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我也是后来得知,上午的时候考官头脑会清醒一点,其实要比下午的时间好,下午易犯困,不仅是考官,可能作为考生也不能快速思考考官问的part 3的问题,所以强烈建议大家选上午。





我觉得,雅思口语考试时候适当加手势等肢体语言,但不要过多。我在说话说到兴奋的时候就会有很多的手势,考part 2 的时候我讲的特别来劲,就看到考官在看我空中肆意挥舞的手…有手势会帮助自己思考帮助自己丰富说话内容,但过多的动作可能会分散到考官的注意力,导致听漏一两句话。

想要雅思口语更加地道,推荐大家平时多看美剧。我给大家推荐一个美剧“Modern Family”,这是我之前的口语老师推荐给我的。这部剧其实我早就看过,只是在她推荐后发现这部剧确实很适合准备雅思,因为它会有演员面对镜头诉说想法的片段,而且讨论的事情非常贴近生活,对于词汇句型和语感都很有帮助。






比如说, 在刚开始练习的时候可以说:What? I don’t believe it! You must be kidding! wow, this is interesting. 这样很短表示语气和短评论的句子,不要怕别人说你装,自己考完就解放啦;下一阶段就可以把句子的内容扩展一下,说长句子,比如well…I really like it, but you know, I can’t …可以在不能快速反应出英语句子的时候说中文(中英文掺杂);


在说一个雅思口语话题时,思路一定要快,话题尽量联系生活,讲自己熟悉同时考官感兴趣的内容。给大家举个我考试的例子,part 3的时候考官问了我一个问题,你觉得现在中国和国外的电视剧的差别在哪。我当时的第一想法就是advanced thoughts,因为我出国的原因就是因为这个,国外的思想要更加开放一些。

我从电视剧讲到生活中,讲起电视剧对人的现实生活的影响,同时也反映了当时社会的思想水平。他问我这个advanced thoughts具体指的是什么,(当不好描述的时候建议大家举例子),我就举了个例子“离婚”,我说在国外如果我觉得我和你在一起不开心不想再和你一起生活的时候,我们就可以选择离婚,不会影响亲朋好友对我们的看法,也不会影响我们的事业。

当我说了一些之后,考官说你知道吗?在上个世纪89十年代,美国的电视剧里是不让说“divorce”这个词的,男性女性要分开坐,我说 really?他说是然后又给我说了一些,我就很惊讶,然后说我们也有过那样的时候,他说 yeah, I know.


雅思口语话题进行中的时候,一定不要停。即使自己脑子里一片空白,也要用一些万能句子才填充沉默,well it’s a good question, I thought… but then I…有时候也可以将自己的思考过程说出来。或者在想不到准确的词的时候,可以用其他词代替或者对其进行描述。

我的老师给我举了一个例子,比如你想说西兰花(broccoli),但你忘了怎么说,就可以说 it’s a vegetable, you know, which looks like a little tree.这就是一个比较有趣的描述,还能打破寂静。


Describe a time when a family member asked you for help.

You should say:

When it was

Who asked you for help

How you helped him or her

And explain how you felt about this experience

I recall a time when my younger cousin wanted my help with a maths test he had during the summer holidays. We were staying at my auntie’s house in the countryside, and he had been given lots of homework to tackle during the vacation. He was quite overloaded with homework actually – like a lot of kids in China today. Anyway, so he was having real trouble with this maths test, and when I looked at it I was shocked! It was genuinely really difficult. I’m actually pretty good at mathematics and almost always got high scores in it, so I was able to help him quite well, although I had to really think hard about it. I think that children today are pushed too hard in their studies… in fact I don’t remember tackling such difficult maths problems when I was his age. Anyway, I enjoyed helping him, and I tried not to just do it all for him, I tried to guide him through the workings of each problem so that he could learn to do it himself next time he was presented with a test or exam in school. I really enjoy helping people, because it also raises one’s own self-esteem. Helping people is very rewarding, in fact. So I felt really good about this, and because I also want to be a teacher when I’m older, I tried to think of the best ways to teach him at the same time as helping him. Also, I get quite bored at my auntie’s during the holidays, so it was a good way to spend a few days!

