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These days, museum is at the heart of communities, preserving essential local and national stories, which rewards visitors with fresh ideas. However, over the past years, one museum after another across the country has cut back on their business hours, staff and their salaries since it is increasingly expensive to fund them and maintain them accessible to the general public. Therefore, whether the funding comes from the government or other sources is controversial.


First and foremost, the financial help contributed by government is well-managed and it is stable. Since the government pay money for some professional workers on running museums, the management of the fund is naturally well-organized. Also, because the tax is a abundant resource of income, the help for museums will not stop easily. A successful case in point is Los Angeles County Museum of Art in the United States. In the past decade, it drew significant authorities to invest approximately 1 million dollars per year, which makes it the most popular museum in California. If the government fails to spend enough money on the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the popularity of it may decline.

首先,政府提供的财政援助管理良好,而且是稳定的。由于政府为一些经营博物馆的专业人员提供资金,因此基金的管理自然组织良好。此外,由于税收是一种丰富的收入来源,对博物馆的帮助不会轻易停止。美国洛杉矶郡艺术馆就是一个成功的例子。在过去的十年里,它吸引了重要的权威机构每年投资大约100万美元,这使得它成为加利福尼亚最受欢迎的博物馆。如果政府没有在洛杉矶郡美术馆(Los Angeles County Museum of Art)投入足够的资金,它的受欢迎程度可能会下降。

Admittedly, some largest and most prestigious art museums are likely to draw support from the authorities or large cooperations by producing more blockbuster exhibitions. However, fiscal pressures on those especially smaller and mid-sized institutions is increasingly competitive and important. In response to the problem, a variety of means to raise revenues at museums are through attracting their potential customers by holding exhibitions and cultural activities. Besides, board members from large cooperations are typically prominent individuals of communities and have access to other prominent community members who tend to be significant donors.


In short, museums are spending more on fundraising efforts than in previous years. The availability of funds from official bodies are therefore more likely to be stable, however, smaller museums might turn to their communities or potential customers.



How museums are supported financially has been a major concern to many. This essay will examine and find the possible best way to fund them.


Museums are institutions that collect and safeguard historical or artistic objects and works and make artifacts and specimens accessible, and their high importance is also placed on the role of providing an ideal learning environment, enabling children and adults to enter worlds that they may otherwise never get to know. Therefore, government funding for museums is necessary and it exhibits public value.


On a more materialistic level, museums contribute significantly to the country's revenue, as they are important tourism resources. Many famous national or public museums bring in visitors worldwide, which generals flourishing profits for the hotel, food and retail industries. In this case, I think museums should be subsidized by the government at all levels——federal, state and local.


A large shape of museums operating revenue usually comes from donors in the private sector. This is defined as individuals and corporate sponsors etc. Donors play an important role in the functioning of a museum, providing funds for new programs and spaces, as well as donating works to the collection. Museums in turn tailor themselves to the needs and validation of their donors by endowing spaces and titles, hosting special events, and affording certain privileges to donors, such as the right to rent a museum for one’s private or corporate events.


Overall, in today's economic environment, museums must be fiscally prudent and be wise in choosing and combing financial supports from different resources.








Many museums have been faced with financial problems over the past years of recession and lagging economic recovery. As it is increasingly expensive to maintain museums, sufficient money must be raised from both government sources and private (either businesses or individuals) donations, in order to keep them open to public.



(1) 第一段提出话题:博物馆需要从政府或者个人获得资金来维持运转。

(2) be faced with... 面临......

(3) recession 倒退

(4) lagging 落后的;缓慢的

(5) maintain 维持;维修

Investment from governments must form a bigger proportion of the income of many museums at different levels. As a major way to fund museums, the public sector should always do more, and there may be no substitutes for the government support for museums, especially in the long-lasting financial crisis when that government support is more urgently needed. Although, in the face of such adversity, museums have shown great resilience and creativity in generating new sources of revenue, those troubled institutions can only be sustained with stronger government backing. Considering that museums preserve a country’s collective memory for future generations, the importance of public funding in museums could never be overestimated.



(1) 本段主要论述政府投资的重要性,以及原因。

(2) proportion 部分

(3) substitute 替代品

(4) urgently 急迫地

(5) adversity 不利的环境;对手

(6) resilience 弹性

(7) generate 产生

(8) sustain 持续;维持

(9) overestimate 过高估计

Private donations also occupy an important part in keeping a museum, especially when government funding is limited. This way of funding can be done by providing money for new programs and spaces, as well as giving works of art as gifts to the museum’s collections. The museums may in turn tailor themselves to the needs of the donors by affording certain privileges to them, including the right to use the museum’s space to hold some special events such as promotion campaigns. This has given rise to complaints and worries in the general public that receiving individual donations may leave the museums ruined.



(1) 本段主要论述私人捐款的作用及其问题:好处是补充政府投资,坏处是可能损坏博物馆。

(2) occupy 占据

(3) in turn 反过来

(4) tailor oneself to the needs of... 调整自己以适应......的需求

(5) afford 给与

(6) give rise to... 引起

In my view, among all the funding possibilities, government funding should always remain the best way of operating a museum, because it can ensure the maximum independence of the museum as an institution to educate the public. Donations from the private sector are necessary only when the museum cannot obtain sufficient support from the government and are acceptable only on the condition that they do not interfere with the public roles of the museum.



(1) 本段给出自己的观点:政府资助是最佳办法,同时提出接受私人捐赠的两个前提:政府资助不够,私人不妨碍博物馆的正常功能。

(2) operate 运作;操作

(3) ensure 确保

(4) maximum 最大的

(5) sufficient 足够的

(6) on the condition that... 以......为条件

(7) interfere with 干涉;妨碍


★ 四年级参观博物馆作文650范文

★ 五年级参观博物馆作文700精选范文五篇

★ 六年级作文参观博物馆范文500字

★ 雅思A类阅读常见备考和做题误区总结


