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  英语写作当中经常会用到“……很重要”这一句式,一般考生会用something be important/essential的词汇表达。不过学了比较状语从句以后,大家可以试着用一种更高级的表达方式,一定会让阅卷老师眼前一亮,作文高分就不在话下啦。

  箴言仿写:Cultivation is to the mind what food is to the body.


  上述句子可以概括为A is to B what C is to D.替换ABCD四个名词就可以用来表达“重要性”这一概念。


  ★ 人生态度——乐观与悲观

  A positive attitude is to life what the sun is to the earth.积极的态度对于生活,好比太阳对于地球一样。

  ★ 谈读书

  Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.阅读对于思想,好比运动对于身体一样。

  ★ 赡养父母——家庭

  Family is to the people what life is to the individual.家庭对于人类,好比生活对于个人一样。

  ★ 投诉信

  Cleanness is to the canteen what reputation is to the people.清洁对于食堂来说,好比名誉对于人一样。

  ★ 谈诚信

  Honesty is to the people what life is to the creature.诚信对于人来说,好比生命对于人一样。


  A+ be+倍数+as many/much as+ B

  A+ be+倍数+the amount+ B

  A+ be+倍数+what it was+ B


  ★ 从1999年到2009年,奢侈品的销售增长了3倍。

  ①The sale of luxuries doubled from the end of 1999 to 2009.

  ②The sale of luxuries increased three times/three-fold from the end of 1999 to 2009.

  ③A three-fold increase was seen in the sale of luxuries from the end of 1999 to 2009.

  ④There was a three-fold increase in the sale of luxuries from the end of 1999 to 2009.





  ★ 故事发生于19世纪末期。那个时候,中国正遭受西方列强的蹂躏。

  A: The story happened in the late 19th century.

  B: At that time, China was suffering from the invasion of western powers.

  →合并为定语从句:The story happened in the late 19th century when China was suffering from the invasion of western powers.



  ★ 这个问题很复杂。我们花了近两周的时间才把它搞定。

  A: The problem was very complicated.

  B: It took us nearly two weeks to solve it.

  →合并为结果状语从句The problem was so complicated that it took us nearly two weeks to solve it.




