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3点雅思写作漂亮的建议 干货速取



比如:When all things are considered, young adults of today live more satisfying lives than those of their parents, in my opinion。

这句话当中的“when all things are considered”和“in my opinion“都显得多余。完全可以去掉。改为:

Young adults of today live more satisfying lives than their parents。


例如:Due to the fact that our grandparents were under an obligation to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have at this point in time。

“due to the fact that”就是一个很典型的繁琐的表达方式的例子,可以替换,简化为下面的表达方式:

Because our grandparents were obligated to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have now。



例如下面这个例子:The farm my grandfather grew up on was large in size。

large对一个farm来说就是size方面的large,所以in size可以去掉,改为:

The farm my grandfather grew up on was large。


My grandfather grew up on a large farm。


例如:My grandfather has said over and over again that he had to work on his parents' farm。

这里的over and over again就可以改为repeatedly,显得更为简洁:

My grandfather has said repeatedly that he had to work on his parents' farm。




例如:The situation that resulted in my grandfather's not being able to study engineering was that his father needed help on the farm。

从意思上来分析,上面这句话需要表达的重要的概念是“grandfather's not being able to study”,而在表达这个概念时,原句用的主语是situation,谓语动词是was,不能强调需要表达的重点概念,可以改为下面这句话:

My grandfather couldn't study engineering because his father needed help on the farm。

2.避免频繁使用“there be”结构

例如下面的句子:There were 25 cows on the farm that my grandfather had to milk every day. It was hard work for my grandfather。


My grandfather worked hard. He had to milk 25 cows on the farm every day。


My grandfather worked hard milking 25 cows daily。


例如:Dairy cows were raised on the farm, which was located100 kilometers from the nearest university and was in an area that was remote。


The dairy farm was located in a remote area, 100 kilometers to the nearest university。


例如:In the fall, not only did the cows have to be milked, but also the hay was mowed and stacked by my grandfather's family。

本句不够简洁的原因是本句的重心应该是“忙碌的家庭-my grandfather's family”,而使用了被动语态後,彷佛重心变成了cows和hay。下面的表达方式是主动语态,相对来说更简洁一些:

In the fall, my grandfather's family not only milked the cow but also mowed and stacked the hay。


例如:My grandfather didn't have time to stand around doing nothing with his school friends。

Stand around doing nothing其实可以用一个动词来表达,即loiter:

My grandfather didn't have time to loiter with his school friends。


例如:Profits from the farm were not large. Sometimes they were too small to meet the expenses of running a farm. They were not sufficient to pay for a university degree。


Profits from the farm were sometimes too small to meet operational expenses, let alone pay for a university degree。

2018年1月13日雅思写作真题大作文Task 2范文


For centuries, dressing is often considered as a very important part of not only one's daily life but also his/her professional area. However, I do not believe that one's dressing tastes should be among the points that decide his/her employment.

On the one hand/appropriate dressing is, of cause/ essential in a professional setting. People should not be allowed to wear clothes that look too casual on formal occasions in case that those working with you will feel uncomfortable. Across various cultures, great importance is often attached to decent clothes, especially in business, as it is believed that what you wear and how you wear them are so meshing that shows whether you respect others and If your are serious about the business.

However, professional capabilities and working efficiency should be the primary condition on which interviewers make employment decisions. This is because it is his/her skills and how well he/she can finish the assignments that dictates how much they can contribute to the company. In contrast, those who only know how to dress well and impressively are not important. In some cases/ paying too much attention to dressing may even sometimes affect workers' concentration on their Jobs, compromising their efficiency.

In conclusion, decent and appropriate dressing is a minimal requirement for every one working in public areas. However, working efficiency is even more important for employment decisions.

