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analgesic adj. 止痛的

Time is an analgesic drug relieving the pain from losing a loved one

The ideal analgesic would provide localised pain relief in small doses with minimal side-effects. ECONOMIST: MONITOR: Magic bullet for pain–killers | The

What we can least afford is the Analgesic State, and the fears that it so dearly indulges. FORBES: The Root Of Our Fiscal Woes

Most of the painkilling effects of codeine are due to some of it being converted to the strong opioid analgesic, morphine.


anatomize v. 分析

After anatomizing the structural framework of the bridge on the digital model, the engineer discovered the flaws in the original design.

We should anatomize this class frog. 这节课我们要解剖青蛙。


Should clinical medicine learn to anatomize ? 临床医学要学解剖吗?。


We can anatomize some of the forms of power that have been most commonly attributed to this greatest English poet. 我们可以剖析一下这种.种,大家通常认为这伟大的英国诗人所具有的力量。


dogmatic adj. 教条的

The religious believer is so dogmatic with his beliefs. He believes his beliefs on marriage and abortion are the only correct ones, and all who disagree are destined to go to hell.

True, the Americans fought the Kaiser's War, but they relapsed thereafter into the most dogmatic neutrality. ECONOMIST: The history of this newspaper

She remains a dogmatic communist, but she accepts that the Shining Path was defeated militarily. ECONOMIST: An attempt to form an extremist party

It is thus a critical and empirical approach, whereas non-economic environmentalism is a dogmatic one.


equitable adj. 平等的

The brothers wanted to reach an equitableagreement. They wanted their solution to be fair and satisfying for both of them.

Equitable—Eliminate rivalry between departments or job types by making the bonus programs fair across your company. FORBES: 8 Secrets To A Perfect Bonus Program

Congress and the President mandated equitable treatment within the ambiguous discretionary limits implied by the statute.


alleviate v. 减缓

Some environmentalists fear that the practices contributing to global warming are so established in industrialized nations that there are no simple ways to alleviate their effects.

As with many financial issues, one way to alleviate some risk is through advanced financial planning. FORBES: How Much Are You Worth?

Nurturing others — raising children, teaching, caring for animals — helps to alleviate loneliness. FORBES: 6 Tips for Battling Loneliness

And wealthy investors can use strategies to alleviate some of the effect of these tax increases


pedantic adj. 说教的

Pink, the host of a TV show that uses hidden cameras to show how real people react to experiments, is an engaging host who references the underlying science without being pedantic or boring his audience.

When Lisa speaks of education for girls, passion emanates in her voice and it is contagious. FORBES: Connecting The Dots For Girl Empowerment In The Bahamas

Then in July came foot-and-mouth, a highly contagious virus that affects cows, sheep and pigs.


pedantic adj. 说教的

Pink, the host of a TV show that uses hidden cameras to show how real people react to experiments, is an engaging host who references the underlying science without being pedantic or boring his audience.

Over it all presided the cool, methodical, pedantic Duch, who took pride in the exactness of his bookkeeping. FORBES: The Goya Of The Cambodian Genocide

As a mere observer, I see my female friends on Facebook engaging in conversations that border on pedantic. FORBES: How Your Twitter Addiction Could Save Your Social Life

Or there is India with its weak state, but much greater accountability and almost pedantic attachment to the law.







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