

3. What kind of things do you think we can learn from poems?

Poems are like pieces of art in writing. They are expressions of sentiments, emotions, feelings and also descriptions of real life scenes, scenarios and situations. We can learn a lot from poems, and there are a huge variety of different types of poems too – from the more simple and easily-understandable nature poems, to the more deep and mysterious, more abstract poetry. It depends how we approach poems. I once was involved in a poetry class with an American teacher in university and she took us through the history or poetry in the USA over a period of around 100 years, and this was really fascinating. I was especially drawn to the more abstract and radical poets of the Beat Generation, who used irregular rhyme-schemes and approached more daring topics and themes. But, there’s a lot of good and interesting poetry in the world, and I think there are all sorts or types of poetry that are worth learning a little bit about.

4. How can we know the maid idea that the writer or composer wants to convey from a poem or song?

Usually a song is easier to understand, especially a pop song, and the meaning is quite clear from the lyrics, but some poems are more obscure and difficult to understand at first. It really depends, there’s a huge variety of different types of songs and poems in the world, and some are really literal and easy to understand, whilst others are more mysterious and less transparent in their meanings – full of metaphors and other literary devices that convey meaning in a more subtle way – a way that is harder to initially grasp and understand. When I studied poetry in school I found the older poems harder to understand because the language is a bit different than modern poems and because people are more keen to hide the meanings in lots of imagery and metaphor. Whilst, in contrast, modern pop songs are designed for the masses, written so that anyone can easily understand the meanings very clearly. So, this is one example of a stark contrast between words that are easy to understand and words that are harder to understand in poems an,d songs!



