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The study of learning disabilities has a history of more than 200 years abroad. In recent years, in the process of implementing quality-oriented education, educators in China have carried out extensive research and experiments on learning disabilities, and achieved remarkable results. The 21st century is an information age. The explosion of information leads to a surge of knowledge. Reading has become an important learning and life skill for individuals. In fact, quite a number of people, especially middle school students, have reading obstacles (or reading difficulties), which not only make these students' Chinese learning performance backward, but also seriously affect the formation of other subjects' learning and lifelong learning ability. In the context of the new round of curriculum reform in China, in order to realize the fundamental change of learning style, it is of great practical significance to study middle school students' reading learning obstacles, put forward effective solutions and improve students' reading learning ability.


1、 On the definition of reading learning


1. On the definition of learning disabilities


The term learning disability was coined in 1963. The earlier and most influential definition is "the definition of public law 94-142". It is defined as: "learning disability" refers to one or several mental process abnormalities related to understanding and using language, so that children have insufficient ability in listening, speaking, reading, spelling, thinking or mathematical operation. These abnormalities include sensory impairment, brain injury, mild brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia This definition shows that learning disability is a psychological process, which is manifested by difficulties in specific learning fields, such as listening, speaking, thinking, reading, computing, etc.


In 1981, njcld put forward a new definition of learning disabilities, which is expressed as: "learning disabilities refer to a group of learners with different characteristics who have significant difficulties in acquiring and using in listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical operations. These abnormalities are intrinsic to individuals and are generally considered to refer to central nervous system dysfunction. "


In 1989, the 10th edition of the international classification of diseases published by the World Health Organization (who), learning disabilities are classified under the category of developmental disorders, called "developmental disorders of learning skills", which is defined as: "from the early stage of development, children's normal way of acquiring learning skills is impaired. This kind of damage is not the result of the lack of learning opportunities, not the result of mental retardation, nor the result of postnatal brain injury or disease. This kind of obstacle comes from the abnormal process of cognitive processing, which is composed of a group of obstacles. It has special and obvious damage in reading, spelling, calculation and motor function. "


In 1992, Taiwan's Ministry of education put forward a legal definition of learning disabilities: "learning disabilities refer to those who have significant difficulties in the acquisition and application of listening, speaking, reading, writing, calculating and other abilities. Learning disabilities can be accompanied by other barriers, such as sensory barriers, lack of intelligence, emotional distress, or barriers caused by environmental factors, such as lack of cultural stimulation, improper teaching, but not directly caused by the above conditions. Learning disabilities usually include developmental learning disabilities and academic learning disabilities. The former includes attention deficit, perception deficit, visual motor coordination deficit and memory deficit, while the latter includes reading disability, writing disability and mathematics disability


According to Dr. Liu Xiangping, a Chinese scholar and Peking Normal University, learning disability refers to the phenomenon that the intelligence is normal, but the learning performance is low due to the backward listening, speaking, reading, writing, calculating and communication skills. Its essence is that the learning performance does not match the intelligence.


The above definition of learning disabilities seems to be somewhat out of line with reading disabilities, but a little analysis will reveal its connection with reading disabilities. In the above definitions (or more than 90 other definitions of learning disabilities), researchers have different understandings and understandings of learning disabilities. For example, the definition of public law 94-142 of the United States holds that learning disabilities "refers to one or several psychological process abnormalities related to understanding and using language"; the United States "National Association of learning disabilities" (njcld) takes learning disabilities from one to the other "lacks" "Depression" and "lack of ability" are replaced by "having significant difficulties", which makes the definition more operational; the World Health Organization describes learning disabilities as "learning skill development disorders", which actually points to the method; while the definition of Taiwan in China divides learning disabilities into developmental learning disabilities and academic learning disabilities, and considers that learning disabilities can be accompanied by other obstacles, Such as sensory barriers, lack of intelligence, emotional distress, or obstacles caused by environmental factors, such as insufficient cultural stimulation and improper teaching. However, in almost all definitions of learning disabilities, dyslexia is considered to be one of them. Generally speaking, dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities. A 1993 statistic shows that 80% of children with learning disabilities have difficulty in reading. According to statistics, 5 and 25% of children in the United States have developmental disabilities, and at least 50% of children with learning disabilities are dyslexic children. It can be seen that the proportion of children with dyslexia is large. This shows that the theoretical and practical achievements and research methods of the study of learning disabilities can be directly applied to the study of reading disorders, or as a reference for the study of reading disorders.


