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Ellen The Eagle Needs Glasses

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  Chapter 4

  So the next morning they told everyone they had to go, they had to go warn their dad. So they said their goodbyes and were off but then Julia's mom stopped them and asked if they would take Julia with them, they said they would and then her mom continued, it would be the biggest adventure she ever had. Then Julia thanked her mom and her mom thanked Jesse and Mary Sue1 and then they told them they would be back soon and then they left fairyland.

  Now Julia knew this was going to be the biggest adventure she ever had because she'd never been this far out of fairyland before and she was excited. Jesse and Mary Sue told her that when they were at their house she has to hide and Julia agreed. So when they arrived, Julia did as she was told and hid behind a plant in the living room. In their father's room they were telling him about who they had seen and were they had seen her, of course, their father, who found this a little hard to believe, welcomed them with open arms but then said I think you two are sick. Come and lay down a while.

  Dad! They both said we're not sick, we really saw her. How could you if she was right here by me the whole time you were gone. The only time she left was when she went to the store and got groceries. We don't under stand, where is she now she went to get groceries. Fairyland! They both said at the exacted same time. They both ran out the door with Julia following behind them but this time their dad followed them, hoping he would find out what was going on.

  As soon as they got there and the dad had a chance to catch up he asked them what was going on, they said that they would explain again later. Then they went to the cave were they had seen her but she wasn't there. Now their father was beginning to think this was all a joke. When he saw their step mom and his future wife, she was coming out of a secret passage in the cave. Then all four of them went back to the fairies and asked them if they knew about it. The fairy's said no except one. He said he'd been trying to find out what was.

  Chapter 5

  The door then opened and Mary Sue clinched2 onto Jesse's hand so hard it was turning red, the pass way looked like fairyland except there were no fairies. Then! They saw it a golden door but it had a keyhole. Where would they find a key that big, they were puzzled so they sat down to think. Then they all decided3 to go back to fairyland but when they said the magic password someone they had not been warned about spotted4 them. He grabbed5 them by they're arms and made them walk with him, they tried to escape but he wouldn't let go. He was the demon6's companion his name was Alfred but everyone called him Al.

  He took them to the demon who was being carried on a mattress7 and all he was doing was eating grapes and giving all the girls he's phone number, not very impressive8 if you ask me. Then finally after stuffing9 a handful10 of grapes in he's mouth he said I thought you'd be coming here soon after I saw you two spying on me and that kind lady I was talking to. "She's our step mom and she's not kind at all."

  I never knew kids could be so rude to someone who truly loves them, take them away, take them away said the demon I can't stand them any longer. Jesse, Mary Sue and they're Father were handcuffed to a shelf in a closet. Julia was locked in a cage in the corner of the closet but you couldn't see her because a shirt was covering her. "Maybe there's a secret hiding place the Demon puts a key in to unlock11 and lock the door", "Good idea." Julia said. Mary Sue started looking for a piece of wood that would come out of the wall with the one hand that wasn't handcuffed.

  Soon it was late and she still hadn't found anything and in no time she fell asleep along with her brother, her dad and Julia. In the morning when Mary Sue woke up she accidentally12 hit the wall when she was stretching. Hey guys, I think I found something she said. It was a loose board, when the board fell out there was a big key behind it. This looks like a key for something very important I'll put it in my pocket. I think I know what that important thing is, let's go.

  Chapter 6

  So they went back to where they had last seen the demon(恶魔) and again found him laying down being feed grapes by all the girls. When they saw him they said we know your plan and we have the key you hid in the room you locked us in "but I have a spare, did you actually think I'd put the key in the same room I locked you in with out a spare", said the demon. While the demon was talking Julia had came up with an idea of her own and was already starting it. She slipped behind the demon and knocked the key out of his hand.

  "Actually I did" she said just catching13 the key in her hand and now that I have both keys your plan is history she added and "we're off to save fairyland". Not so fast said the demon, "did you really think I'd fall for that too?" as two guards stepped out from behind the bushes. They were tall demons14 even taller then the demon and himself. Julia, Mary sue, Jesse and their father all ran as fast as they could, then they saw a cave and ran but it didn't take to long for the guards to sniff15 them out, they came running after them.

  Then Julia, Jesse, his sister and their dad saw a waterfall, they took their only chance and jumped with a deep breath, but of course Julia flew. When they landed, they swam to the surface and realized they were back where they started at the big door. They put the key in and all the sudden the demon came but they opened the door and they hurried in, before the demon could catch them.

  Then all the sudden they know what to do, they said the magic words which were "open pass way" and then they picked a magic flower and put it in the pot they saw in the middle of the room and the flower turned into a liquid which they poured on the demon, his son which turned them into who they where before. The demon was the fairy prince, his son was a normal kid and the guards were mice. As for they're step mom well this effected her too she came out as a kind lady and said hi I'm sorry if was mean to you before the demon which is now the fairy prince had me under a evil16 spell, they all forgave her.



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