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在阐述思想观点之后,缺乏有力的例证去支持所阐述观点。或者总是引用每个人都耳熟能详的例证,例如目前最流行的例证有两个B和两个E,两个B即Bill Gates和Bill Clinton。两个E即Einstein和Edison。并不是这些例证不恰当或不足以说明问题,而是如果每一位GRE考试的考生都把爱迪生发明电灯作为例证,都引用爱因斯坦所说的成功是百分之九十九的勤劳加上百分之一的天分,那么自己的文章就显得平庸乏味,不吸引人。同时,也说明考生的知识面狭窄,视野不开阔。




还有一个非常关键也是获得高分至关重要的问题是写作最后一段时不应该只是简单的重复第一段的内容和语言。写作最后一段应该换一种说法,应该paraphrase第一段的要义。这点虽然与及格分数不甚相关,但是与GRE作文是否能获得最高分数息息相关。这个弱点往往是由于同学们非常缺乏写作语汇(working vocabulary)所致。GRE考生大都是大学生,或是在校,或是即将毕业,在阅读方面的英文词汇量大大超过了中学生,但在写作词汇上却与中学生相差不多,这是在备考时需要解决的问题。







储备积极词汇,用时得心应手。从备考的开始就要着手增加working vocabulary, 当然也包含词组,成语。平时背的词汇往往只是看到它能知道其中文的某个翻译意思,但是我们却不能灵活运用这些词汇进行表达,更不用说在短暂的GRE写作考试时间内用它们遣词造句了。




The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.



Science and art are two of the most glorious fields in which numerous people have made their great contributions. As the society develops, people concern more about the function of science, of art and of other realms. Some may argue that the function of science is to reassure, and the purpose of art is to upset, however, as far as I am concerned, science and art have more significant values than just to reassure or to upset people.

The main function of science is to propel the development of human society and to provide people the power to understand the nature and ourselves. In the primordial days of the human history, when the conception of science first emerged, science was to answer people's questions and to satisfy people's curiosity towards myriad mysterious phenomenon. If we understand the science in such way, we can't see clear differences between the inchoate religion and the inchoate science, because, the functions of both of them are nearly the same, and both contain totally absurd theories if one studies them today. One may agree that in that period of time, science was largely to reassure people's fear towards the mysteries just as what religions try to do.

However, the development of science finally makes it an important tool for us to understand the nature and to change the nature in our favor. The understanding of electricity expels the old thought that the thunder is a sign indicating that the god is angry. The advancement achieved in medicine greatly elongate human's life, and nowadays people no longer depend on certain rituals to give them health. Discoveries and inventions alike have transformed our society into the nowadays form, and provide us great power to determine our future. If science is only to reassure us, how can we achieve the feats we have made through our history? As Francis Bacon once said, "Knowledge is power", the true function of science is to give us the power to conquer the difficulties we confront.

Unlike science, arts which seldom give us the power to better our material lives, mainly concern about our spiritual lives. Admittedly, some arts actually upset people by let us see the weakness of the human nature or the darkness of our society, as the art works of Michelangelo. However, arts possess much more functions than just upset us. Arts can ease our emotions and reassure us, as the music of Mozart does; arts can give us confidence and braveness, as the music of Beethoven does; arts can also tell us what philosophy is, as the music of Mahler does. Although arts possess so many functions,one can judge that the major function of art is to represent the life and to present the artists' ideals. Most literary works, such as fictions, poems, dramas, give us a vivid image of the society. Other forms of arts have the same kind of functions. For example, Tchaikovsky composed music to represent the hard life of the common Russian people, while Van Gogh drew pictures to represent the beauty of the nature. There're also other pieces of art showing us the inner part of the artists, for instance, the representative new trend movie "four hundred blows". By presenting the life and the ideals, arts give us true understanding of our circumstances and ourselves in a spiritual way. Arts can not explain why it rains,but it explains how people feel about the rainy day.


"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."

The speaker would prefer a national curriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in different regions the freedom to decide on their own curricula. I agree insofar as some common core curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual states and communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as they see fit; otherwise, a nation's educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long tenn.

A national core curriculum would be beneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all, by providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our children grow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, a common core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculum would ensure that all school-children are taught core values upon which any democratic society depends to thrive, and even survive--values such as tolerance of others with different viewpoints, and respect for others.