Part 3

1. What can children help parents with?

Children can help parents with all number of domestic tasks actually – from washing up to cleaning, to sorting out messy areas of the house. My younger sister is often asked by my mother to help tidy her bedroom, arrange her books and toys neatly on the shelves and in boxes, and things like this. I think it’s healthy and useful that children learn to help out in the home at a young age, and it teaches them a sense of organization and discipline.

2. Should parents reward children when they help others?

Yes, parents should at least recognize the good deed and praise it. I’m not an advocate of children being spoilt or rewarded with lots of gifts or sweets, but I am a strong believer in children being positively encouraged, and what we call “positive reinforcement” when they do something well. Praising children for doing something correctly, or doing a good deed, is an important part of the education process.

3. Do parents help children because they need their children when they are old?

Yes, to some extent. Whether this is conscious or unconscious I am not sure, but it most definitely is a motivation in a lot of cases. Especially in more traditional families. Parents need to rely on their children when they get older, and so I think in the back of many parent’s minds, they think that if they take good care of their children, their children will do the same for them when they are older.


Describe a risk you’ve taken which has a positive result.

You should say:

What it was

Why you took it

What the result was

And explain how you felt about this experience

A risk that I took, which I am actually a bit ashamed of in retrospect, was the time when a friend and I, when we were kids, stole some sweets from a store in my grandma’s hometown. I know, it was a bad thing to do – but I think all kids do things like this occasionally. At the time we had run out of money and really wanted some sweets – we waited for the shopkeeper to leave the shop to go get his lunch, then we quietly crept into the shop, went behind the counter and took some sweets from big jars that were on the shelf at the back. Just as we had taken the sweets, we heard the bell on the door ring, and he was coming back into the shop! The owner had come back really quickly! We dashed through a back door into the store cupboard and we hid there for a short time. Then suddenly a dog started barking!! And the owner came into the back room and saw us there hiding behind some boxes! He was really angry, and asked us to empty our pockets, which we did, and he saw we had stolen a few sweets. He immediately marched us across town to my grandmother’s house, and both of them gave us a huge scolding. That night my grandmother refused to speak to me and for several days after she was really livid – saying we had damaged her good reputation in the village, and made her family lose face. She made me go back to the shop the following day and give the shopkeeper a gift of wine, and offer a more formal apology. I learned a lot from this risk – and although we were just kids having a bit of fun and being naughty, I realized soon after that there are wider implications to this kind of behavior. Anyway, that’s my strongest memory of a risk that I took – and I got myself caught in the act of!!


1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

I think that energetic and adventurous people enjoy doing challenging sports or more extreme sports. It gives them a sense of great excitement to take on challenges, risks and push their minds and bodies to the limits. Some people get a real kick out of these kinds of activities – an adrenaline rush – and a sense of pride and achievement.

2. Are action films popular in your country?

Films are really popular. People watch a lot of Hollywood action movies, superhero movies and there is also a strong, growing film industry in my country – we are making some fantastic movies these days, though I think that in recent years the storylines are becoming a bit weak and predicatable in favour of special effects.

3. Do you think it is a good thing that a leader likes taking risks?

Yes, it’s not just a good thing, but it’s essential. It’s a key quality in a good leader – risk-taking. And knowing what risks to take and what risks to avoid – this is where a leader must be well-informed, smart and have a bigger-picture vision of a situation, whether it be with a project at work, or a big political decision.

4. Do you think men and women would make different choices when facing a risk?

It depends on the individual, I’m not sure it depends on gender that much. It’s hard to say. I’ve not seen any real research or data on this, so I can’t say for sure. I think that they might have slightly different approaches to risk though – though off the top of my head I am not really sure I can think of a good example. I’d say that men tend to be more impulsive, which can be a good and a bad quality, whereas women might be better at assessing a risk more carefully.



