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Some people say that the campus is the treasure house of knowledge, some people say that the campus is the holy land of success, but I have another saying, that is - the campus, the paradise in my heart.


That's right. Remember 2008? I took part in a happy sports meeting, which will be my long cherished memory.


Have a sports meeting! Our class is as mad as a cicada in summer. It keeps shouting five words "have a sports meeting!" Excited and happy mood also infected our class running Princess - Miss Sun. She will also show herself in the race. Of course, I, a sports activist, also walked with the "little princess" and participated in running, long jump and relay.


On the same day, our invincible head teacher, Mr. Liu, gave us the "iron order of fire". The whole class will arrive at school at seven. It's certainly no problem, because even if we get to school at six, our class will come all right.


Just arrived at the gymnasium, it was really vast, just on the green grass, outside a circle of runway.

跑步项目终于开始了, 我和“铁哥们”涂方雅一起下道。我最怕和四七班的名将陈子凌跑,可上帝是有意和我作对似的,偏偏把我和她安排在一道上,还是在我旁边。涂方雅似乎看出了我的心思,她走过来给了我几片柚子皮,还说:“特辣,吃了包你跑第一!”我半信半疑尝了一片。“呀!真的好辣!”可是为了得第一赢陈子凌,我紧紧地把它握在手里。只听“啪”的一声枪声,我赶紧把柚子皮往口里塞。“辣!”、“冲呀!”我豪气冲天的“刷”的一声冲出跑道。这辣味就仿佛是一股力量,推动着我向前,我跑得一点也不累。眼看胜利的红线就在眼前,果不其然还有我的一个“宿敌”——陈子凌在我前面。我不管三七二十一把最后的几片柚子皮吞进了肚里,这回我辣得更厉害了,又一个劲的向前跑,第一个把胜利的红线带过。刘老师和孙老师跑过来向我祝贺:“好样的!”铁哥们涂方雅也走过来问:“怎么样,我的柚子皮帮了你的忙吧。”“帮了,帮了,还把我辣得跑赢了陈子凌呢!我的功劳可有你的一半呢,Think you very much!”我兴奋的说。老师和同学们都很高兴,张张脸上都盛开着笑容。因为我们班这次是大获全胜,所有参加跑步项目的运动员都获奖了,为班级争光了。

The running project finally started. I went down with Tu fangya, the "Iron Man". I'm most afraid to run away with Chen Ziling, a famous general in class 47, but God intended to fight against me. He just arranged me and her together, or beside me. Tu fangya seemed to see my mind. She came up to me and gave me some grapefruit peels. She said, "it's very spicy. You're the first one after eating the bag!" I tasted one with half a doubt. "Ah! It's really hot! " But in order to win Chen Ziling first, I firmly hold it in my hand. Just listen to the "pa" shot, I quickly put the grapefruit skin into the mouth. "Spicy!" "Rush!" I rushed out of the track with a bold "brush". It's like a force that pushes me forward. I'm not tired at all. Seeing the red line of victory is in front of me, it's not surprising that Chen Ziling, one of my "old enemies", is in front of me. I swallowed the last pieces of grapefruit peel in my stomach regardless of 3721. This time, I was even hotter. I ran forward again, the first to bring the red line of victory. Mr. Liu and Mr. Sun came to congratulate me: "good!" Iron friend Tu fangya also came up and asked, "how is my grapefruit peel helping you?" "Help, help, and make me beat Chen Ziling! Think you very much! "I said excitedly. The teacher and the students are very happy. Their faces are full of smiles. Because our class won a great victory this time, all the runners who took part in the running events won awards and won honor for the class.


Of course, this is just a small episode of campus life. There are more joys going on in the "paradise". Let's have a look!



