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墨西哥猪流感是一种 H1N1猪流感病毒,至今已造成墨西哥城152人死亡。瑞士政府周二通知公民避免不必要的墨国旅游。一个人承认所有病者或疑似病者最近都去过墨国,他们已 被隔离并接受必要治疗,但是否已染猪流感病毒还需最后确认。

Mexican swine flu is an H1N1 swine flu virus that has killed 152 people in Mexico City. On Tuesday, the Swiss government told citizens to avoid unnecessary Mexican tourism. A person admitted that all patients or suspected patients have recently been to Mexico, they have been quarantined and received necessary treatment, but whether they have contracted the swine flu virus still needs to be confirmed.

我们能够度过难关!我们已经要求有流感症状包括: 发烧/ 头疼/ 肌肉疼(浑身疼)以及呼吸问题的市民尽早去附近医疗中心治疗。

We can get through this! We have asked people with flu symptoms including fever / headache / muscle pain (all over the body) and respiratory problems to go to a nearby medical center as soon as possible.

The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico , a Mexico government advised , citing results from tests done in report。 The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday。A man admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, were already quarantined and received necessary medication but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus。 We can overcome it。

The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico , a Mexico government advised , citing results from tests done in report。 The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday。 A man admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, were already quarantined and received necessary medication but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus。 We can overcome it。

We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible。



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