2. On the definition of dyslexia


There are broad and narrow definitions of dyslexia. In a broad sense, dyslexia refers to all situations in which normal reading is not possible. Generally speaking, dyslexia can be divided into acquired dyslexia and developmental dyslexia. The former refers to the reading difficulty caused by the postnatal brain injury, while the latter refers to the situation in which the individual has no difference with other individuals in general intelligence, sensitivity of sensation, motivation, living environment and education conditions, and has no obvious brain injury, but is in the state of reading difficulty all his life. Narrow sense dyslexia refers to developmental dyslexia. Generally speaking, reading disorder in school education makes it a developmental reading disorder, more specifically, reading learning difficulty.


The definition of special developmental dyslexia given by the world Neurology Association is: "dyslexia, which is not affected by traditional teaching, intelligence and social and cultural factors, is manifested as learning and reading difficulties. It depends on basic cognitive disorders, which usually have some structural roots."


The so-called "dyslexia" refers to the fact that the mastery of reading skills lags behind the age norm, and the reasons for the lag are not mental retardation, major brain injury or serious emotional instability. (beauty) e. J. Gibson).


Children's dyslexia mainly includes two parts: reading and understanding. Children with dyslexia generally have the following characteristics in the learning process: ① slow reading speed, word for word reading, sometimes need to use the coordination of fingers; ② prone to misreading, such as skipping, omitting, replacing, distorting, adding or reversing words; ③ too many pauses in reading, or often don't know where to read; ④ inaccurate composition division of phrases; ⑤ after reading Can't recall the content of reading; can't draw a conclusion from the reading materials, that is, can't generalize the central idea; can't use common sense as the background, instead of using the materials in the article to answer the questions, that is, the answers are not what they ask; can't get good dictation results.


Some researchers also think that children with dyslexia have the following learning difficulties:


1. It is very difficult to recognize and memorize the characters, so I forget the words I just learned;


2. Poor dictation;


3. Add and subtract words when reading aloud;


4. When reading aloud, do not read according to words, but read according to your own ideas at will;


5. Write one more or one less stroke often;


6. Slow reading speed;


7. Read word for word or with the help of fingers;


8. It's OK to say composition, but it's too simple and boring;


9. Often mix up the near form of the word, such as the visual wish mix up;


10. Often mix up near the word;


11. It is difficult to learn pinyin. Q is often regarded as O;


12. Often reverse the radical of a word.


3、 The causes of dyslexia


In the initial study of dyslexia, it was thought that the only cause of dyslexia was dysfunction in one area or between different areas of the brain. With the deepening of research, people find that many problems of dyslexic readers are purely due to the abnormal eye movement pattern, attention concentration, perception space ability, morpheme phoneme conversion and so on. On this basis, people divide developmental dyslexia into auditory language dyslexia and visual spatial dyslexia.


