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adj. 突然的,未预见到的,急躁的,仓促的,快的,迅速的,急剧




all of a sudden的意思是“突然地,出乎意料地”,常用于口语中。也常用on a sudden,意思与all of a sudden相同,但不如all of a sudden正式或常见。


His sudden death upset everybody.他的突然去世使大家深感悲伤。

A sudden smile illuminated her face.突然的微笑使她容光焕发。

She was dazzled by her sudden success.突然的成功使她感到迷惘。


1、"I think I'll try a hypnotist," I said with sudden resolution.


2、He felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment.


3、The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport.



1. bring...to mind 使回忆起,唤起对……的回忆▲The old pictures brought my happy childhood to mind. 这些老照片让我想起了快乐的童年。▲The painting brings to mind some of Picasso’s early works. 这幅油画使人们想起了毕加索早期的一些作品。▲That brought your story to mind all at once. 那件事突然让人想起你的故事。


have / keep / bear...in mind 记住▲I have it in mind to ask her for advice when I see her. 见到她时征求她的意见,这是我记在心里的事。

make up one’s mind 决心;决定

never mind 别难过;没关系;不重要

mind one’s own business 管好某人自己的事

2. in return (for) 作为……的报答/回礼,交换▲He’s always ready to help others, asking for nothing in return. 他总是乐于助人,不求回报。▲We should bear / keep in mind to give her some roses in return for her kindness. 我们应该记住送给她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。▲Liz agreed to look after the baby in return for a free room. 利兹同意照看婴儿,条件是要有一间免费房间。

【辨析】in return与in turn










3. all of a sudden 突然间,猛地▲All of a sudden, the lights went out in this room. 突然,这个房间的灯灭了。▲Life seemed all of a sudden depressing and meaningless. 生活突然显得令人沮丧,毫无意义。

(注意:all of a sudden的用法相当于副词suddenly,在句中作状语,强调迅速而意外。)


all at once 同时,一起,突然▲All at once the door opened. 门突然打开了。

4. dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞▲Sometimes, I like dancing to the music to relax myself. 有时,我喜欢伴着音乐跳舞来放松自己。▲Some of them are dancing to the music, which gives life to the party. 他们中有些人正伴着音乐跳舞,这给聚会带来了一些生气。▲They danced to the music of the band. 他们随着乐队的音乐跳舞。


dance to the rhythm 跟着节奏跳舞▲Well, I think rap music is kind of cool, and the rhythm is easy to dance to. 噢,我觉得说唱音乐有点儿酷,而且节奏分明,容易跟着起舞。

5. relief N:轻松,宽慰;(痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除▲It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it. 能和别人谈谈这件事,感到舒心多了。


to one’s relief 使某人欣慰的是▲To my relief, she was safe and sound. 令我欣慰的是,她平安无恙。

bring relief to解除……的痛苦

a sigh of relief 松了一口气▲Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。


relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人……方面的负担

relieve sb. from sth. 使某人(从不愉快的境况中)解脱出来

This will relieve pressure on the trains to some degree. 这将在一定程度上缓解对火车的压力。

(注意:to one’s relief = to the relief of sb.,为了强调,可在to前面加much,意为“使某人非常宽慰的是”。用法类似的名词有surprise,sorrow,regret,delight,joy等。▲Much to my relief, my children went home safely. 使我非常宽慰的是,我的孩子安全到家了。)

6. draw upon 用,利用;凭借,依赖▲Musicians often draw upon their imagination and inspiration for composing. 音乐家经常凭他们的想象和灵感来作曲。


draw up起草,草拟;(车辆)停靠

draw near 接近,靠近

draw a conclusion (from) (从……中)得出结论



depend on / rely on / count on 依靠,依赖▲The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 这个国家非常依赖旅游业。

make use of / make the best of / take advantage of / draw on (好好)利用▲We will make use of her rich experience. 我们将利用她丰富的经验。

7. honour (= honor)

