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The Party Manager and the Gentle

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  AN Officer of the Government, with a great outfit1 of mule2-waggons

  loaded with balloons, kites, dynamite3 bombs, and electrical

  apparatus4, halted in the midst of a desert, where there had been no

  rain for ten years, and set up a camp. After several months of

  preparation and an expenditure5 of a million dollars all was in

  readiness, and a series of tremendous explosions occurred on the

  earth and in the sky. This was followed by a great down-pour of

  rain, which washed the unfortunate Officer of the Government and

  the outfit off the face of creation and affected6 the agricultural

  heart with joy too deep for utterance7. A Newspaper Reporter who

  had just arrived escaped by climbing a hill near by, and there he

  found the Sole Survivor8 of the expedition - a mule-driver - down on

  his knees behind a mesquite bush, praying with extreme fervour.

  "Oh, you can't stop it that way," said the Reporter.

  "My fellow-traveller to the bar of God," replied the Sole Survivor,

  looking up over his shoulder, "your understanding is in darkness.

  I am not stopping this great blessing9; under Providence10, I am

  bringing it."

  "That is a pretty good joke," said the Reporter, laughing as well

  as he could in the strangling rain - "a mule driver's prayer


  "Child of levity11 and scoffing," replied the other; "you err12 again,

  misled by these humble13 habiliments. I am the Rev14. Ezekiel Thrifft,

  a minister of the gospel, now in the service of the great

  manufacturing firm of Skinn & Sheer. They make balloons, kites,

  dynamite bombs, and electrical apparatus."