There are two theories about the psychological mechanism of dyslexia. The first theory is the defect theory of speech processing, and the second is the defect theory of word shape processing. According to the theory of speech processing defects, dyslexia is actually a kind of speech disorder. According to this theory, the problem of dyslexics lies in the defect of phonemic representation. An earlier study found that normal children can correctly divide words into smaller units such as syllables or phonemes before learning written language, while children with dyslexia can not successfully complete this task months after learning written language. More recent studies using perceptual classification tasks have found that it is difficult for dyslexics to distinguish / BA / - / DA / and other speech materials correctly. Another point of view of the theory of phonological processing defects is that people with reading disabilities are not unable to distinguish phonemes correctly, but are defective in perceiving the temporal characteristics of sound. Although the dyslexic can't distinguish the fast presented phonemes, the accuracy of speech recognition can be improved when the pattern of hearing frequency is reduced. According to the theory of morphological processing defects, dyslexia is mainly caused by visual perception defects. Researchers found that many dyslexics often confuse mirrored letters (B / D) with similar letters (M / N). This kind of confusion sometimes appears at the same time with the speech error, but in many cases, the visual error often appears alone. More recent studies have shown that dyslexic readers have the defect of spatial contrast sensitivity. To detect the same contrast, the spatial frequency of stimuli needed by dyslexic readers is twice lower than that of normal readers. These researchers believe that there are many defects in the whole perception of word form, the recognition of detail information of word form, the recognition of motion characteristics of visual stimulation and so on. From the perspective of the research progress of Pinyin characters, it is considered that the main reason for reading disorder is the phonetic defect, which is a relatively dominant point of view. At the same time, the researchers also found that dyslexia has a lot to do with the characteristics of characters. For example, some researchers have found that German children's dyslexia is diagnosed as phoneme segmentation and speech coding difficulties before entering school, but these difficulties will not exist after the fourth grade, and then there are problems such as slow reading speed and poor spelling performance. In English, dyslexics may have difficulties in phoneme segmentation and speech coding all their lives. The researchers believe that this is due to the fact that German has a more consistent correspondence between form and sound than English. There are more differences between ideographic system and pinyin system. Chinese characters have complex two-dimensional structure, which is composed of two or several parts according to certain rules. This makes the relationship between form and sound of Chinese characters more casual, while the corresponding relationship between form and meaning is relatively stronger. Because of the influence of the thought that dyslexia is closely related to the text system, researchers once thought that there is no dyslexia in Chinese, or the incidence of dyslexia is quite low. But the subsequent research has changed people's original view. For example, a questionnaire survey found that [, there is no significant difference in the incidence of Chinese dyslexia and English dyslexia. A recent study found that the incidence of Chinese dyslexic children is no lower than that of Pinyin. Although researchers no longer doubt the existence of Chinese dyslexia, the research on the psychological mechanism of Chinese dyslexia is still immature, and the results are inconsistent. One of the differences is whether visual defect is the cause of Chinese reading disorder. For example, some researchers think that children with Chinese dyslexia do not have non phonetic defects, lack of speech analysis ability and poor speech memory ability are the main causes of children's dyslexia. Another study shows that dyslexia may be related to font recognition. They found that for materials with similar glyphs, children with dyslexia did not show phonological disorders, only in the stimulation of different glyphs. This result has been confirmed in Japanese studies. For example, Yamada found that children with dyslexia have more visual, choice and semantic errors, which they think is due to the large number of kanji in Japanese. Some researches on pinyin have pointed out that there are defects in the whole perception of word form and the recognition of detailed information of word form. The study of Chinese dyslexia shows that the dyslexics have some difficulties in processing the details of Chinese characters, but there is no report on the whole perception of Chinese characters. This study attempts to explore this problem. In the experiment, we use the true and false word judgment to examine the processing of the whole perception of Chinese characters. Considering that there is no clear standard for diagnosing Chinese dyslexic individuals, we also set up a voice task in order to keep consistent with previous studies in the choice of subjects. Our idea is that although the phonological defects can not be identified as the cause of Chinese reading disorder, previous studies have found that the response of Chinese reading disorder is different from that of normal subjects in the phonological task.


Other researchers believe that the causes of dyslexia can be divided into external causes and internal causes.


