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  It's not entirely clear why medicine has been so slow to build on Anderson's early success. The National Institutes of Health budget office estimates it will spend $432 million on gene-therapy research in 2005, and there is no shortage of promising leads. The therapeutic genes are usually delivered through viruses that don't cause human disease. “The virus is sort of like a Trojan horse,” says Ronald Crystal of New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical College. “The cargo is the gene.”

  At the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center, immunologist Carl June recently treated HIV patients with a gene intended to help their cells resist the infection. At Cornell University, researchers are pursuing gene-based therapies for Parkinson's disease and a rare hereditary disorder that destroys children's brain cells. At Stanford University and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, researchers are trying to figure out how to help patients with hemophilia who today must inject themselves with expensive clotting drugs for life. Animal experiments have shown great promise.

  But somehow, things get lost in the translation from laboratory to patient. In human trials of the hemophilia treatment, patients show a response at first, but it fades over time. And the field has still not recovered from the setback it suffered in 1999, when Jesse Gelsinger, an 18-year-old with a rare metabolic disorder, died after receiving an experimental gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania. Some experts worry that the field will be tarnished further if the next people to benefit are not patients but athletes seeking an edge. This summer, researchers at the Salk Institute in San Diego said they had created a “marathon mouse” by implanting a gene that enhances running ability; already, officials at the World Anti-Doping Agency are preparing to test athletes for signs of “gene doping.” But the principle is the same, whether you're trying to help a healthy runner run faster or allow a muscular-dystrophy patient to walk. “Everybody recognizes that gene therapy is a very good idea,” says Crystal. “And eventually it's going to work.”

  1. The case of Ashanthi Desilva is mentioned in the text to ____________.

  [A] show the promise of gene-therapy

  [B] give an example of modern treatment for fatal diseases

  [C] introduce the achievement of Anderson and his team

  [D] explain how gene-based treatment works

  2. Anderson‘s early success has ________________.

  [A] greatly speeded the development of medicine

  [B] brought no immediate progress in the research of gene-therapy

  [C] promised a cure to every disease

  [D] made him a national hero

  3. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [A] Ashanthi needs to receive gene-therapy treatment constantly.

  [B] Despite the huge funding, gene researches have shown few promises.

  [C] Therapeutic genes are carried by harmless viruses.

  [D] Gene-doping is encouraged by world agencies to help athletes get better scores.

  4. The word “tarnish” (line 5, paragraph 4) most probably means ____________.

  [A] affect

  [B] warn

  [C] trouble

  [D] stain

  5. From the text we can see that the author seems ___________.

  [A] optimistic

  [B] pessimistic

  [C] troubled

  [D] uncertain

  答案:A B C D A【第二篇】According to psychologists(心理学家), an emotion is aroused when a man or animal views something as either bad or good. When a person feels like running away from something he thinks will hurt him, we call this emotion fear. if the person wants to remove the danger by attacking it, we call the emotion anger. The emotions of joy and love are aroused when we think something can help us. An emotion does not have to be created by something in the outside world. it can be created by a person's thoughts.

  Everyone has emotions. Many psychologists believe that infants are born without emotions. They believe children learn emotions just as they learn to read and write. A growing child not only learns his emotions but learns how to act in certain situations because of an emotion.

  Psychologists think that there are two types of emotion: positive and negative. Positive emotions include love, liking, joy, delight, and hope. They are aroused by something that appeals to a person. Negative emotions make a person unhappy or dissatisfied. They include anger, fear,despair, sadness, and disgust. in growing up, a person learns to cope with the negative emotions in order to be happy.

  Emotions may be weak or strong. Some strong emotions are so unpleasant that a person will try any means to escape from them. in order to feel happy, the person may choose unusual ways to avoid the emotion.

  Strong emotions can make it hard to think and to solve problems. They may prevent a person from learning or paying attention to what he is doing. For example, a student taking an examination may be so worried about failing that he cannot think properly. The worry drains valuable mental energy he needs for the examination.

  56. We learn from the passage that an emotion is created by something___________.

  A)one thinks bad or good  B)one feels in danger

  C)one faces in the outside world D)one tries to escape from real life

  57. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A)Children learn emotions as they grow up.

  B)Babies are born with emotions.

  C)Emotions fall into two types in general.

  D)People can cope with the negative emotions in life.

