
美丽俏佳人情景对话Unit 04

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  确实是谁都有“美”的权利,以下是小编给大家整理的Unit 08:谁都有“美”的权利情景对话,希望可以帮到大家

  A: Lily , what are you doing? Why are you staring at the mirror all the time?

  A : 莉莉,你干什么呢?为什么一直盯着那个镜子看啊?

  B: I just don't understand why my eyes are so small.

  B: 我就是不明白我的眼睛为什么长得这么小呢。

  A: Ha-ha, what are you talking about? They already have been on your face for 23 years.

  A: 哈哈,你在说什么呢?你的眼睛都长在你脸上有23年之久了。

  B: I know. But now, I really want to change them.

  B: 我知道啊。不过现在,我真的想改变一下。

  A: Don't kidding me.

  A: 别开玩笑了。

  B: I'm serious. I want to do the double eyelid surgery.

  B: 我是认真的。我想去做个双眼皮手术。

  A: Are you crazy?

  A: 你疯了吧?

  B: Look at those film stars , they all have beautiful appearances.

  B: 你看那些电影明星们,他们都长得那么漂亮。

  A: But you are just a student now. In addition , what about the surgery expense.

  A: 但是你又不是明星,只是个学生啊。再说,你拿什么付手术费?

  B: I can take some part-time jobs from now on. After all , the cosmetic surgery is becoming cheaper and cheaper.

  B: 我可以从现在开始做些兼职啊。毕竟,整容手术现在越来越便宜了。

  A: OK, whatever.

  A: 那就随你便吧。

  A: Wow! Your eyes look beautiful.

  A: 哇哦!你的眼睛真漂亮。

  B: Thank yoou! I had cosmetic eyelid surgery last month.

  B: 谢谢。我上个月去做了眼险美容手术。

  A: Really? Does that hurt?

  A: 真的吗?手术疼吗?

  B: No. You know, with the advanced medical technology, it' s only a piece of cake.

  B: 不疼。你知道,现在医疗技术这么发达,做这种手术太小儿科了。

  A: That's right. Where did you do the surgery?

  A: 说得没错。你在哪儿做的?

  B: In the center hospital.

  B: 在中心医院。

  A: Does it take a long time to recover?

  A: 术后恢复期长吗?

  B: Just a few days.

  B: 只需要几天时间。

  A: To be honest , I'm always dreaming of double eyelids.

  A: 老实说,我一直很想要个双眼皮。

  B: Well, why don't you do a cosmetic surgery?

  B: 那你为什么不去做呢?

  A: I don't have the courage.

  A: 我一直没勇气去做。

  B: Ðon't worry , it's very safe. Just in a few minutes , you will make your dream come true.

  B: 别担心,手术很安全的。只需要短短几分钟时间,你就可以美梦成真了。

  A: I'll consider it.

  A: 我会考虑一下。



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