(1) External causes


1. Communicative emotional deprivation. Communicative emotional deprivation refers to the lack of appropriate stimulation necessary for children to acquire language in their environment, so that children cannot master the necessary language skills for reading. For example, in the aspect of mother-child relationship, if the mother is lack of verbal conversation with the child due to her indifference to the child and cold attitude, or scolds the child easily due to her low mood and bad temper, the child will have defects in language knowledge, and the child will also lack confidence in learning related language homework. Ninio & brunet (1980) studied a pair of mothers and children for 10 months, and found that mother-child communication has a certain impact on the mastery of children's grammar rules and sentence reading. Roser & Martinez (1985) pointed out that parents play a very significant role in the development of children's early reading ability. A large number of studies have confirmed that the early deprivation of normal conversation between mother and child will make it difficult for children to acquire good language skills.


2. Cultural or educational deprivation. Cultural or educational deprivation refers to the lack of certain social and cultural experience, which is essential for learning in schools, and thus leads to reading disorders. Generally speaking, when children are in a culturally deprived environment, they will lack the stimulation necessary for learning to read. For example, if there are no books at home, no one has ever read books to children, and children have never seen anyone read books at home, then children growing up in this environment will naturally lack the learning motivation and practical opportunities to learn to read, and reading obstacles will be very serious. Clay (1966), gocdman (1967), herste (1984) and other researchers have drawn people's attention to the issue of providing children with a Book environment. Cullnian (1989), dcnelson & nilscn (1989) helper & Hickman (1978) and other researchers have further pointed out that providing children with story books is an important factor to help them develop language and learn to speak.


(2) Internal causes


1. Mild brain dysfunction. Mild brain dysfunction (hereinafter referred to as MBD) refers to the irregular function of central nervous system caused by injury, brain injury at birth or diseases at critical age of nervous system development. This kind of functional abnormality can be manifested as different combinations of the shortcomings of perception, conceptualization, language, memory, attention and so on, which will affect the reading process. Some people think that in the symptoms of MBD, the delay of maturity and the lack of left side are the causes of dyslexia. Sparron et al. (1970) have investigated the difference of unilateral performance between children with dyslexia and normal children. It was found that there was no difference in the early development of unilateral (such as hand eye coordination) between children with dyslexia and normal children, but there were differences in all indicators of late development (such as unilateral awareness and finger differentiation). P. Sate et al. (1971) examined the dominant skills at different ages of development. The results showed that children with dyslexia, compared with normal children of the same age, had differences in some skills (such as some visual motor integration tasks) usually formed at this age stage, but had no significant differences in some skills that would become proficient later. It should be noted that the difference in development speed between dyslexic children and normal children does not mean that all dyslexic children show delay in maturity, and even the dyslexic children caused by MBD do not show delay in maturity.


It can be seen that only a small percentage of children with dyslexia belong to MBD. F. W. Owen et al. (1971) found that of the 304 children with dyslexia they studied, only four could be diagnosed as having neurological defects. In view of the controversy about this symptom, it is difficult to determine who belongs to MBD in children with dyslexia, so it is necessary to be cautious when classifying a child as one of these causes.


2. Genetic factors. Genetic factors are also the reason why a person can't learn to read well. Genetic factors may cause dyslexia either because it determines the slow development of some skills, or because it sets the limits of some skills. Any delay in the development of the skills needed to learn reading will delay children's mastery of reading. A child's ability may be limited by heredity, which is at the lower end of the normal distribution of perception and language skills. Therefore, a child cannot learn to read well. Geneticists have found that there are regulatory genes that control the speed of development. It has been proved that the development of some language skills depends on the potential existing in the genotype. It has been found that many speech and reading disorders often occur in a family after studying the literature on the genetic factors of language ability, which shows that genetic transmission is related to language ability.