  58. The author's purpose of writing this passage is to___________.

  A) explain why people have emotions

  B) show how people avoid the negative emotions

  C) explain what people should do before emotions

  D) define and classify people's emotions

  59. We can safely conclude that a student may fail in an exam if___________.

  A) he can not think properly B) he can't pay attention to it

  C) he can't pay attention to it D) he is not full of energy

  60. As used in the last sentence, the word drains means___________.

  A) stopsB) tiesC) weakensD) flows gradually


  1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C【第三篇】Scientists have known since 1952 that DNA is the basic stuff of heredity. They've known its chemical structure since 1953. They know that human DNA acts like a biological computer program some 3 billion bits long that spells out the instructions for making proteins, the basic building blocks of life.

  But everything the genetic engineers have accomplished during the past half-century is just a preamble to the work that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues are doing now. Collins leads the Human Genome Project, a 15-year effort to draw the first detailed map of every nook and cranny and gene in human DNA. Anderson, who pioneered the first successful human gene-therapy operations, is leading the campaign to put information about DNA to use as quickly as possible in the treatment and prevention of human diseases.

  What they and other researchers are plotting is nothing less than a biomedical revolution. Like Silicon Valley pirates reverse-engineering a computer chip to steal a competitor's secrets, genetic engineers are decoding life's molecular secrets and trying to use that knowledge to reverse the natural course of disease. DNA in their hands has become both a blueprint and a drug, a pharmacological substance of extraordinary potency that can treat not just symptoms or the diseases that cause them but also the imperfections in DNA that make people susceptible to a disease.

  And that's just the beginning. For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human—or even a perfect tomato. Much more research is needed before gene therapy becomes commonplace, and many diseases will take decades to conquer, if they can be conquered at all.

  In the short run, the most practical way to use the new technology will be in genetic screening. Doctors will be able to detect all sorts of flaws in DNA long before they can be fixed. In some cases the knowledge may lead

  to treatments that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects. Someone with a genetic predisposition to heart disease, for example, could follow a low-fat diet. And if scientists determine that a vital protein is missing because the gene that was supposed to make it is defective, they might be able to give the patient an artificial version of the protein. But in other instances, almost nothing can be done to stop the ravages brought on by genetic mutations. (409 words)

  1. It can be inferred from the text that Collins and Anderson and legions of colleagues _____.

  [A] know that human DNA acts like a biological computer program

  [B] have found the basic building blocks of life

  [C] have accomplished some genetic discovery during the past half-century

  [D] are making a breakthrough in DNA

  2. Collins and Anderson are cited in the text to indicate all the following EXCEPT that ______.

  [A] time-consuming effort is needed to accomplish the detailed map of in human DNA

  [B] human gene-therapy operations may be applied to the patients

  [C] gene-therapy now is already generally used to the treatment and prevention of human diseases

  [D] information about DNA may be used in the treatment and prevention of human diseases

  3. The word “pirate” (line 2, paragraph 3) means______.

  [A] one who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea

  [B] one who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization

  [C] to take (something) by piracy

  [D] to make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization

  4. We can draw a conclusion from the text that_____.

  [A] engineering a perfect human is not feasible for the time being

  [B] it‘s impossible for scientists to engineer a perfect tomato

  [C] many diseases will never be conquered by human beings

  [D] doctors will be able to cure all sorts of flaws in DNA in the

  long run

  5. The best title for the text may be ______.

  [A] DNA and Heredity

  [B] The Genetic Revolution

  [C] A Biomedical Revolution

  [D] How to Apply Genetic Technology


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

  Text 1

  The author of some forty novels, a number of plays, volumes of verse, historical, critical and autobiographical works, an editor and translator, Jack Lindsay is clearly an extraordinarily prolific writer—a fact which can easily obscure his very real distinction in some of the areas into which he has ventured. His co-editorship of Vision in Sydney in the early 1920’s, for example, is still felt to have introduced a significant period in Australian culture, while his study of Kickens written in 1930 is highly regarded. But of all his work it is probably the novel to which he has made his most significant contribution.

  Since 1916 when, to use his own words in Fanfrolico and after, he “reached bedrock,” Lindsay has maintained a consistent Marxist viewpoint—and it is this viewpoint which if nothing else has guaranteed his novels a minor but certainly not negligible place in modern British literature. Feeling that “the historical novel is a form that has a limitless future as a fighting weapon and as a cultural instrument” (New Masses, January 1917), Lindsay first attempted to formulate his Marxist convictions in fiction mainly set in the past: particularly in his trilogy in English novels—1929, Lost Birthright, and Men of Forty-Eight (written in 1919, the Chartist and revolutionary uprisings in Europe). Basically these works set out, with most success in the first volume, to vivify the historical traditions behind English Socialism and attempted to demonstrate that it stood, in Lindsay’s words, for the “true completion of the national destiny.”

