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1 Work/Study 工作/学习


· Do you work or are you student?

· What’s you major?

· What‘s your favourite subject?

· Who do you think are more important to your study, classmates or teachers?

· Why did you choose this kind of work?

· Will you continue doing this type of work in the future?


攻略:别以为这是让你填表,问一句答一句。考官提问的目的是invite you to talk, 所以别以为Do you work or are you a student 就是让你二选一,选出来就完事了。

在回答完I am a student 之后再进一步补充一下。œ I am currently doing my Bachelor’s degree in .x university. OR I am a third year undergrad from x. university.

同理,what's your major? 也别只说My major is accounting. 四个单词能看出什么语言表达能力?所以接着补一两句:...and basically what we do is we study ...as well as ...虽然基础题每一题答题时间短,尤其是每一组基础题的前1-2个话题,但是我们决不能给出仅有一句话的回答。


it's a well-rounded major 很全面的学科;

one of the most heavily recruited areas 招聘量最大的领域之一;

lays a solid foundation for...为将来打好基础,;

hold a great deal of pressure 学习或工作压力很大。


2The City You live/Hometown 居住的城市/家乡


· Where is your hometown?

· Which town or city do you live in now?

· How long have you lived in that place?

· Are there many tourist sights around your city?

· Do you think your hometown is a suitable place for children to live?



œ比如说考官问的第一个问题是Where is your hometown? 大家看看这样的回答怎么样?My hometown is the city of ., which is located in the northwest of x.Province. œSurrounded by Han River to the north and the moat on other sides, my hometown has won the reputation of"an iron-built city". In addition, as a world-renowned historicalcity, it is surrounded with many old but well-preserved walls, which were used to protect the city from military attacks and floods. 再配上朗读般的抑扬顿挫,简直就是背的嘛。第一题就让考官感觉你是背好了,后面的问题他不刁难你才怪呢。

对于where is your hometown 这样的问题,你应该给出更加personal的回答。比如:My hometown is .x, which is a mid-scaled city in . province. It's about x hours drive from where we are now (OR from BJ/SH). 简单直接的告诉了考官我的家乡叫什么,在哪个省,规模如何,以及直观的告诉他我的家乡距离我们现在所处的位置有多远(如果太远,可以以大家熟悉的城市为坐标)。要知道基础题的出题规则,问题是由浅入深出现的,后面考官会继续跟你聊你的家乡或所居住城市的优缺点和细节问题的。


3 accommodation 住处


· Can you tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in?

· How long have you lived there?

· What's your favorite room in your home?

· What are the benefits and drawbacks of the kind of housing you live in?

· What facilities are there near your home?

· In the future, what sort of house would you like to live in?

对比前面两组,这一组话题出现的频率会低一些。很多同学估计会喘口气,毕竟看到这个话题的单词那么长,生理上就排斥。 而且,思考自己住处的空间布局要花一点时间,害怕考官觉得自己是在搜索背诵过的内容,太纠结!

攻略:关于这题,建议烤鸭们一定要提前练习 看看考官一般都会针对这个话题如何进行拓展提问。

当然,因为作为PART 1的开头部分,也不会太刁难大家。不会需要烤鸭用一些非常特殊的专有名词来作答。所以,烤鸭们在回答这组话题的时候,结合生活的实际情景来回答便可。

比如说:What are the benefits and drawbacks of the kind of housing you live in? 烤鸭们不用从什么房屋设计啊,物业管理呀这些角度去想。直接从大家比较熟悉的方便程度和空间感来说就好。

Well, the biggest advantage of living in a flat would be its convenience. You know the living facilities around flats are generally much more comprehensive as compared to houses, I mean, there are normally convenient stores, hospitals, schools and public transportation near flats. However, living in a flat could be less comfortable than a house because it's usually much less spacious.


分类 话题名称 新题 Describe a historical event from your country

Describe an interesting neighbour of yours

interesting house or apartment you visited 有趣的住家

Describe a decision you disagree with

Describe a family member you are proud of骄傲家人

enjoyable experience you had in the countryside 乡村妙遇

Describe the weather you like最爱天气

Describe a newly-opened shop

Describe a quiet place

Describe a foreign food you ate

Describe a book that you want to read again

experience that you're not allowed to use your phone 禁用手机

雅思口语Part2话题范文:a decision made by others that you disagreed with

You should say:

What the decision was

How it was made

What you disagreed with

And explain why you disagreed with it


We all have to make decisions from time to time.Some decisions are agreed upon by all, whereas some decisions are not liked by all.

