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imperial: 令人惊叹的: large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception

【考法1】adj. 帝国的,帝王的: of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign, especially an emperor or empress

【例】 Imperial College London 帝国理工学院

【近】 kingly, queenly, regal, royal

【考法2】adj. 巨大的,令人惊叹的: large and impressive in size, grandeur, extent, or conception

【例】 envisioned an imperial city that would rival the capitals of Europe for beauty and magnificence 幻想着 一个比欧洲各国首都更为动人和壮丽的巨大城市

【近】 august, epic, glorious, grand, imposing, magnificent, monumental, noble, splendid

【反】 common, humble, inferior, low 低下的,平凡的


imperative: adj. 迫切的: needing immediate attention

【考法1】n. 命令: a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned

【例】 a secretary of defense who was fond of issuing harshly worded imperatives 一个很喜欢发布措辞严厉的命令的国防部长

【近】 command, decree, dictate, direction, directive, instruction, order, word

【考法2】adj. 命令的,强制性的:forcing one's compliance or participation by or as if by law

【例】 requests that grew more and more imperative 命令性越来越强的请求 

【近】 compulsory, forced, involuntary, obligatory, peremptory, required

【反】 optional 可选择的;voluntary 志愿性的

【考法3】adj. 迫切的: needing immediate attention

【例】 an imperative need for medical supplies in the earthquake-ravaged country 地震灾区国家对于医疗物资的迫切需求

【近】 clamant, compelling, critical, crying, emergent, exigent, imperious, importunate, pressing, urgent

【反】 noncritical, unimportant 不重要的

【考法4】adj. 必要的: impossible to do without

【例】 Proper equipment is imperative for the success of this chemical experiment. 合适的仪器是这个化学实验成功必不可少的条件

【近】 indispensable, necessary, necessitous, requisite, vital

【反】 dispensable, inessential, needless, unnecessary 非必须的


desultory: 不连贯的,disconnected; random; lacking in consistency or order

1) lacking connection; aimless; random

2) lacking in relevance

3) marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose 

4) not connected with the main subject

5) disappointing in progress, performance, or quality 6) moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected7) occurring haphazardly; random. chance.

6) aimless haphazard digressing at random

7) moving in a random, directionless manner

8) random; disconnected; rambling

9) jumping from one thing to another; disconnected

desultory <> assiduous, strictly methodical, carefully planned

desultory = random, aimless, casual, haphazard, indiscriminate, unconsidered, unplanned

desultory : plan

The thefts were occurring in a desultory manner making them difficult to track.

The jury had difficulty following the witnesses desultory testimony.


contaminated: 受污染的; polluted

contaminated <> inviolate; pristine; aseptic

purge <> contaminate, adulterate

hedge : loss:: quarantine : contaminate

inviolate: 未亵渎的, 无污点的, 未受侵犯的

tainted: 感染的, 污染的

untainted: 无污点的

aseptic: 洁净的,无菌的,防腐剂,preventing infection; having a cleansing effect


contentious: 好争吵的, 有异议的, 爱争论的; quarrelsome

1) argumentative, combative, quarrelsome, pugnacious, bellicose

2) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits

polemic : contentious

contentious : argue

contentious : quarrel

contentious <> concilliatory

conciliatory <> contentious, belligerent, vexatious, polemical, aggrieved

1. The contentious student was asked to leave the classroom.

2. They hate his contentious behavior because every suggestion they give ends in a fight

polemic : contentious = dirge

contentious : argue = meddle

contentious : quarrel = tenacious : persist

contentious <> concilliatory

conciliatory <> contentious, belligerent, vexatious, polemical, aggrieved








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