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  听力部分(60 分)

  一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里。每题读两遍。(每小题1 分,共10 分)

  ()1 .A. bedroom B. bathroom

  ()2 .A. clean B. Chinese

  ()3 .A. fan B. fat

  ()4 .A. forty B. fifty

  ()5 .A. her B. his

  ()6 .A. kitchen B. teacher

  ()7 .A. like B. look

  ()8 .A. on B. only

  ()9 .A. she B. she ’s

  ()10 .A. wall B. ball

  二、看图听录音,用阿拉伯数字给图编上序号,每题读两遍。(10 分)

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( )   ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  三、情景反应。仔细听,找出与录音内容相匹配的答句。每题读两遍。10 分)

  ()1 .A. I can see two. B. I have two.

  ()2 .A. It ’s near the door. B. It ’s on the desk.

  ()3 .A. Good. B. Thank you.

  ()4 .A. He ’s my uncle. B. She ’s my aunt.

  ()5 .A. Here you are. B. Yes, it is.

  ()6 .A. He ’s a baseball player. B. She ’s a baseball player.

  ()7 .A. I like oranges. B. I ’d like some oranges.

  ()8 .A. It ’s black. B. It ’s great.

  ()9 .A. Happy New Year. B. Merry Christmas.

  ()10 .A. I ’m five. B. I ’m fine.

  四、听录音,判断录音的内容是否符合图意,符合的写T ,不符合的写F ,每题读两遍。(10 分)

  1 、() 2 、() 3 、() 4 、() 5 、() 6 、() 7 、() 8 、() 9 、() 10 、()

  五、听录音,把下列句子补充完整,每句读两遍。(10 分)

  1. This is my _________.

  2. My new _________ is big.

  3. Who ’s this little _______?

  4. I ’d like some ________, please.

  5. A glass of _______, please. ()

  6 、 It’s in the. ( )

  7. There are ( )

  8. My father is adoctor. ( )

  9. No, they aren’t. ( )

  10. He’s mybrother. ( )

  六、句子配对, 每句读两遍。 ( 10 分 )

  ( ) What colour is it? A. They are in the door.

  ( ) What’s her name? B. She’s my aunt.

  ( ) Let’s clean the classroom. C. It’s yellow.

  ( ) Are they on the table? D. Yes, please.

  ( ) What would you like for dinner? E. Her name is Sarah.

  ( ) What’s your mother? F. Good idea!

  ( ) How many people are there in your family? G. Three.

  ( ) Who’s that woman? H. She is a teacher.

  ( ) Where are the keys? I. Yes, they are.

  ( ) Can I help you? J. I’d like some fish.

  笔试部分(40 分)

  七、读句子,排序。 (10 分 )


  ()Good idea

  () Hi, Amy, We have a new classroom.

  () Really? Let’s go and have a look!

  () Hello, Mike.

  () OK ,Wow, It’s so big.

  ( ) Let’s clean our classroom.


  ( ) Nice to meet you.

  ( ) They're in the kitchen.

  ( ) Come and meet my family. This is my mother. She's singer.

  ( ) Where are they?

  八、看图,写出你学过的单词。(每小题1 分,共10 分)

  _________ ________ __________ ___________ ________

  __________ __________ ________ ___________ ____________

  九、选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里。(每小题1 分,共10 分)

  ()1. ---- Let ’s clean the windows.

  ---- ____________.

  A. All right. B. Thank you.

  ()2. Look! This ______ my storybook.

  A. is B. are

  ()3. I have ____________ English book.

  A. a B. an

  ()4. Go to the____________. Watch TV.

  A. bathroom B. living room

  ()5. Are ____________ on the table?

  A. my B. they

  ()6. Chinese ( 经常) use ( 用)____________ .

  A. fork B. chopsticks

  ()7. Are they on the table?

  A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is.

  ()8. Is it in the box?

  A. Yes, it is. B. No, they aren ’t.

  ()9. He ____________ science.

  A. likes B. like

  ()10. ---- What ’s in your schoolbag?

  ---- ____________.

  A. Some books and a pencil-case. B. A phone and a sofa.

  十、阅读短文,根据图画的内容、中文提示和单词的首字母填入短文所缺的单词。(每小题1 分,共10 分)

  Come and see my pictures! This is my _______( 妈妈). She is a ________( 护士). She is active. This my _______( 爸爸). He is a _________( 医生). He likes painting. My aunt is a _________( 农民).She likes planting flowers. My uncle is _____ ________( 一个司机). He ’s good at sports. And I ’m a _________( 学生).I like _______( 鸡肉) and ________( 鸡蛋) .


  一、听辨单词,将听到的单词字母编号写在左边的括号里。每题读两遍。(每小题1 分,共10 分)

  1 .bedroom 2 .Chinese 3 .fat 4 .forty 5 .his 6 .teacher 7 .like  8 .only9 .she ’s 10 .wall

  二、看图听录音,用阿拉伯数字给图编上序号,每题读两遍。(10 分)

  1 .I ’d like a glass of water, please.

  2. Pass me a spoon, please.

  3. Wu Yifan likes painting.

  4. ---- Is your father a driver?

  ---- Yes, he is.

  5. My good friend has a big nose and two big ears.

  6. Wash the plates.

  7. There is a bed.

  8. My friend is a student. He is thin.

  9. Make the bed.

  10. Let ’s watch TV.

  三、情景反应。仔细听,找出与录音内容相匹配的答句。(10 分)

  1. How many desks can you see?

  2. Where is my seat?

  3. Here you are.

  4. Who ’s this man?

  5. Is this a watermelon?

  6. What ’s your uncle?

  7. What would you like?

  8. What colour is it?

  9. Merry Christmas !

  10. How old are you?

  四、听录音,判断录音的内容是否符合图意,符合的写T ,不符合的写F ,每题读两遍。(10 分)

  1. ---- What ’s for lunch?

  ---- Some fish and some rice.

  2. ---- Is this a window?

  ---- No, it ’s a door.

  3. ---- Do you have a pencil-case?

  ---- Yes, I do.

  4. I have a bedroom. There is a bed, a fridge and a sofa in it.

  5. Carry your bag. Go to school.

  6. Sarah has short hair.

  7. Chen Jie is quiet.

  8. ---- Would you like some soup?

  ---- Yes, please.

  9. He has short hair and he is very thin.

  10. ---- What do you like?

  ---- I like sports

  五、听录音,把下列句子补充完整,每句读两遍。(10 分)

  1. This is my __bag___.

  2. My new __room___ is big.

  3. Who ’s this little _girl ?

  4. I ’d like some __water__, please.

  5 、A glass of __milk___, please.

  6 、 It’s in thedesk.

  7. There arefour

  8. My father is a doctor .

  9. No, they aren’t.

  10. He’s my brother.

  六、句子配对( 10 分 )

  What colour is it? C. It’s yellow.

  What’s her name? E. Her name is Sarah.

  Let’s clean the classroom. F. Good idea!

  Are they on the table? I. Yes, they are.

  What would you like for dinner? J . I’d like some fish.

  What’s your mother? H. She is a teacher.

  How many people are there in your family? G. Three.

  Who’s that woman? B. She’s my aunt.

  Where are the keys? A. They are in the door.

  Can I help you? D. Yes, please.


  七、(一) 623145 (二) 1423

  八、 friends homerulerschoolpen beefricechairgirlwindow

  九 、 1 、 A 2 、 A3 、 B4 、 B5 、 B6 、 B7 、 A8 、 A9 、 A10 、 A

  十、 mothernursefatherdoctorfamera driverstudentchickenegg



