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specious adj. 似是而非的

The senator's attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term isspecious given the extremely visible fund-raising activities of his campaign committee

Predictably, he's wary of return-of-premium policies and the specious appeal of getting a 100% refund. FORBES: Making Life Complicated

They accepted specious logic about what limited government means, right up until the bitter end. FORBES: The Real Lessons For The Republicans From The 11/6 Elections

By quitting now, the protesters can plausibly claim, by their lights, a specious moral victory. ECONOMIST: Blair’s big test


ingenuous adj. 真诚的,纯朴的

The charlatan’s seemingly frank and open demeanor was actually a disingenuous means of enlisting his patient`s confidence.

The examination of a few lines clearly proves that the author is ingenuous in the matter he is writing about. FORBES: Is The iPhone Safer Than Google's Android?

Fortunately for those companies, FireEye has an ingenuous way of detecting and preventing attacks the likes of which have never happened before. FORBES: FireEye: Silicon Valley's Hottest Security Start-up

The date he cites as a step toward normalization, 1994, marks the moment when I decided that all talk of normality was ingenuous.


detached adj. 不受感情影响的,公正的

Unlike coworkers who delighted in office gossip, Felicia remained detached, completely indifferent to these matters.

This company is more diversified as it builds single-family detached homes and condos in 28 states. FORBES: Playing The Boom In Active Adult Communities

Distance learning suggests for some a detached, lighter and less serious version of learning.


skullduggery n. 欺骗,做假,诡计

For all its corporate skullduggery, it's hard to deny that Uber has some clever promotions at times.

Now company lawyers have targets on their backs, given accounting requirements under Sarbanes-Oxley, foreign bribery and other corporate skullduggery. FORBES: OutFront

Tri-Alpha has shared some tidbits about its aneutronic fusion technology— see this lengthy PowerPoint deck—but where they really excel is skullduggery. FORBES: Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Russia Join Forces on Nuclear Fusion

Joseph Finder's latest corporate thriller, Power Play, is a finely crafted excursion into the dark heart of executive-suite skullduggery, this time set in an aerospace company.


legitimate adj. 合理的

African American’s discontent during the civil rights movement was legitimate, because they suffered from a lack of freedom and equality.


disavow v. 否认

It is common to see politicians who disavows their earlier principles to suite the current political atmosphere in the country.