2018年1月13日雅思写作大小作文范文 多版本一次拥有

题目为:Employers should not be concerned about the way their employees are dressed at work. They should only care about the quality of their work. 话不多说,范文自取:


本题讨论雇主是否应该只注重职员的工作质量,而不是其穿着。题目类型是议论文的一种观点类是To what extant do you agree or disagree类型,可以采用双边讨论,也就是5段式作文。特别需要注意的是,题目中需要重点讨论的是只注重职员的工作质量,而不是为什么雇主不应该注重职员的外表穿着。



We now live in a time when people are perhaps more image conscious than ever before due to social media and the influence of airbrushing in everyday life and in the workplace . Therefore, it appears to me that never should employers merely focus on the quality of work, although it is necessary.

Only focusing on the quality of work could indeed boost productivity. For employers, the more productive their employees are, the more profit they will make. In this case, empowering and encouraging employees to improve the quality of work contributes to the greater efficiency and increased income of the company and employers as well. But this also unfortunately takes a heavy toll on the company profitability. For example, when employees wearing casually not formally attend a formal meeting, this will impress colleagues or collaborative partners as a worker who does not show enough respect, thus possibly leading to an unnecessary failure in cooperation.

However, if employers prioritize the output of employees rather than personal, professional appearance, this will also inflict a poor image both on the company and on its employees, especially in service industry. This is mainly because first impressions are crucial in these industries. Wearing a uniform or formal attire not just shows respect for customers and clients, but reveals a high-quality, professional service or products, an effective tactic to gain a positive image as well as customer loyalty. Without it, the image of a company will gradually become worse and meanwhile productivity and profitability will thus decrease as well.

Such unreasonable work style may also pose threats to the shape of employees’ image. Being committed to the quality of work, some employees, workaholics in particular, will spend too much time improving their work performance and then pay less attention to what they should eat, how much they need to exercise and what kind of clothes they had better wear. If this lasts too long, they will suffer a poor self-image and become less confident, particularly in the world where every single individual emphasizes appearance.

In conclusion, irreplaceable as the quality of work is, it is not only driving factor for the development of a company and what employees wear and look in the workplace does matter for customers, employers and themselves.(340 words)范文来自邢睿嬴老师。








Image conscious 注重个人形象的

Airbrushing 修图

Empower ...to do sth 使能够(enable的同义词)

Impress 留下...的印象

Unnecessary 不必要的

Inflict 使遭受(suffer)

Formal attire 正装

Tactic 策略

Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度

Self-image 自我形象

irreplaceable 不可取代的

高分结构 the more productive their employees are, the more profit they will make. the more... the more...结构

take a heavy toll on . 对...有负面影响

...,thus possibly leading to an unnecessary failure in cooperation.


not just shows respect for customers and clients, but reveals Not just...but (also)的动词平行

To what they should eat, how much they need to exercise and what kind of clothes they had better wear. 三个宾语从句的平行

irreplaceable as the quality of work is 让步状语从句的倒装

2018年1月13日雅思写作真题Task2 大作文高分参考范文

题目:Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, but they should be concerned about the quality at work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关于员工上班时间的着装问题重要还是工作表现重要。


Dress codes are sets of standards that companies develop to help provide their employees with guidance about what is appropriate to wear to work,/^ and they have been in effect, in all walks of life, for decades. While it seems that today many people have second thoughts about them, I believe they are put in place for a reason.

The formality of the workplace dress code is normally determined by the number and type of interactions employees have with customers or clients in the workplace. In workplaces, employees are expected to exhibit professionalism and integrity, the dress is often formal. This includes law offices, financial consulting firms, banks, and some large businesses. For example, if a company sends out plumbers or cable television installers, a uniform identifies them as the person hired. In some professions, dress codes are so strict that people call them uniforms. For example, people need to know who the police officer is. Therefore, a dress code is important because employees are representing the company or the organization, and it guarantees the smooth progress of work.

It is true that, over the years, employees have seen a shift towards a more casual dress standard, even in industries that were previously very formal. Startups and tech firms, in particular, tend towards a more casual dress code. Encountering someone in cotton pants and a casual shirt when visiting a Fortune 100 company instead of someone in a suit is very likely today. The change originates from the evolution of different corporate cultures and it does promote efficiency at work in most cases.

To conclude, I think all employers should figure out the expected business attire at work and keep their employees well-informed so as to deliver productivity at work.


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