3、 Diagnosis of dyslexia


To intervene and correct children with dyslexia, the premise is to make a more accurate judgment of dyslexia. Generally speaking, there are four ways to diagnose dyslexia: norm reference test, standard reference test, informal evaluation strategy and curriculum reference evaluation. In order to facilitate the research, when large samples are tested, screened and prepared for the common experiment, people often use the "intelligence achievement difference" test as the basis for diagnosing learning disabilities, that is, the IQ is more than 85 points (generally using Wechsler children's intelligence scale or raven's standard reasoning test), and the academic performance is significantly lower than its intelligence level (generally considered as It's below two age levels), and you can diagnose dyslexia. If it is for a specific individual to correct, we must use more subtle diagnostic methods to determine the specific types of dyslexia, in order to suit the case. In the process of screening children with dyslexia, some researchers adopted the strategy of hierarchical detection: ① which children are learning disabilities determined by the local school district; ② the score in the norm reference intelligence test must be between 80 and 120; ③ the reading score must be at least one standard deviation lower than the average; ④ the reading ability is still at the most basic level in the lower grade; ⑤ there is no other aspect Obstacles. If the above five conditions are met, the child is considered to have dyslexia.


In addition to the formal classification procedure for children with dyslexia described above, there is another situation called informal classification procedure. When a child has a very serious problem and has to be tested, a series of informal classification procedures begin: usually the head teacher talks with other teachers (including school psychological tutors), principals, children's parents or guardians, etc., to explore the best strategies to help the child and when it is difficult to discipline the child. After the test results come out, it is mainly up to the relevant personnel of the school to decide the measures to be taken. The choice and interpretation of tests, as well as the number of data reports, often remain extremely flexible.


4、 Corrective measures for dyslexia


On the basis of absorbing foreign research results, Chinese researchers have summed up five models for the treatment of children's dyslexia: behavior intervention model, cognitive behavior intervention model, companion guidance model, neural system function training and biochemical and drug treatment.


(1) Behavioral intervention model


This is an earlier and more perfect model for learning disabilities. The behavior intervention model takes the basic principle of behaviorism as the guiding ideology, and believes that individual behavior can be changed by manipulating the environment or behavior consequences. The significance of manipulation environment is to provide opportunities for specific behaviors, while the consequences of manipulation are to change the possibility of increasing or decreasing certain behaviors in the future. To use the behavioral intervention model, first of all, we need to make a detailed analysis of the premise and consequences of the behavior, which is often based on direct observation; secondly, in determining the problems that may cause or strengthen our efforts to overcome, the main trial should create a stable and structured intervention environment; thirdly, the rules of intervention should be clear and consistent, and appear in a positive form as much as possible , not in the form of a single prohibition. In addition, the requirements for children with dyslexia should be few and clear in a period of time, and the feedback should be reminded at any time. Behavior intervention model mainly includes timely reinforcement, token system, behavior contract, cold bench, response cost and so on. In addition, these intervention models also include spiritual teaching method, direct guidance method and error free process method, which are designed based on the fact that teachers' teaching has a great impact on children. Taking the error free process method as an example, the basic assumption of this method is: if the teaching process can be properly arranged to avoid mistakes, then children's learning process will be rapid and effective. The main techniques are "stimulus formation" and "response formation". The so-called "stimulus formation" refers to that the teacher induces children to make correct response by controlling the appearance of stimulus. The error free process method is mainly applicable to children's literacy and reading training. This teaching method emphasizes the teacher's careful design of the teaching process, so as to ensure that children with dyslexia can make correct response to each step. Once a child has a wrong response, the teacher, on the one hand, ignores these mistakes and avoids blaming the child. On the other hand, he returns to the previous step and gives further guidance to the task.


(2) Cognitive behavioral intervention model is different from that of behavioral intervention model, which emphasizes the guidance of teachers. Cognitive behavioral intervention model emphasizes that children with dyslexia form active and self-regulated learning style. The founders of this model believe that individuals can control their own behaviors. Therefore, the emergence of behaviors does not only depend on environmental stimulation or behavioral consequences, but also on the impact of their own cognitive evaluation system, namely metacognitive system. The reason for the gap between the potential and actual performance of children with dyslexia is that their learning process is passive and will not be used effectively Strategy. If we improve the level of strategy use, the learning situation of dyslexic children will also be improved. From the point of view of the pathological mechanism of this "strategy defect", the cognitive behavioral intervention model advocates cognitive strategy training and self-control training (or self-directed training) for children with reading disabilities.