(1)VT:尊敬,敬重;给……以荣誉▲(honour sb. with sth. 以……向某人表示敬意)▲(be / feel honoured to do sth. 因做某事而感到荣幸)I was honoured to have been mentioned in his speech. 他在讲话中提到了我,我很荣幸。


▲(have the honour of doing sth. 得到做某事的荣幸,有幸做某事)▲(in honour of 为纪念……)▲(in one’s honour 为向某人表达敬意,为纪念某人)▲(It is an honour to do... 很荣幸做……)It is a great honour to draw up this important file. 很荣幸起草这份重要的文件。▲(give / show honour to sb. 尊敬/敬重某人)▲(have the honour to do sth. 荣幸地做某事)


(1)in honour of与in case of,in spite of,in favour of等结构相同短语的辨析;



in memory of 纪念

in favour of 赞同

in support of 支持

in search of 寻找

in possession of 拥有

in need / want of 需要

in place of 代替

in hope of 希望

in front of 在……前面

in course of 正在……中

in charge of 负责;主管

in case of 万一,如果发生

in terms of 就……而言,根据

in view of 鉴于,考虑到

8. present V:颁发;呈献;赠送;提供,提出▲He will present his report to the board on Tuesday. 他将在星期二向董事会提交他的报告。


present V:呈现,表现;陈述;主持

present ADJ:出席的,存在的(仅用于名词后);现存的,目前的(仅用于名词前)

present N:礼物;现在,目前

present sb. with sth. 向某人颁发某物

present sth. to sb. 向某人陈述某事(观点、计划等)

present sb. to sb. 给某人引见某人(相当于introduce)

at present 现在,目前

▲The exhibition presented a picture of general development in China’s economy. 展览会展示了中国经济一片欣欣向荣的景象。▲I presented a smiling face in honour of the old man. 我面对这位老人露出一副笑容以示敬意。




The girl present at the meeting presented David with a pen as a birthday present. 出席会议的那个女孩赠送给戴维一支钢笔,作为一份生日礼物。

9. in addition to(=介词besides)除此之外▲In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language. 除了英语之外,他还要学习第二外语。


in addition表示“此外(还……)”,相当于副词besides。▲In addition / Besides, the building has to draw upon windows, allowing people to use the sun for light during the day. 此外,该建筑还得依赖窗子,以便让人们在白天用太阳光来照明。

in addition常置于句首,用逗号与整个句子隔开,也可用于句末。▲I paid 100 yuan in addition. 此外,我又付了100元。

(注意:(1)in addition to中的to是介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词;in addition本身是副词短语,常作插入语。

(2)当主语后面跟有in addition to,as well as,along with,with,together with,rather than,but,except,besides,including等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单复数由主语的单复数决定。▲Tom as well as two of his friends was invited to the party. 汤姆以及他的两个朋友一起被邀请参加晚会了。)

10. used to be为动词不定式省略结构,此处省略了be动词后的important,仅保留动词不定式符号to(如果to后是动词be或have“有”时,be和have不能省略),以避免与上文内容的重复。可以用动词不定式符号to来代替上文出现过的动词不定式结构的情况有:

(1)在助动词或情态动词之后,如have to,ought to等。▲She must go, but you don’t have to. 她必须走,但你没有必要。

(2)在want,decide,like,love,hope,wish,mean,refuse,try等动词之后。▲You may go with them if you hope to. 如果你希望的话,你可以和他们一起去。

(3)在ask,tell,order,advise,persuade,warn,wish,permit,allow,forbid等动词之后的宾语补足语中。▲Don’t do anything unless your father tells you to. 除非你父亲叫你去做,不然不要做任何事情。


▲—Will you present the awards in person? 你亲自颁奖好吗?

—I’m willing to. 我很愿意。

11. therefore ADV:因此,所以▲I’ve never been to China and therefore I don’t know much about it. 我从没去过中国,所以对它知道的不多。▲He was very tired, and therefore he didn’t give the report at the meeting. 他非常疲倦,所以在会上他没有作报告。













