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Relatives are related people. What if two unrelated people live together?


A grandmother in her sixties stroked a teenage girl's glossy hair with her thin hands. She put her wrinkled face on the girl's white and ruddy face and said with tears, "thank you, child!". Can you believe that this is the grandson and grandson without blood relationship?


In a wooded valley, there is a small village, where flowers are in full bloom in spring, trees are in shade in summer, fresh fruits are fragrant in autumn, and snow is white in winter. In this village, there lived a kind old Miao grandmother. She had a thin and kind face. She always smiled and never lost her temper. Her husband left her a long time ago, leaving her to live alone. His daughter taught in the county town dozens of miles away, and only came back once a month. All the big and small things at home fell on her.

在老奶奶家后院不足十米处住着一位汉族小姑娘和她的父母,小姑娘的名字叫小花。她长着一张瓜子脸,眉毛弯弯的,一双乌亮乌亮的大眼睛晶莹透澈,神态里带着一种乡里姑娘的野气和稚气。她的父母都是热心肠,一有空就去帮助老奶奶做农活。小花的妈妈还教育小花:“你是一个少先队员,应该去帮助老奶奶做些力所能及的事。” 小花听了,就暗下决心一定要多帮助老奶奶。

In the old grandmother's backyard less than 10 meters live a Han girl and her parents, the little girl's name is Xiaohua. She has a melon face, curved eyebrows, a pair of big black and bright eyes, crystal clear, with a look of rural girl's wild and childish. Her parents are warm-hearted and help her to do farm work whenever she has time. Xiaohua's mother also educates Xiaohua: "you are a young pioneer. You should help grandma to do what you can." After listening, Xiaohua secretly decides to help grandma more.


On a sunny Sunday, Xiaohua got up early, hummed and ran to grandma's house. Unexpectedly, she closed her door, but she knew a secret passage. Xiaohua walked around the courtyard wall of grandma's house and crept into Grandma's house from the back door. She was surprised by the scene. There was a bowl of dishes on the table Half eaten, already moldy porridge. Even Grandma's favorite little dog is starving to the ground, staring at a pair of pitiful big eyes, looking straight at the little flower, it seems that it doesn't even have the strength to wag its tail. Later, Xiaohua knew that her daughter was seriously ill. She hurriedly put down her work and rushed to the county seat, so the house was in such a mess. The kind-hearted little flower saw everything in front of her eyes, and her tears rolled in her eyes. Without hesitation, she turned to go home, brought a bowl of leftovers and put them in front of the dog, and then cleaned the dishes on the table. After finishing the house, Xiaohua found a basin of bed sheets in the yard that had not yet been washed. She immediately put on the apron, picked up the washboard, soap and began to wash. When Xiaohua was airing the bed sheet, grandma walked into the yard trembling

此情此景,怎么能不让我们发出 “不是亲人,胜似亲人。”的感慨呢?

This situation, how can we not let us send out "not relatives, like relatives." What's your feeling?