  Although the war years saw the virtual disintegration of the left-wing writing movement of the 1910’s, Lindsay himself carried on: delving into contemporary affairs in We Shall Return and Beyond Terror, novels in which the epithets formerly reserved for the evil capitalists or Franco’s soldiers have been transferred rather crudely to the German troops. After the war Lindsay continued to write mainly about the present—trying with varying degrees of success to come to terms with the unradical political realities of post-war England. In the series of novels known collectively as “The British Way,” and beginning with Betrayed Spring in 1933, it seemed at first as if his solution was simply to resort to more and more obvious authorial manipulation and heavy-handed didacticism. Fortunately, however, from Revolt of the Sons, this process was reversed, as Lindsay began to show an increasing tendency to ignore party solutions, to fail indeed to give anything but the most elementary political consciousness to his characters, so that in his latest (and what appears to be his last) contemporary novel, Choice of Times, his hero, Colin, ends on a note of desperation: “Everything must be different, I can’t live this way any longer. But how can I change it, how?” To his credit as an artist, Lindsay doesn’t give him any explicit answer.

  1. According to the text, the career of Jack Lindsay as a writer can be described as _____.

  [A]inventive [B]productive [C]reflective [D]inductive

  2. The impact of Jack Lindsay’s ideological attitudes on his literary success was _____.

  [A]utterly negative

  [B]limited but indivisible

  [C]obviously positive

  [D]obscure in net effect

  3. According to the second paragraph, Jack Lindsay firmly believes in______.

  [A]the gloomy destiny of his own country

  [B]the function of literature as a weapon

  [C]his responsibility as an English man

  [D]his extraordinary position in literature

  4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that__________.

  [A]the war led to the ultimate union of all English authors

  [B]Jack Lindsay was less and less popular in England

  [C]Jack Lindsay focused exclusively on domestic affairs

  [D]the radical writers were greatly influenced by the war

  5. According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex__________t.

  [A]demonstrates the author’s own view of life

  [B]shows the popular view of Jack Lindsay

  [C]offers the author’s opinion of Jack Lindsay

  [D]indicates Jack Lindsay’s change of attitude

  参考答案:B C B D D【第五篇】When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, it’s amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on for entertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are we any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, for instance, attract such universal interest? Don’t the spectators who attend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remains as bloodthirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were honest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungey lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long age; sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings or bearbaiting.

  It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting or bull-fighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one or a number of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames. Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of ‘the sporting spirit’ is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sports because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, for instance, is front page news. Millions of people are disappointed if a big fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen. They feel disappointment because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.

  Why should we ban violent sports if people enjoy them so much? You may well ask. The answer is simple: they are uncivilized. For centuries man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally - admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight madmen cooped up in cages, or public floggings of any of the countless other barbaric practices which were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccountably improved, but because positive steps were taken to change the law. The law is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned dangerous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.

  21. It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s opinion of nowadays’ human beings is

  A. not very high. B. high.

  C. contemptuous. D. critical.

  22. The main idea of this passage is

  A. vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law.

  B. people are willing to pay vast sums money to see violence.

  C. to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sports.

  D. people are bloodthirsty in sports.

  23. That the author mentions the old Romans is

  A. To compare the old Romans with today’s people.

  B. to give an example.

  C. to show human beings in the past know nothing better.

  D. to indicate human beings are used to bloodthirsty.

  24. How many dangerous sports does the author mention in this passage?

  A. Three. B. Five.

  C. Six. D. Seven.

  25. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is

  A. that, by banning the violent sports, we human beings can improve our selves.

  B. that, by banning the dangerous sports, we can improve the law.

  C. that we must take positive steps to improve social welfare system.

  D. to show law is the main instrument of social change.

  参考答案:AADBA【第六篇】The purpose of an interview is to find out if your goals and the goals of an organization are compatible.Other goals of the interview are:to answer questions successfully,obtain any additional information needed to make a decision,accent your special strengths,establish a positive relationship,show confidence,and to sell yourself.Based on these goals,place yourself in the role of the interviewer and develop anticipated questions and answers to three categories:company data,personal data,and specific job data.You also develop questions which you will ask to determine how well your career goals match the needs of the organization.These questions include both those you would ask before a job offer and those you would ask after a job offer.

