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雅思考试写作部分总共用时60分钟,考生需完成2篇作文的写作要求,Task 1一般是图表题,文章字数不能少于150字,建议考生用20分钟完成,Task 2一般是议论文,题目中会给出一个看法、问题或议题,考生需就此进行论述。文章字数不能少于250字,建议考生用40分钟完成。


考官按四项标准分别评等级分:Task 1: 写作任务完成情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性及准确性。Task 2: 写作任务回应情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性及准确性。




语法错误修改,从5分到5.5分主要靠语法修改。 细化思维修改掉空洞的写作内容,避免空话,从5.5分到6分,主要靠细化思维,解决作文论述空洞问题。用批判性思维来解决句子和句子之间没有逻辑的问题,从6分到6.5分主要靠批判性思维的写作逻辑训练。 用一定的地道词组搭配来去掉Chinglish,从6.5分写作到7分主要靠的是去掉中式英语思维。

很多考生在面对雅思大作文时,对于素材和论据的选取很是苦恼,因此往往会看一些文章或者是材料有利于积累观点素材。BBC,CNN甚至是Economist这些外刊杂志当然都是优质的选择,但是在紧张的雅思备考中,大家的时间和精力有限,阅读完这些材料后如何提炼信息,筛选信息,然后转化为可以为雅思写作所用的观点与论据又是一项不小的工程。其实,对于大多数写作徘徊在5-6分考生来说,需要提高的并不是所谓的新颖丰富的论据和观点(因为评分准则中并没有对论据和观点的新颖性有任何的要求),而是如何在准确审题之后把合适的论据通过为观点服务、并且使英语为母语的考官能够理解的方式恰当的表达成文字。在此,非常推荐大家从考官范文中提炼观点论据,用作写作语料积累。仔细分析考官范文,你不仅能够学习到地道准确的表达方法,还有考官的写作思路和论点论据。另外,考官Simon的Ideasfor IELTS topics电子书也是非常好的语料素材,对写作论点的思路扩展非常有帮助。



审题,梳理清楚图表的要点信息。阅读并理解题目:what is the topic of this chart,确认时间标记和计量单位:what are the units of measurement? what is the time frame of this chart, 找出主要特征:what are the main features,如果是动态图,主要特征一般是围绕趋势变化去写(上升?下降?)。选择重要数值:what are the significant data points。核心数值都是从以下的六类数值中挑选:起点值、终点值、最小值、最大值、交叉值,拐点值。

写作结构清晰,不管图表信息怎么变,都可以遵循共同的写作结构, Introduction paragraph:Introduce the graph, Body paragraphs:give the detail,图表的主要特征,重要数值,Conclusion paragraph:give an overview。





论点具体展开,写作讲究论证充分,有画面感。在此非常推荐Simon老师的Ideas forIELTS Topics,平时自己看范文需要自己花大量时间去提炼观点,这本书中,Simon老师是根据topic将idea和相关表达直接列出,学习和整理起来更加高效。



避免累赘, 删去空洞的单词和词组 。一些空洞的单词或词组根本不能为句子带来任何相关的或重要的信息,还会让句子显得很累赘完全可以被删掉。有些空洞和繁琐的表达方式可以进行替换。例如:Due to the fact that our grandparents were under an obligation to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have at this point in time。 “due to the fact that”就是一个很典型的繁琐的表达方式的例子,可以替换,简化为下面的表达方式: Because our grandparents were obligated to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have now。

避免重复,尽量避免重复使用同样的词汇。或者有的时候虽然词汇没有重复,但意思却有重复。选择最恰当的语法结构。选择合适的语法结构可以使句子意思的表达更为精确和简练。虽然语法的多样性也很重要,但选择最恰当的语法结构仍然是更为重要的考虑因素。 一个句子的主语和谓语动词应该能够反映句子中的最重要的意思,避免频繁使用“there be”结构,把从句改为短语或单词,仅在需要强调宾语而不是主语的时候,才使用被动语态,用更为精确的一个动词来代替动词短语,有时两句话的信息经过组合完全可以用一句话来简练地表达。


雅思写作话题:Economic progress is one way to measure a country's success. Some people believe there are other factors. What other factors should be considered? Do you think that any one of them is more important than the others?





other factors:


most important:



A successful country, the definition of which though does not gain a consensus, means more than just one factor. (定语从句,插入语)

Economy is widely recognized as a crucial criterion to judge a nation because it is a sound economic development that determines the living standard and that provides financial resources to other domains of a society including education, scientific research and public health. In addition, there is a close association between wealth and low crime rate. (被动句,原因状语从句,强调句,非谓语)

