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  1. Do you know the_____________(重要) of English study?

  2. The teacher looked at the boy______________(生气地), because he kept talking in class.

  3. Inner Mongolia is in the ____________(北) part of china.

  4. He wants to save many ____________(濒危的) wild animals.

  5. It’s____________(不正确) to hunt or fish in zhalong nature reserves.

  6. We don’t like to make the ____________(不诚实)friends.

  7. A lot of____________ (观光者)come to the Great Wall every year.

  8.There is going to be a ____________(暴风雪)tonight.

  9.The hotel always _____________(提供)good service for all kinds of people.

  10.It’s_______________(不可能)for them to pass the exam , because they don’t work hard.


  1.去观鸟__________________________ 2.在市场上_________________________

  3.彩色羽毛________________________ 4.自然保护区_______________________

  5.在中国东北部____________________ 6.提供食物和栖息地_________________

  7.理想家园________________________ 8.一年到头_________________________

  9.捕鱼为食________________________ 10.让出更多的地方__________________

  11.进行鸟类统计___________________ 12.对``````感兴趣____________________

  13.晚饭吃面条_____________________ 14.预防暴风雪______________________

  15.流利地讲英语___________________ 16.在入口处________________________

  17.很多,大量_____________________ 18.邀请某人做某事__________________

  19.一年一次_______________________ 20.阳光灿烂________________________


  ( )1. The boss made the workers _____ten hours a day.

  A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

  ( )2. There will be _____space for wild life in the world.

  A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. fewer and less D. less and fewer

  ( )3. A large number of birds _____to zhalong for a short stay every year.

  A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming

  ( )4. Mother told the visitor_____ walk quietly and _____wake the baby up.

  A. to…to B. not to…not to C. not to…to   D. to…not to

  ( )5.English is very__ and all the students know the___ of the English Study.

  A. important…importance B. importance…important

  C. importance…importance   D. important…important

  ( )6. I _____unhappy if I don’t do well in the exam.

  A. be B. will be C. will D. won’t be

  ( )7. It is _____for different kinds of plants and birds.

  A. the ideal house B. the ideal home C. an ideal house D. an ideal home

  ( )8. I_____ the teacher carefully but I_____ anything.

  A. listened to…didn’t hear  B. heard…didn’t listen to

  C. listen to…didn’t hear   D. hear…don’t listen to

  ( )9. I heard your daughter _____in the next room at ten last night.

  A. sang B. sing C. singing D. sings

  ( )10. Don’t drop litter _____,Throw it into the dustbin_____.

  A. carefully, carefully B. carefully, carelessly

  C. carelessly, carefully D. carelessly , carelessly

  ( )11. The giant panda weighs just _____when it is _____.

  A.10-kilogram,10-month-old B. 10-kilograms,10-month-old

  C. 10-kilogram,10 months old D. 10 kilograms,10 months old

  ( )12. I hope you _____good results in the exam.

  A. to get B. can get C. getting D. got

  ( )13. Heilongjiang is in the _____of China.

  A. northeast   B. northwest C. southeast   D. southwest

  ( )14. The film is one of _____that I have seen ,I almost slept in the cinema.

  A. the most interesting B. the least interesting

  C. the most interested   D. the less interesting

  ( )15. Autumn _____ after Summer.

  A. will come B. came C. is coming D. comes


  1. 昆明在中国西南部。


  2. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。


  3. 因为没有足够的生存空间,越来越多的鸟类正处于危险中。


  4. 我们需要更多的人们来采取有用的措施来保护这些动物。


  5. 我们应该知道英语学习的重要性。


  6. 海鸥和燕子,你更喜欢哪一种?


  7. 扎龙是的野生动物自然保护区。


  8. 我们对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。


  9. 那认真的男孩在认真地制作模型飞机。


  10. Lucy希望长大后成为作家。








  5.联系方式:Tel: 0512-66667777

  Dear Mr Fan,








  8A Unit 5 参考答案


  1. importance 2. angrily 3. northern 4. endangered 5. incorrect

  6. dishonest 7. tourists 8. snowstorm 9. provides 10. impossible


  1. go bird-watching 2. at the market

  3. colorful feathers 4. a nature reserve

  5. in northeast China 6. provide food and shelter

  7. an ideal home 8. all year round

  9. catch fish for food 10. make more place

  11. do a bird count 12. be interested in

  13. have noodles for dinner 14. prevent snowstorms

  15. speak English fluently 16. at the entrance

  17. a large number of 18. invite sb. to do

  19. once a year 20. shine brightly


  1——5 ABADA 6——10 BDACC 11——15 DBABD


  1. Kunming is in the southwest of China.

  2. Changjiang is one of the longest rivers in the world.

  3. More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough space to live.

  4. We need more people to do something useful to protect these animals.

  5. We should know the importance of English study.

  6. Which do you like better, the seagull or the swallow?

  7. Zhalong is the famous nature reserve for wild animals.

  8. We are interested in the interesting story.

  9. The careful boy is making a model plane carefully.

  10. Lucy hopes to be a writer when she grows up.


  Dear Mr Fan,

  My name is Amy and I would like to become a member of the Birdwatching Club.I am a student of Grade 8 and my favourite subjects are science and geography. I am very interested in playing football.

  I would like to become a bird watcher because I love birds and nature. I hope I can do something to help protect birds. I can come to the club activities from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Sundays.

  I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. Please call me on 0512-6666777

  Yours sincerely