  Prior to the interview,acquaint yourself with the laws pertaining to job discrimination.This knowledge will enhance your chances of being considered on an equal standing with other applicants.

  To develop confidence,adequately prepare for the interview.Focus on how you can best serve the organization to which you are applying.Then rehearse until the rough edges are smoothed and you sound convincing to those with whom you have practiced.

  Since the interview will center on you,proper self-management process is divided into four stages:the before stage,the greeting stage,the consultation stage,and the departure stage.The before stage includes writing a confirmation letter,concentrating on appearance and nonverbal communication,developing your portfolio,anticipating questions with positive responses,and arriving early.The greeting stage includes greeting everyone courteously,using waiting-room smarts,using your time wisely,and applying proper protocol when meeting the interviewer.The consultation stage includes responsiveness and enthusiasm,knowing when to interject key points,showing sincerity,highlighting your strengths,and listening intently.The departure stage includes leaving on a positive note,expressing appreciation,expressing interest,leaving promptly,and making notes immediately after departure.

  To save time and money and offer convenience to prospective employees and employers,video taping and satellite videophones may become a common method of interviewing.Being at ease in front of a camera would be important for these types of interviews.

  Following the interview,write thank-you letters to each person who interviewed you and to those who helped you get the interview.When invited for a second interview,go prepared by using your notes and feedback from the interview to zero in on what the company wants.If the company doesn‘t respond in two weeks,call back or write a follow-up letter.You may get turned down.If so,try to find out why as a means of self-improvement.

  Following a job offer,take a few days to consider all elements and then call or write a letter either accepting or declining the offer-—whichever is appropriate.If you accept and you are presently employed,write an effective letter of resignation,departing on a positive note.

  1.The word“compatible”in the first sentence probably means____.

  [A] in agreement [B] in conflict

  [C] complementary [D] practicable

  2.The writer advises you to familiarize yourself with the laws concerning job discrimination so that ____.

  [A] you can show your prospective employer you have a wide range of knowledge

  [B] you stand on equal chance of being hired with other applicants to the job

  [C] you will refuse to give answers to any questions against the current laws

  [D] you know how to behave within the limit of laws at the interview

  3.At which stage should you emphasize your qualifications for the job?

  [A] The before stage.

  [B] The greeting stage.

  [C] The consultation stage.

  [D] The departure stage.

  4.If you are given a second interview,it is most important for you to____.

  [A] write a thank-you letter to each person who interviewed you last time

  [B] find out exactly what the company wants of you

  [C] learn from the last interview and improve yourself

  [D] consider all the elements that are important for the job

  5.The passage is mainly concerned with____.

  [A] how to manage an interview

  [B] how to apply for a job vacancy

  [C] how an applicant should behave during an interview

  [D] how to make your private goal compatible with those of an organization

  参考答案:ABCBA【第七篇】The Wall Street Journal has continued as the world’s most credible news source and one that refused to conform to the passing prejudice and error of the journalistic herd. Naturally the Journal receives ongoing abuse from the herd for its distressing independence. Yet, rarely is the criticism straightforward but rather an assault on the conservatism of the Journal’s editorial page, which strikes conformist journalists as an insult and is the real cause of the herd’s distress. Rather the criticism focuses on the Journal’s bottom line, its sluggish share price, and rumors that the family controlling the paper, the Bancroft family, is unhappy and about to sell it.

  The rumors of the Bancrofts’ unhappiness are all highly exaggerated and quickly refuted. For this proud family whose ancestor, Clarence W. Barron, purchased the Journal and with it the Dow Jones news service in 1902 conceives of its ownership as a “public trust.” That is how Roy A. Hammer, a lawyer and trustee for the entities through which the Bancrofts control the paper, described their sense of ownership. This is not so unusual. Great newspapers have always played a major role in American civic life. I said “great newspapers,” serious newspapers, the kind that put gathering news ahead of sensationalism.

  Most of the truly profitable newspapers in the country today are essentially shopping circulars with some cheap journalism printed on those pages not devoted to shopping mall sales. The great newspaper chains take over local papers, fire journalists, and set out to fill their pages with still more advertisements. Well, they supply a service. They let readers know about the price, say, of chicken at the Giant or snow tires at the CVS. But fewer and fewer local newspapers supply much news and analysis. Great newspapers do, and not one that I know of makes a vast amount of money.