However, economic status is not the only consideration in the judgment of a nation and there are a variety of other elements to define an ideal society. A healthy natural environment would make sure that our next generation can keep living on the earth. Healthy lifestyles make healthy and happy workers who are able to make contribution to his/her community. In addition, dynamic and characteristic culture and democraticpolitics is universally desirable and is seen as a symbol of progress and civilization. (并列句,there be 句型,定语从句,宾语从句)

Among these factors, I believe that education is the fundamental one to judge whether a country is successful or not. The major reason is that education determines whether a country can succeed economically in a sustainable way. Without education of high quality, there would be deficient labour force of high quality to ensure a long termeconomic boom which in modern high-tech and information society requires much morewell-educated professionals with the spirit of innovation and creation than in the industrial society. Education also makes incredible contribution to other importantsectors. It helps lower the crime rate and increase public awareness to the environment, health and politics. (宾语从句,表语从句,双重否定句,定语从句,比较句型)


consensus 一致同意 n.

definition 定义 n.

criterion 评价标准 n.

dynamic 有活力的 adj.

comprise 包含 v.

democratic politics 民主政治

civilization 文明 n.

deficient 缺乏的 adj.

economic boom 经济繁荣

sector 部门 n.

innovation 创新 n.

public awareness 大众意识

ideal 理想的 adj.


Some people say that it is the responsibility for the individuals to save money for their own care when they retire. to what extent do you agree or disagree?


No one is a sand, but together we are an island. No one is alienated from the rest of the world. Everyone is in certain relevance with other people in diverse aspects in varied scales. Thus, we can see not a single person alive to be solely living for himself—he must be simultaneously shouldering various duties for multifarious groups of people ,namely, employers ,government , who must at the same time in turn undertake the duty of caring for him as well. I am not here to deny the necessity of saving money for one's aged life , but to state the reasons why the above parties to take care of an individual.

What hits me at the first thought is that employers should have the liability to take care of their employees ,for they have sacrificed their youth and shed both tears and sweat even blood for them. If employers felt free to take the duties of their elderly employees ,then they may feel so easy and comfortable to expel any of those "used" workers randomly. No just legislation can possibly tolerate this happen. And employers should have their duty to support the aged workers for their later part of life.

Another party that should also take care of an individual is the government, as no one is without a nationality, which should as well pay tax levied/imposed on him and serve and fight for his certain motherland with all his energy and health and even life. If we saw someone that has paid so much for his government to be alienated and isolated with himself, how could we feel rejuvenated when we hand out our tax and how could we feel sturdy when we face the bayonet of the enemies? So undoubtedly governments, like employers ,should take care of its citizens as well.

As we can happily conclude, this world is not one that goes without justice and warmth between people , we give when we can and we take when we need, employers as well as governments are due to unshakable responsibilities to give their care to every individual that has paid their efforts for them, this would be the way things ought to be.


雅思写作范文:The news media have become more influential in people's lives, some people think it's a negative development, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 新闻媒体对于人们的生活影响深刻,有人认为这种影响是消极的,是否认同?

【首段】背景介绍 + 立场说明

Perhaps nobody can avoid being swayed by various mass media. The news media have been exerting a tremendous influence on our lives because they can not only bring about glaring changes to the lives of ordinary people,but even ruin a political leader. Some people worry that the impacts of mass media are quite negative. From my perspective, however, what the news media can benefit us is greater than what they might influence us adversely.


The opposite stand is also understandable. It is true that some paparazzi of tabloid magazines like to publish details about those superstars’ private lives,which might bring untold agonies to heroes of the story. Likewise, for the purpose of catering to the taste of the general public, some editors of newspapers and magazines also enjoy deliberately exaggerating so as to create a sensation. Surely enough, such irresponsible reportages should be highly condemned. However, we have no reason to throw out the baby with bath water.


On no account can we underestimate the positive influences brought about by the news media. First, the mass media can play the role of educator. As for those who lack the habit of reading news, they are rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and the experience of the world. Conversely, reading news frequently can help us have a broader view of life and thus train our dialectical mode of thinking.

【四段】 新闻传媒给人们的生活带来的利好。

Also, various mews media can be an indispensable source of information for the vast majority of people. To illustrate, one of the most crucial lessons of a great many entrepreneurs is to Watch CCTV news everyday to familiarize themselves with the latest governmental policies and market information. Eventually, those amusing news stories can add color to the dull routine of every day life. I myself enjoy appreciate stories concerning the common people or mediocre life so that I could greatly deepen my insight into diverse lifestyles and grow spiritually during the process of thinking.


In closing, my stand is that various news media have and will have irreplaceable roles to play in our daily lives, the influence, to large extent, depends on how we treat and harness them. It is rather groundless to simply say that their impacts can always be baneful.


★ 雅思阅读备考策略


