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  我记得我什么时候是七岁,我想非常讲英语。一天,姐妹教我英国句子--早晨好,老师。从那天,我对我遇见的人民只说一个句子, “早晨好,老师。”他们全都笑了。我是太年轻的。我不知道这个句子的意思。因为我可能讲少许英语,但是我也感觉非常感到骄傲为它。在我成为no.2中学的一名学生后,我学会许多词和我可能说许多句子。逐渐,我发现英语是一个非常有用的主题,因为我可能享受一些容易的英国动画片电影。我可能传统的英国短篇小说和小说。我可能与我的外国老师也谈话用英语。

  现在我知道,如果我想要很好学习英语,课本不是足够我的,因为世界新的信息有很多。读更多出于类变得很必要。然而,最重要的事是讲英语,和我能一样多。我英语老师,张小姐,总是说, “我们学会英语沟通,得到离世界较近”。英语成为了在中国和西方国家之间的一座桥梁。朋友! 我们一起努力工作改进我们的英语! 我们使用英语做世界学会更多关于中国! 快点!

  argument on learning english

  as we all know the english language more and more important in our daily study and life。why?because more and more people in the world speak english,because it is one of the five working language in the united national,and because it is used as the world language in the modern world。

  i remember when i was seven years old,i wanted to speak english very much.。one day,a sister taught me an english sentence--good morning,teacher.from that day,i said only one sentence to the people i met ,"good morning,teacher."they all laughed. i was too young. i didn't know the meaning of this sentence.。but i also felt very proud of it ,because i could speak a little english. after i became a student in grade one in no.2 middle school , i learned many words and i could say many sentences. little by little,i found english is a very useful subject , because i could enjoy some easy english cartoon movies . i could trad english short stories and novels . i could also talk with my foreign teachers in english.

  now i know , if i want to study english well , textbooks are not enough for me , because the world is full of new information。reading more out of class becomes so necessary. however , the most important thing is to speak english as much as i can.。just as my english teacher , miss zhang ,always says,"we learn english to communicate , to get closer to the world."

  english has become a bridge between china and western countries . friends!let's work hard together to improve our english ! let's use english to make the world learn more about china ! come on!.

  本文来自: 演讲稿(http://www.kt250.com/) 详细出处参考:http://www.kt250.com/yingyu/html/59.html



