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permission这个单词大家应该都很熟悉了吧。那你们掌握了permission的用法了吗?今天小编给大家带来了permission的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 允许,批准,正式认可,认可



permission指“许可,允许”,并不着重说明“谁”许可或从上下文中可以看出由谁许可时,其前不用物主代词,也不用定冠词the; 如强调“谁”许可时可用物主代词,但不用定冠词the。

permission用在by后面时有时要用the,一般用于by the...permission of sb 结构。


They entered the area without permission.他们未经许可擅入该地。

You were wrong to take the car without permission.你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的。

You must ask permission if you want to leave early.如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。


1、Police said permission for the march had not been granted.


2、They had asked Hong Kong for permission to put into port there.


3、He got permission from his commanding officer to join me.


permission词组 | 习惯用语

without permission 未经许可

with one's permission 如果…允许的话

written permission 书面许可证;签单

ask for permission 征求许可;请求允许

planning permission (英)建筑许可证(建造或改建房屋前必须获得的)

give permission 准许

grant permission 准许


1.He gives permission, and, contrariwise, she refuses it.他同意,与此相反,她表示拒绝。

2.How dare he use my office without permission?他怎么敢不经我的允许擅自使用我的办公室?

3.Did he give you permission to take that?他允许你拿那个东西了吗?

4.They generously accorded me permission to use their library.他们慷慨地允许我使用他们的图书馆。

5.You must ask permission if you want to leave early.如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。

6.The article was reproduced by the special permission of the President.由于总统的特殊允许, 这篇文章被复印了一份。

7.The police had to get special permission to open up the grave.警察必须在获得特准后, 才能打开这座坟墓。

8.It galled him to ask permission.请求别人允许使他感到屈辱。

9.You have my permission to leave.你可以走了。

10.With your permission I'll leave now.有你的允许, 我这就离开。

11.I pray your permission to speak.我恳求您准许我发言

12.The meeting will be held in the school hall, by permission of the headmaster.由于有校长的准许, 会议将在学校大厅举行。

13.No permission to park!不准停车!

14.How did you manage to get permission for this? Did you have to jump through hoops?你是怎么得到许可的?是不是颇费了一番周折?

15.The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.老板训斥那个工头未经事先请示就擅自批准一个工人的病假。

16.After much wavering he finally gave his permission. Tofalter is to be unsteady in resolution or action, as from fear or loss of courage大费踌躇后,他最终同意了。 Falter 意为因害怕或缺乏勇气而在做决定或行动时摇摆不定:

17.The loan can't be applied without an American person or institution as a cosigner, so please ask for the University's permission to help me endorse this loan in the name of the University.其实我也知道这是强人所难 但是我实在是没办法了。。因为我其实能找来的钱连四年的生活费都不够。。



