
减肥新时尚情景对话Unit 03

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  美丽是很多人都喜欢的东西,关于美丽俏佳人的日常对话是怎么样的?以下是小编给大家整理的Unit 04:美丽俏佳人情景对话,希望可以帮到大家

  A: Honey , I had a really successful shopping today.

  A: 亲爱的,我今天逛街感觉真是太爽了。

  B: Why? You look so excited.

  B: 怎么了?这么兴奋?

  A: Ha-ha, let me show you what I've got. Lip glide, lip liner, powder, blush, loose powder, day cream, night cream…

  A: 哈哈,让我给你展示一下今天逛街的成果:唇蜜、唇线笔、粉饼、腮红、散粉、日霜、晚霜……

  B: Sweetheart, wait for a moment. Are you ready to open a beauty salon?

  B: 等等,亲爱的。你打算开家美容院吗?

  A: No.

  A: 没有啊。

  B: But why you bought so many kinds of cosmetics?

  B: 那你为什么买这么多化妆品回来啊?

  A: That's the reason why I feel so excited. I encountered a big sale of cosmetic products today. All products are sold at 50 % discount. How cheap they are!

  A: 这就是我为什么感到兴奋的原因了。我今天碰巧遇到一家店做化妆品促销。全场商品全部五折出售。真是太划算了!

  B: God! I think the cosmetics are the only thing that can drive women crazy. Don't you know wearing make-ups will speed up the aging of your skin?

  B: 天哪!我觉得唯一能让女人疯狂的东西就只有化妆品了。难道你们不知道化妆会加速皮肤老化的吗?

  A: Amy, you look so tired. What happened?

  A: 艾米,你看起来很疲惫啊,怎么了?

  B: I went to sleep too late yesterday.

  B: 我昨天晚上睡得太晚了。

  A: I see. I think you'd better have a good rest tonight. Your skin looks awful.

  A: 哦。我觉得你今天晚上最好能好好休息一下。你的皮肤看上去很糟糕。

  B: You are right. What should I do to my skin?

  B: 是呀。我该拿它怎么办是好啊?

  A: I think, first of all, you should go to bed early every night, since sleep is important to keep your skin healthy.

  A: 我觉得你首先要做的就是每天晚上早点睡觉。因为睡眠对维持皮肤的健康是很重要的。

  B: Fine, I will not stay up too late from now on.

  B: 好的。从现在开始我不再熬夜了。

  A: In addition, I think you should use some skin-care products which are suitable for your skin.

  A: 除此之外,我觉得你应该使用一些适合自己肤质的护肤


  B: Give me an example.

  B: 举个例子吧。

  A: You'd better not use cleansing foam, since your skin is dry.

  A: 你的肤质是干性的,因此最好别使用泡沫型的洗面奶。

  B: It seems that 1 should change another one.

  B: 看起来我得再换一款了。

  A: Well , I will go to the beauty salon tomorrow. Would you like to come with me together? The beautician will give you a detailed guide to take care of your skin.

  A: 对了,我明天要去一趟美容院。你想和我一起去吗?美容师会就相关皮肤护理问题给你一个详细的指导的。

  B: OK.

  B: 好的。



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