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  One bright sunny morning. Mr. Turtle gets bored in the water. He plans to go out on the shore.

  I am tired of swimming all day. I'll go out on the shore today.

  Good morning, Mr. Turtle. Where are you going so early?

  Well, I'm going out of the water. I plan to walk along the shore.

  On the shore?! I envy1 the shore, Mr.Turtle.

  Why is that?

  Well, if I go out of the water, I'll die. So you are very lucky. Please tell me about the outside world. What is out there?

  Well, Mrs. Fish, there is so much to see. I don't know where to begin. First, there are trees and mountains. Second, there are houses and people. Third, there is the sky.

  Tell me about sky!

  It is blue and beautiful. It is also bigger than the sea. You can see everything from there, But you must fly.

  You are lucky, Mr.Turtle, But can you fly, too?

  Well, oh… of course. It's easy, I'll taech you someday.

  Really? You promise?

  I must go now. I'm a little busy today. I'll talk to you later.

  Okay, I'm sorry, please go now. I'll see you later, Have a nice day.

  Thank you, You too. Bye, Bye.

  Mrs. Fish and Mr. Turtle part. Mr. Turtle is out on the shore, He walks around.

  Look at all those trees, It's so beautiful here. Hey,what's that? It's a bird. Look at it fly, Birds are so lucky. I wish I wes a bird. I wish I could fly, too.

  Just then, a litter butterfly lands on a flower for a moment. Then it flies away again.

  It's so unfair, Even that little butterfly can fly. Why can't I? I want to fly, too.

  Hello there, Mr. Turtle, what did you just say?

  Oh, it's you, Mrs. Eagle. I said I said t want to fly. Hey! Perhaps, you can teach me.

  Ha,ha ha, You must be joking. How can a Turtle fly?

  Why? You can teach me.

  That's nonsence. You don't even have wrings2, And you are too heavy.

  Why do I need wrings?

  You need wrings to fly.

  Oh, no, Boo-hoo, Then I can't fly?

  No, But you can swim, I can't, so cheer up.

  How about this, Mrs.eagle!


  Can you take me up?

  It's too dangerous.

  Oh, please! Just this once. I want to see the land and the sea from the sky. I'll do anything for you.

  Well, I don't know. It's dangeroue up there, What if you fall?

  Don't worry. I'll hold on tight3, I'll be careful.

  The Turtle keeps begging. The Eagle cannot say "no" any longer. She agrees to take the Turtle up into the sky.

  Okay, Mr,Turtle. Juat this once, Never again.

  Oh, thank you so much.

  Okay, now hold on tight, Let's go up. One, two, three, whee …

  The Eagle takes the Turtle up into the sky.

  Oh my goodness4! It's scary5 up here.

  Are you okay? Do you want to go back down?

  No, no, I'm fine now, look below. It's so beautiful, I feel like I'm flying.

  Okay, let's go down now.

  No, No! I want to go up higher.

  It's too dangerous.

  The Turtle insists. So the Eagle takes him up even higher.

  It is so wonderful up here. I think I can fly by myself now.

  What ?! Are you crazy? You can't fly by yourself!

  Yes, I can. I'll show you, Please, Let me go.

  Are you please, But I warned6 you, Good luck.

  The Eagle lets go and the Turtle starts to go down. The Fish sees the Turtle falling down.

  What's happening? Why am I not flying? Oh, no !!! I should have stayed on the land.

  Hey, why isn't Mr.Turtle flying? He is coming down really fast. Be careful, Mr. Turtle ! There's a big rock below. (splash and crack)

  The Turtle lands on a big rock and his back breaks into a thousand pieces.

  Poor Mr.Turtle, I don't envy him anymore.

  MORAL7: Know your limits.



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