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题目为:An increasing number of people are changing their careers during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development for society?越来越多的人在工作期间换工作(跳槽)。


Job hopping has become a significant feature in modern world, and many people believe that some changes can lead to desirable consequences. People who stay with the same organization have the advantage of thoroughly understanding the operation at work and also becoming familiar with the staff and processes. If they work hard, their promotion prospects are good and there is likely to be greater job security, with the promise of a good pension when they retire. Traditionally, employers value loyalty and may offer additional incentives to long-term employees, including bonuses and reward schemes. However, employers now place more emphasis on ensuring that employees are engaged and committed during the time that they spend with them, believing this is more likely to deliver results. Besides, many companies prefer to hire new employees from time to time to maintain their competitiveness and vitality.


As a matter of fact, moving from one organization to another can be a strategic decision in order to have variety and acquire a range of skills and experience, which indicates that people take charge of their own progression and development at their own pace. Also, for most people, when they get their first job they have little idea whether or not they will remain in the same organization throughout their working life. Therefore, it might be unreasonable to stop giving themselves some chances to explore /in terms of their career prospects.



真题是:An increasing number of people are changing their careers during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development for society?







Not long ago, most people would choose to stay on the same job for the entire life, but today young people prefer to try different things and hop from one job to another.



(1) 本段直接进入话题,用过去和现在的对比来提出下文讨论的现象:年轻人不停更换工作。

(2) stay on the same job 坚持做同一份工作

(3) hop from one job to another 从一份工作跳到另一份工作

In my view, there mainly are three reasons why young people are doing so. At the most basic level, young people find that frequent job changing can often bring them the pay rise they expect. My friend Edward is a perfect example. As a program designer, he has worked for three different companies in the past five years, and now he earns almost five times as much as he did in the first company. This would not have been possible if he had not been mobile enough. The second reason is that by doing different jobs or careers, young people can increase their work experience and eventually become more versatile. This may give them a competitive edge, especially in today’s job market where an all-round employee is always preferred. Finally, changing jobs frequently nowadays has been made possible by the booming service industry and rapidly developing information technology and transport.



(1) 本段论述年轻人不停更换工作的三个原因,分别为物质原因(能挣更高工资,举例论证)、心理原因(增加工作经验+结果分析),社会原因(服务业、信息技术和交通的发展)。

(2) at the most basic level 在最基本的层面上

(3) versatile 全能的

(4) give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

(5) booming 蓬勃发展的

Needless to say, job-hopping may be a bad thing if it is not well-considered. Shifting from job to job may prove to be a waste of time and opportunity since this may easily make a person Jack of all trades and master of none. As we know, the person who can provide the most professional service for the company enjoys the best opportunity of promotion. However, if a person does not find the job he is doing interesting or fulfilling, then his change job could be a win-win strategy both for the companies and employees. For the companies, “new bloods” often mean stronger labor force and vitality of the staff. For the employees, a new job means a new opportunity.




(2)jack of all trades and master of none 什么都会但什么都不专的人

(3)fulfilling 有成就感的

In light of the above discussion, I would conclude that no change of jobs is wasteful as long as it is carefully considered. Holding on to a job that we do not like is a crime against our precious life.




(2)in light of 依据

(3)hold on to... 牢牢抱住;坚持


题目是:An increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life. What do you think are the reasons of this? Is it a positive or negative development for society?









With the global economy in a state of unabated turbulence,recent years have seen a surge in the number of habitual job hoppers. However, changing occupations for employers may attribute to a range of factors nowadays. From my perspective, the deleterious impacts on society caused by Job-hopping outweigh its positives.

Career transitions stem from a variety of contributing factors. Firstly, the novelty and passion for a comfortable working life,more often than not,can be soon get worn off,thus the majority of employers give priority to changing careers that is regarded as the most effective and efficient approach to promote job satisfaction. In addition, for the universality of our country higher education and prohibitive cost of receiving further education, a growing number of employees with decent academic backgrounds expect to switch to a highly-paid job with promising future to offset the vast investment in education. Moreover,the trend may also involve the recognition that for most of the adventurous white collars, to switch jobs can be also considered as a shortcut to gain better personal resources to draw on.

Undeniably, changing occupations does contribute to the social mobility and optimize reasonable deployment of labor force resources. when employees fully apply their expertise accumulated from study and daily life into work, they can achieve higher social productivity. However, I perceive that this phenomenon does more harm than good,as job hopping can also raise the social crisis of confidence. Specifically, being afraid of high risk of divulging the confidential information, hardly do companies trust employees and invest better vocational training in them;this is all simply triggered by the career transitions that have already labelled those job hoppers as lazy or unreliable.

In conclusion, a wide range of contributors are closely associated with job hopping;however,given the adverse effects on society escalating as a whole ,I reckon shifting to other job posts regularly to be a negative practice.

字数 325words


in a state of unabated turbulence 经济环境不稳定

habitual job hoppers 惯性跳槽者

deleterious impacts 不利影响

the novelty and passion for work 对工作的新鲜感

employee satisfaction 员工满意度

highly-paid jobs 高薪的工作

give priority to 优先考虑

jobs with promising future 有前途的工作

the universality of our country higher education 高等教育的普遍性

prohibitive cost of receiving further education 接受高等教育的高成本

Divulging confidential information 泄露机密

job-hopping 跳槽

reasonable deployment of labor force resources 优化人力资源的社会配比

raise the social crisis of confidence 增加社会信任危机

vocational training 职业培训


demerits caused by……. 分词后置定语现象

employees fully apply their expertise accumulated from v-ed非谓语结构限定

may attribute to a range of factors nowadays 原因替换句型

the deleterious impacts on society caused by Job-hopping outweigh its positives....outweigh its positives.


Being….,hardly do /can… 倒装+分词状语修饰

Reckon sth to be sth 宾语补足语

Given the undesirable effects on society escalating as a whole 分词做原因状语


话题是:Today many young people change their jobs or careers every few years.What do you think are the reasons for this?Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?



关键词:change jobs



2.advantages or disadvantages


Para 1: introduction

Para 2:The reasons

1)Young people have found their real interests in other areas

2)They want a promotion in their fields

Para 3:There are both advantages and disadvantages in this.

1) Young people get more accumulation in different areas

2) If change their fields ,they will start with nothing


In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the change of jobs and careers of youngsters. Is it argued by many that this phenomenon is mainly attributed to the wish concerning seeking better working environment in the youth. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem and whether this shift is positive or not.


In my view, many young people change their jobs and careers for the sake of more challenging and competitive working environment. They may feel bored with doing rituals day by day and would like to try in a completely new corporation. The latter job may be more attractive to them by the wealth and chance of promotion in career path that it offer.


On the upside, when taking on a new job, young people may be more motivated by new and appealing things, thus making them perform better in jobs. Moreover, new jobs always contain challenges that require people to be familiar with. They also stimulate creativity, diligence and self-discipline in employees. In consequence, workers will create more products for the company.


On the other hand, when it comes to the disadvantages, the shift in jobs and career costs not only the organization but also the individuals that take it a great deal of time and money. To the corporations, it is a tremendous damage when employees abandon their jobs because of the cost companies must cover in new recruitment and training staffs. It also takes youngsters a long period of time to be familiar with all the tasks. Moreover, the cost of shifting their accomodation to the new areas should be taken into account.


By ways of conclusion, that many young people change their jobs and careers contains benefits as well as drawbacks. It is my personal view that youngsters should carefully find out about their companies and the opportunities that can be got at first to ensure that it is an ideal place to grow and get promoted in the long term rather than always taking shifts in jobs.