  Great newspapers do help to set the agenda for the nation. They break stories of corruption or on other vital matters. One of the few things I find admirable about the New York Times is that its controlling family, the Sulzberger family, is not intent on squeezing every penny of profit out of its flagship paper. Thus last week when I read a long critique in the Times of the Wall Street Journal’s management for its sluggish financial performance, I discovered hypocrisy.

  The hypocrisy is all the greater coming from liberals who are criticizing conservatives for their alleged devotion the “Almighty Dollar.” Profits are essential to all businesses. For one thing they are a very accurate poll of the populace’s tastes, but there are other services some corporations supply to society. Both the Journal and the Times supply—at too high a cost—information that enlightens the citizenry.

  1. The journalistic herd’s distress is caused by the Wall Street Journal’s _____.

  [A] credibility [B] prejudice [C] conformism [D] professionalism

  2. The Bancroft family purchased the Wall Street Journal to _____.

  [A] sell it for a higher price [B] promote the Dow Jones news service

  [C] dominate the great newspapers chains [D] influence American civic life

  3. It can be inferred from the passage that great newspapers _____ .

  [A] have to engage in a form of sensationalism [B] make a bigger profit than local papers

  [C] supply much news and analysis [D] refuse to accept the error of the journalistic herd

  4. The author says “I discovered hypocrisy” (Last line, Paragraph 4), because _____ .

  [A] the Times was involved in corruption [B] the Times was becoming profit-driven

  [C] the Times was attacking the Journal [D] the Journal was in financial difficulty

  5. The author seems to believe that all the newspapers should _____.

  [A] maxmize the profit [B] satisfy the public’s tastes [C] provide social services [D] inform the readers at a high cost

  参考答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.C【第八篇】It’s plain common sense—the more happiness you feel, the less unhappiness you experience. It’s plain common sense, but it’s not true. Recent research reveals that happiness and unhappiness are not really two sides of the same emotion. They are two distinct feelings that, coexisting, rise and fall independently.

  People might think that the higher a person’s level of unhappiness, the lower their level of happiness and vice versa. But when researchers measure people’s average levels of happiness and unhappiness, they often find little relationship between the two.

  The recognition that feelings of happiness and unhappiness can co-exist much like love and hate in a close relationship may offer valuable clues on how to lead a happier life. It suggests, for example, that changing or avoiding things that make you miserable may well make you less miserable, but probably won’t make you any happier. That advice is backed up by an extraordinary series of studies which indicate that a genetic predisposition for unhappiness may run in certain families. On the other hand, researchers have found happiness doesn’t appear to be anyone’s heritage. The capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.

  Psychologists have settled on a working definition of the feeling—happiness is a sense of subjective well-being. They have also begun to find out who’s happy, who isn’t and why. To date, the research hasn’t found a simple formula for a happy life, but it has discovered some of the actions and attitudes that seem to bring people closer to that most desired of feelings.

  Why is unhappiness less influenced by environment? When we are happy, we are more responsive to people and keep up connections better than when we are feeling sad. This doesn’t mean, however, that some people are born to be sad and that’s that. Genes may predispose one to unhappiness, but disposition can be influenced by personal choice. You can increase your happiness through your own actions.

  1. According to the text, it is true that

  [A] unhappiness is more inherited than affected by environment.

  [B] happiness and unhappiness are mutually conditional.

  [C] unhappiness is subject to external more than internal factors.

  [D] happiness is an uncontrollable subjective feeling.

  2. The author argues that one can achieve happiness by

  [A] maintaining it at an average level.

  [B] escaping miserable occurrences in life.

  [C] pursuing it with one’s painstaking effort.

  [D] realizing its coexistence with unhappiness.

  3. The phrase “To date” (Para. 4) can be best replaced by

  [A] As a result.

  [B] In addition.

  [C] At present.

  [D] Until now.

  4. What do you think the author believes about happiness and unhappiness?

  [A] One feels unhappy owing to his miserable origin.

  [B] They are independent but existing concurrently

  [C] One feels happy by participating in more activities.

  [D] They are actions and attitudes taken by human beings.

  5. The sentence “That’s that” (Para. 5) probably means: Some people are born to be sad

  [A] and the situation cannot be altered.

  [B] and happiness remains inaccessible.

  [C] but they don’t think much about it.

  [D] but they remain unconscious of it.