1. Knowledge strategy training.


The researchers found that an important problem for children with learning disabilities is that they lack some effective cognitive strategies or do not choose appropriate strategies. The basic procedures of cognitive strategy training are as follows: ① evaluate the current strategy level of children with dyslexia, identify the disadvantages of these children, and establish the goal strategies to be trained; ② explain the goal strategies to children; ③ demonstrate the use of goal strategies; ④ speech rehearsal; ⑤ provide low-difficulty materials, conduct controlled exercises and give feedback; ⑥ provide and For reading materials of quite difficult age level of children with reading disabilities, practice and give feedback; ⑦ evaluate the strategies of children with reading disabilities, and guide children to learn how to choose appropriate strategies according to tasks; ⑧ realize transfer in actual learning.


2. Self monitoring training.


In this kind of training, the trainer instructs the children to actively use the internal language to monitor their behavior regularly until a task is completed. Before children are allowed to conduct self-monitoring, the trainer should explain the specific methods. In the first few times, the trainer needs to observe the self-monitoring of children, praise the correct behavior of children in time, and then gradually withdraw the external monitoring. From the perspective of cognitive behavioral training model, we can see its outstanding characteristics are: to guide children to become active participants in their learning process; to attach importance to the application of demonstration target strategies and methods; and to use children's external speech as an intermediary. These characteristics ensure that children with dyslexia control their own reading learning process and change their original passive response style.


(3) Peer guidance model


This is a new type of training mode that has been developed since the mid-1980s, that is, let one child with learning disabilities help another child with learning disabilities, or let the companion of the child with learning disabilities (normal children) help him. The first mock exam is not only applicable to extracurricular tutoring, but also to social skills training for learning disabilities. Some studies in the United States have shown that children's achievement level in collective learning often exceeds the average; at the same time, other studies have shown that collective activities help children improve their academic ability. People wait! //In a study of $, it was found that peer guidance strategies can improve reading fluency and comprehension of children with dyslexia. CB = = D & amp; 'and colleagues developed a classic peer-directed correction model. The specific process of the model is: first, select some children as the instructors, introduce these instructors to their dyslexic peers; then carry out special training for the instructors, teach them the content and methods that need to be taught to dyslexic peers; then arrange peer guidance activities, generally at least once a week. This mode can be one-to-one, but more often it is in the form of several mentors and several peers working together. Teachers should not only be responsible for the formation of peer groups and training instructors, but also for further training of instructors, or for additional guidance to the coached.


Peer guidance can greatly promote the initiative of children with dyslexia, improve the ability of both sides in reading learning, and it is also an effective way to improve the social status of children with dyslexia in school and reshape their self-concept. However, this method is not suitable for all learning content and children. It is not suitable for children with difficult course content and significant externalized behavior problems.


(4) The founders of this model believe that learning depends on the advanced functions of the nervous system, and the realization of these advanced functions is based on the basic psychological processes such as perception. Therefore, the basic psychological process training can improve brain function, and then improve academic performance. Zeng xingchu (1997) made a sharp criticism on the utility of the current popular training in China, believing that the effect of such training has been artificially exaggerated. It can be seen that the adoption of such methods should be cautious and further exploration is needed.


(5) Biochemical and drug therapy biochemical and drug therapy is the use of drug therapy, first to control and improve the physiological condition of children with dyslexia, and then improve their learning status. For the problem of the after effect of drug treatment, people have carried out a lot of research and found that these drugs have short-term effect on dyslexia, but its effect is limited, so we should be careful.


All in all, the above five correction models have their own advantages and disadvantages. The teaching intervention for children with dyslexia should not only be limited to one correction model, but also be inclusive and appropriate.