Here, I would like to talk about a decision, which was made by my two friends Raman and Sunder, when we were in 10th class. They decided to bunk school and go to watch a movie in a multiplex.I disagreed strongly. First of all, the idea of bunking school did not seem right to me. Then, going for a movie without parents’ permission was out of question as far as my thinking was concerned.I advised them to go for the movie on a Sunday, in the morning show, after taking permission from our parents. But they were adamant, and were forcing me also to accompany them.I was in a dilemma, as I did not want to disappoint my friends.But, my father is very strict.I knew that if he found out, he would be very upset and may even not talk to me for days.I could not even bear to think of that.So, I said a firm no to my friends and again tried to dissuade them from bunkingschool. They, however, did not agree and went for the movie. I remember, I felt very light at heart for not going with them.I cannot even think of lying to my parents, or hiding anything from them.So, this was the decision made by my friends which I did not like.

雅思口语Part2话题及范文:a good service from a company or shop

An occasion you received a good service from a company or shop接受的好的服务

You should say:

who provided the service

when you received the service

who was with you at the time

and explain how you felt about receiving the service.


I’d like to tell you about a recent purchase I made and the service I received which I thought was outstanding.

I bought a necklace from a small online shop that I found whilst surfing the net. It wasn’t a shop that I had bought things from before so I was slightly apprehensive about it. The shop didn’t have a wide range of gold jewellery but what it had was unique in style without doubt.

So, about three weeks ago, I selected a gold necklace to buy from this shop and within just three days it arrived through the post. The delivery came beautifully wrapped in fine Japanese style wrapping paper along with a gift voucher for a discount on my next order. I was truly impressed with the care that had been taken in wrapping it and the personal note that also came with it. But what impressed me the most was the free gift that arrived as well. I wasn’t expecting that at all. Along with my necklace was a matching bracelet which was also exquisitely made.

I remember the day it all arrived because my best friend was visiting me at the time. When I opened the parcel, we were amazed at both items of jewellery. My friend immediately went online and put in an order of her own. So, I suppose it goes to show that good customer service has its own rewards.

It’s hard to describe how I felt. Of course, as I said, I was amazed but it was more than that. Life can be tough sometimes and when you get such a lovely, unexpected present, it makes you feel as though anything is possible in the world. I’m pretty sure that small shop will do very well in the future. I know I will certainly order from that shop again.

雅思口语Part2话题及范文:your favourite weather

Describe the weather you like最爱的天气

What it is

What you do

What are the impacts of the weather on you

Introverts in general like the sense of isolation that rain offers. so naturally I love the rain and can spend hours watching it out a window. I sometimes wish that I lived somewhere that gets more rain. The harder it is coming down, the more I like it. Nothing compares to a good old fashioned thunderstorm.

That said, I do not like being in the rain. I like watching the rain. That constant rhythm that is regular only in its randomness is fascinating. Watching it run down windows is equally interesting. The colors all have deeper saturation during the rain. Everything just feels so clean and that fresh earthy smell is like nothing else. Landscapes have a surreal quality after the rain with those wispy clouds giving an added element of depth. Soft drizzle drapes everything in a muted air that inspires a sense of peace while and big pattering raindrops seem like a dance of sorts inviting the imagination to new places.

But it can't be that shitty rain that hurts when it falls because the cold ass wind blew it. No no no. It has to be that kind of thunderstorm where its dark outside even though its 2 in the afternoon, and you don't work that day so you are sitting on your porch with a cup of hot tea and honey.. and there are thick, fat rain drops that fall straight down from the cloud, almost slowly, but enough of them that if you walk out onto the warm smooth sidewalk you'll get soaked in warm rain. Where, while you are sitting on your porch you can feel the little splashes of the rain drops on the top of your feet. And you can smell the rain and see the lightening. When it flashes so bright it lights up your neighborhood for a second and then it goes dark enough that you can see the headlights of cars just trying to go home. Those are my favorite thunderstorms.


What do you wear when it is cold outside?

Why do people need to wear thick cloth when it is cold outside?

Will the weather affect your plan?

When it is rainy outside, how can people go to work?

What it is like when it is rainy?

Why do people wear hats on the sunny days?

What do you think of people who wear the raincoats?



