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It was Darwin and Engels' exposition that made people completely break through the shackles of feudal rituals, and made people continuously explore the mystery of human origin in the field of science and technology for more than 100 years.


Among them, the most accepted assumptions of human origin are as follows:


One is that humans are purified from primates.


In 1960, elist, a professor of anthropology in England. Sir hardy put forward a new hypothesis. He thought that the human ancestors in the fossil blank period (the fossil data in this period is almost blank from 4-8 million years ago) lived not on land, but in the sea; in the human evolution, there were several million years of aquatic ape stage, which has left many "traces" in human body up to now -- autopsy In terms of physical characteristics, these characteristics are not found in other land primates, but also in seals, sea Peckers and other aquatic animals. For example: all primates have thick hair on the body surface, only humans and water animals have naked skin; primates do not have subcutaneous fat, while humans have subcutaneous fat as thick as water animals. The location of fetal hair of human fetus is obviously different from other primates, but close to water animals. The physiological phenomenon that human sweat glands secrete tears and excrete salt is also the characteristic of water animals, which is unique in primates. Hardy pointed out: geological history shows that 400--800 million years ago, in the East and north of Africa, there were large areas that were submerged by sea water. The sea divided the ancient apes that lived there, forcing some of them to go to the sea to live and evolve into apes. Millions of years later, the sea retreated, and the ape, who had adapted to the aquatic life, was the ancestor of human beings from returning to the land. The sea ape has gone through many vicissitudes. The ability of bipedal upright and breathing control has been developed in aquatic life, which has created conditions for the following major evolutionary steps, such as upright walking, hands liberation, and language communication development. This makes them "unique", surpassing other apes and evolving into the highest intelligent animal on earth.


Second, human beings evolved from marine organisms.


By comparing the physiological characteristics of different animals, we can see the distance between them, which is the research method of comparative physiology. Biology of the University of Melbourne, Australia? Professor Danton, studied the physiological mechanism of controlling salt balance in human and other mammals. In this respect, he found, humans are also different from all terrestrial mammals and similar to water animals.


Some experts also pointed out that the diving physiology of human beings is quite excellent. In the ancient place where ape people lived, people found a famous historic site: Prehistoric Beizhong. The mound is a pile of shells, which is the evidence that prehistoric people ate shellfish. In 1983, British scientists Elmer and Gordon studied the ancient tombs in TANLA, Amata and other places where Homo erectus was found. They found that these tombs are all kinds of deep-sea life, such as tree, mussel and so on. We have to master the technique of breath holding diving to collect these shellfish. Obviously, these apes have excellent diving skills, which is unique in primates. Humans are born divers, and they spend much more time in breathless diving than other land creatures. When diving, human body will produce a diving reaction: muscle contraction, decreased blood flow of systemic arteries, apnea, and slow heartbeat. This kind of reaction is very similar to that of diving of aquatic animals such as seals and diving ducks. The diving response is not conditioned, but controlled by the brain's superior center. This kind of control also controls breath consciously. The precise control and regulation of breath is the basis of human language development. Without the ability of controlling breath formed in the stage of ape, it is impossible for human beings to develop such a complex vocal method.


The third is the origin of human beings.


Over the years, a series of discoveries have revived people's enthusiasm for the theory of extraterrestrial sources of life. First of all, people have noticed that although the life on earth is of a large variety, it has a pattern with similar cell structure, which is composed of the same nuclear nucleic acid as the genetic material, and the protein as the living body. This makes it necessary to ask why there are not many life patterns if life is really evolved from inorganic substances on the earth? Secondly, it has been noted that the rare metal molybdenum plays an important role in the physiological activities of life on earth. However, the content of molybdenum in the crust is very low, only 0. 0002%, which makes people wonder why such a rare element is so important to life? Will life on earth originate from other molybdenum rich celestial bodies? Thirdly, the organic matter originated from the interstellar space, including all the basic elements of life on earth, has been found in the falling meteorites. At the same time, it is also found that there are organic molecular clouds in many parts of the universe. This convinced many that life is not just monopolized by the earth. Moreover, some people have noticed that some infectious diseases on earth, such as influenza, often spread around the world periodically. And its spreading period coincides with the return period of some comets. So they have reason to wonder if some of the infectious vaccines come from comets? If so, then people come from outside.


The origin of human being is the most concerned topic since ancient times, and it is one of the three origin mysteries in parallel with the origin of the universe and the origin of the earth.


So, are humans originated from primates, marine life or extraterrestrial? To this day, no scientist has ever been able to confirm or deny any kind of judgment, which is still one of the biggest puzzles for human beings.



