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plug这个英语词汇大家都很熟悉了,但它的用法你们真的了解了吗?今天小编给大家带来了plug的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。



n. 塞子,插头,消防栓,(内燃机的)火花塞

vt.& vi. 插上插头

vt. 以(塞子)塞住,插入,〈俚〉枪击,殴打

vi. 填塞,堵,〈俚〉勤苦工作,用功

变形:过去式: plugged; 现在分词:plugging; 过去分词:plugged;







You don't need to plug your ears. The music is not so loud.你不用塞住耳朵,音乐又不是很吵。

We must plug the hole in the rowboat.我们必须把划艇的洞堵上。

They try their best to plug the new song .他们尽全力宣传这首新歌。


1、A plug had been inserted in the drill hole.


2、Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.


3、The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.



pull the plug 结束,终止业务

plug in 插入;插上电源

spark plug n. 火花塞;带头人;中坚分子

plug and play 即插即用

plug into [口]把(电器)插头插入;接通

plug flow 活塞流;平推流

power plug 电源插头;电力插头

rubber plug 橡皮塞

plug valve 旋塞阀,塞嘴

plug up 阻塞;被阻塞

plug wire 插线;火星塞高压线

blanking plug 堵塞器

plug gauge n. 塞规;测孔规

plug and socket [电]插塞连座;接插件

valve plug 阀塞

electric plug 电插座;电火花塞

hot plug 热型火花塞;热插拔;热点火塞;分隔式燃烧室下部带有通道的镶块

glow plug 预热塞,电热塞;热线点火塞

bottom plug 底塞,船底塞;下模塞

plug socket 插座,插孔;电源插座,塞孔


Where can I plug in my hairdrier?我在哪里能接上吹风机的电源?

2.The battery charger plugs into any mains socket.这个电池充电器可以插入任何类型的电源插座。

3.He put the electric plug into the socket.他把电插头插入插座。

4.The coffee grains plugged up the kitchen drain.咖啡渣堵塞了厨房的下水道。

5.Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel.用这软布把桶塞上。

6.The workers plugged the hole in the gas pipe.工人们堵住了煤气管道上的洞。

7.The salesperson plugged in and demonstrated the vacuum cleaner.售货员插上电源,示范真空吸尘器的操作

8.The banks are threatening to pull the plug on the project.银行威胁说要停止这个计划。

9.She keeps plugging away at French.她一直在拼命地学法语。

10.The guitar plugs into this amplifier.这把吉他能接到这个扬声器上。

11.I went down on one knee to plug in the vacuum cleaner.我单腿跪下插上吸尘器插头。

12.It is commonly caused by chronic alveolar hypoventilation or air way mucus plugging.究其原因,可能为肺泡慢性通气不足或气道分泌物阻塞。

13.The local system is plugged into the national telephone network. This computer plugs into a data bank.这个地区性电话系统已与全国的电话网连接。这台计算机与资料库连线

14.There is a male plug.有一个凸形插头。

15.Whoops! Don't worry; just an electrical problem. One of the Kicky-Sack sack pickers will have to flick the plug.哎呀!别担心;只是电出了点问题。需要一个工人去敲一下插头。

16.We want to buy Used Computers, office Machines, Photocopiers, Ink Toners, Catridges, Spark Plugs, Automobile Batteries office Equipment and Supplies我们要采购二手电脑,办公室机器,影印机,墨水色粉,,火花塞子,汽车电池,办公设备

17.MDP 952 agent for profile control and water plugging is a mixture consisted of xylolite flour, hardening agent and some chemicals.MDP-952调堵剂是由菱苦土粉与硬化剂及一些化学助剂组成的混合物。

18.When insert plug into socket and rotate steeve rounding plugright-handlers to certain angle,the switch is off,then the plug could be pull out.反之,将转套向左旋转至一定的角度,则开关分断,然后才能拨掉插头。

19.This article introduced the connecting manner and connecting standard in the network cabling of twisted-pair, moduling information outlet and moduling connector plugs.介绍双绞线、模块化信息插座、模块化插头在网络布线中的连接方式以及连接标准。

20.Sungod spark plugs and implements Biological Tech Englineering Service (BTES);this is kind of biological engineering management mode meets the requirements of international traditions.生物技术工程服务是我公司大力倡导并努力实行的一种符合国际惯例的生物工程建设管理模式。



