GRE词汇记忆要有针对性, 5月最新高频单词一网打尽?下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
GRE词汇记忆要有针对性 5月最新高频单词一网打尽
acknowledged 公认的= recognized 公认的;干扰选项:conceivable 想得到的;可想象的
ambiguous 有歧义的= equivocal 模棱两可的
adroit 灵巧的; 熟练的 = dexterous 敏捷的
assert 断言= insist 坚决认为
bland 淡而无味的= insipid 没有味道的
borrow 抄袭, 擅自取走= appropriate 挪用, 盗用
bucolic 田园生活的= pastoral 田园生活的
disinterested 无私欲的, 公平的= impartial 公平的; 不偏不倚的
elegance 优雅=补充:较难同义字: courtliness, gracefulness, majesty, refinement, stateliness
exemplar 范本, 模范 = model 模范
fortuitous = accidental 偶然的
garrulous = loquacious 喋喋不休的
glean = collect 搜集
imaginable 想象得到的= conceivable 想得到的;可想象的
inconsequential 不合逻辑的, 不重要的= trivial 琐细的, 微不足道的
inexperienced 经验不足的= 较难同义字:puerile, unfledged, unripe, dilettante, jackleg
lethargic 昏睡的, 无生气的 = somnolent 昏昏欲睡的;干扰选项:sluggish 迟钝的, 无精打采的
liquidity 流动性= mutability 易变性
lugubrious = gloomy 阴郁的
nimble = adroit 敏捷的
original 最初旳; 原创的= inventive 善于创造的。同义字:innovative 创新的; 革新的
pacific 爱好和平的= dovish 支持和平主义的
question 问题; 疑问= doubt 怀疑; 疑惑
reasonable 合理的, 适当的, 明理的 = sensible 明智的, 合情理的
rebut 反驳= debate 争论
recondite 深奥的= esoteric 难懂的
soften 变温和= mitigate 减轻, 和缓
sweeping 彻底的= comprehensive 全面的
precursor 先驱者= forerunner 祖先 (讲蝴蝶、青蛙幼年和成熟期的)
stylistically infelicity 文字上不适当 = minor 不重要的(挑文章的毛病,韦氏字典:minor infelicities)
mendacity 虚伪;hypocrisy 伪善, deceit 欺骗 (争议题) 干扰选项: hypocrisy 伪善 mendacity 虚伪= deceit 欺骗
mendacity:1 : the quality or state of being mendacious;2 : lie
mendacious:given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth
hypocrisy: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not especially : the false assumption of an mappearance of virtue or religion
deceit:the act or practice of deceiving : DECEPTION
扎实的词汇功底是需要打持久战的,且熟记单词及其用法是需要在日积月累中不断地重复记忆。俗话说,later is better than never。所以,不要觉得已经晚了,想要开始就永远不会晚。加油吧,同学们,祝你们都可以战胜单词关。
Day 1
1. impudent / imprudent
2. insolent / indolent / redolent
3. witty / witting
4. discernible / discerning
5. exhaustive / exhausted
6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent / advert
7. feckless / reckless
8. mean / mien
9. humdrum / conundrum
10. immune / immure / inure
11. enjoin / adjoin
12. abjure / adjure
13. bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive
14. pertinacious / tenacious
15. endanger / engender
16. intellectual / intelligible / intelligent
17. perquisite / prerequisite
18. passionate / dispassionate / compassionate / impassioned
19. precocity / preciosity
20. apprehend / reprehend / comprehend
21. hearten / hearken
22. enchant / chant
23. rant / cant / scant / dent
24. pithy / filthy
25. coerce / coarse
26. liberal / literal
27. modest / moderate
28. anomaly / analogy
29. lucid / pellucid
30. enigma / stigma
31. censure / censor / census / consensus
32. mount / surmount / paramount / amount / tantamount
33. defy / defer / deter
34. spur / spurn / spurious / spurt
35. disparage / disparate
36. aesthetic / aseptic / ascetic / anesthetic
37. ostensible / ostentatious
38. perspicuous / perspicacious
39. willful / willed / willing
40. forbear / forebear
41. rife / strife / stifle
42. retrench / entrench
43. pejorative / prerogative
44. patent / latent / salient / valiant
45. imminent / preeminent / prominent / eminent
46. loutish / outlandish
47. sprout / spout / flout / pout / tout
48. flout / flaunt
49. apt / opt / adept / adapt / adopt
50. swift / sift / rift / drift / thrift
51. wary / chary / awry
52. ignoble / ignorable
53. glib / glide / gild / goad
54. voracious / veracious
55. ingenuous / ingenious / indigent / indigenous
56. sympathy / apathy / antipathy / pathetic
57. don / doff / dour
58. impervious / imperious / impetuous / imperil
59. reap / heap / leap
60. blandish / brandish
61. vanish / varnish
62. veto / vote
63. viscid / viscous / vicious / vicarious / vivid
64. prodigal / prodigious
65. seethe / soothe
66. trenchant / penchant
67. command / commend / comment
68. accent / ascent / ascend / scent
69. daft / deft / dart
70. woo / woe
71. curb / curt
72. avid / avoid
73. quip / pique
74. savvy / savor
75. brink / brisk
76. glean / glisten / gleam
77. toxic / tonic
78. girth / mirth
79. hazard / haphazard
80. bookish / boorish
81. sage / saga
82. whim / rim / brim /
83. flit / flip / fleet
84. lull / gull / dull
85. rash / rehash
86. grin / chagrin
87. voluble / voluminous
88. virtue / virtual / virus
89. paean / panache / panacea
90. premise / surmise / demise
91. employ / deploy / ploy
92. apposite / opposite
93. object / objection / objective / objectivity
94. lurid / lucid
95. covet / covert / overt
96. stationary / stationery
97. supple / supplement / supplicate
98. binge / hinge / fringe
99. thorough / through / though
100. staple / stable
101. dismiss / remiss
102. contend / consent / constant / content / contempt
103. hunch / bunch / crunch
104. gauche / gaudy
105. meritorious / meretricious
106. blithe / lithe
107. enclose / disclose
108. compliment / complement
109. austere / astute
110. pretentious / tendentious / contentious
111. causal / caustic
112. slight / blight / plight / delight
113. fret / flat / flag
114. daunt / haunt / vaunt / flaunt / saunter / gaunt
115. morbid / moribund / mordant
116. tepid / torpid / turbid / turgid / timid / intrepid /
117. proliferate / prolific / prolix / profligate
118. doubtable / redoubtable
119. impair / repair
120. obtrude / obtuse
121. substantiate / substantial / substance
122. rebuke / rebuff
123. scatter / spatter
124. tether / feather
125. meander / demeanor
126. myopia / myriad
127. disposition / predisposition
128. accede / cede / recede / access
129. congenial / congenital / genial /genesis
130. figment / pigment
131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitious
132. calamity / calumny
133. team / teem
134. callow / callous
135. contrite / contrive / connive