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1. 再次陈述主题。用 paraphrase 方式再次呈现主题陈述中出现的三要素: a.问题中存在争议的地方; b.观点;c.理由。

2. 结束句。放在陈述完主题之后。


1. 托福作文的最后总结教训或提出建议

In conclusion, whether to imitate or vary from others to achieve success, it hinges mostly on the occupations we engage in. For jobs like doctors that require routine practices, it is unnecessary for them to make alterations to become successful. Whereas artists like painters whose works are characteristic of creativity and imagination, it is of crucial importance to distinguish from others to succeed.

2. 提出令人忧虑的结果或可能出现的负面结果


e.g., To summarize, on one hand, for artists who are fortunate to profit immensely from their occupation, it is unnecessary for the government to offer additional financial incentives for them. On the other hand, government should provide financial support and appropriate policies to impoverished artists who engage in conventional craftsmanship because these are viewed as national treasure and cultural heritage of the country. If the government did not support those unfortunate traditional artists, the valuable conventional forms of arts would disappear very soon.

3. 提出问题留待读者思考

In conclusion, it is inevitable for children to commit mistakes at a young age, parents should play their part to instill the importance of good behaviors in their children. Parents should allow children to make small mistakes as a meaningful learning experience. However, what would be like if parents permit their children to commit serious mistakes like theft and robbery?


Finally, thus, in a word, in brief;

In conclusion, to conclude, in the end;

In the final analysis, in a nutshell, on the whole;

To summarize, to encapsulate, in sum, in summary

In light of these facts, considering these ideas





美国比较流行的情景剧:Friends, Big Bang Theory, Friends, and Boston Legal,Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother 等等。


TV series like X.X.X, X.X.X, and X.X.X (列举以上的细节如Friends等) can be great fun to watch. I can not only learn the most natural way to speak English, but also I have a chance to know American cultures.


TV documentaries can be very informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They cover lots of topics like sports, animal word, history, and even religions. Just by laying on the couch, you can really learn a lot about all kinds of stuff.


导入下面语料的引子lead in:

With wifi access and a tablet /cell phone /computer/laptop, you can do lots of stuff.

网上购物on-line shopping:

It is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door. It is also easy to compare the price offered by different on-line stores, the only thing you need to remember is that always to shop in a reputable on-line store.

以最便捷的方式获取新闻quick access to breaking news:

It is definitely a great way to have access to breaking news, you can acquire information on what is happening around the globe.


It is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy our personal lives. By signing up on a social network like facebook, MSN, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text message to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant.


It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than relax by doing physical exercise. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 看电影和读书是比运动更好的放松方式,是否认同?

托福写作立场 尽管看电或者读书也是有效的缓解压力方式之一,但是运动缓压更加值得推荐。



1. 现代年轻人承载着越来越多的来自学业和工作的压力,为了实现梦想,很多学生或者职员经常过度辛劳,忽视健康管理, 因此,人们常常感到身心疲劳。这时候,运动缓压是一种有效的方式。可以想象,人在长期的工作学习后,如果可以亲近自然,舒展身体,他们能感受到更多的快乐。例如,我在身体疲惫,情绪低落的时候,特别喜欢户外运动,例如羽毛球,游泳,慢跑。我发现每一次运动之后,我总是感到特别轻松。

2. 疲劳的时候,通过运动缓解压力不仅仅是可以放松身心,更加可以人的增强免疫力,提高人的健康指数。科学研究显示:规律运动可减少疾病的困扰,因此,运动者可以精力充沛地应对学业和事业的挑战,性格也会更加自信和乐观。




1. Alarmingly, a great many young people are under a pool of pressure as a result of the fast pace of modern life and fierce competition. 令人担忧的是,因为快节奏的生活以及激烈的竞争,现代的年轻人压力很大。

解析:alarmingly adv 令人担忧的是

解析:as a result of 因为……

2. A proper way of venting our negative emotions is needed especially when we feel weary in both bodies and minds 当我们感到身心疲劳的时候,我们需要一种恰当的方式来释放不良的情绪。

解析:vent our negative emotions v 释放我们的不良情绪

3. Regular physical exercise is a superior option in easing the intense pressure triggered by tight academic study or heavy workload. 在缓解由学习和工作引起的压力方面,规律的运动是更好的选择。

解析:is a superior option in ……,在……方面是一个更佳的选择

解析:academic study n 学习

解析:heavy workload n繁重的工作负荷

4. Taking up physical exercise is a good way to relax our bodies and ease our minds 从事体育锻炼是一种很好的放松身心的方式。

5. For example,playing badminton is an effective pressure-reducer. 例如,打羽毛球就是一种有效的缓压的方式。

解析:pressure-reducer n缓压的方式

6. Physical exercise can, to a large extent, enhance the effectiveness of the immune system 体育锻炼,在很大程度上,可以提高免疫系统的效率。

解析:to a large extent 在很大程度上

7. The issue reminds me of my good friend Paul, who just has some similar experience 争议使我想起了好友保罗,他有相似的经历。

解析:remind sb of sth 提醒某人……

8. He is in the habit of doing physical exercise regularly, sports activities enable him to brave career challenges energetically. 他习惯于规律地锻炼,体育运动帮助他精力充沛地应对事业的挑战。

解析:is the habit of doing sth 有做……的习惯

解析:brave v勇敢面对……

9. Meanwhile,physical exercise really adds spice to his dull routine of daily life. 同时,体育锻炼为他枯燥的日常生活增加了乐趣。

解析:spice n情趣

10. embark on a healthier lifestyle v 开始健康的生活

11. ……is a wholesome activity …… 是有益于健康的活动

解析:wholesome adj 有益于健康的

12. For example,I take great interest in a wide range of sports events. 例如,我对于很多的竞技体育项目都非常感兴趣的。

解析:sports events n竞技体育项目

13. I can breathe the fresh air and enjoy the closeness to nature. 我能够呼吸新鲜空气以及享受到亲近自然。

14. Thus,taking up physical exercise is a better choice. 因此,锻炼是更加可取的方式。

15. Reading our favorite books or enjoying amusing movies can help us relax for a while. 阅读我们喜欢的书籍,欣赏有趣的电影同样可以帮助我们放松一会。

解析:for a while adv 片刻

16. Reading books or appreciating movies still has some roles to play in reducing our pressure. 阅读以及看电影在缓解压力方面依然是起作用的。

17. Reading, by occupying time so constructively, makes one contented, with no time for boredom. 阅读,有建设性地利用了时间,使人心满意足,再也没有无聊之感。

解析:contented adj 心满意足的

18. Watching an exciting movie can still help us forget the unpleasant experience and excessive stress in real life. 看一部令人兴奋的电影可以帮助我暂时忘记现实生活的烦恼和压力。

拓展:excessive stress = huge pressure n巨大的压力

19. However, one might foster the sedentary lifestyle and lazy habit. 但是,一个人也学会养成久坐的生活方式和懒惰的习惯。

20. My stand is that doing physical exercise is a better choice of relaxing ourselves我的立场是,体育锻炼是一种更好的放松方式。


Movies and TV made in your country are more interesting compared with movies and programs made in another country?是否同意本国的电影比外国的电影更加有趣?(2013.03.16)

托福写作立场: 外国的电影电视比本国的电影电视更加有趣



1. 外国的电影更加有趣,因为探究未知,满足好奇心是人之本性,由于文化和历史的差异,外国的电影通常对于人们的吸引力更大。例如,我个人喜欢看外国科幻电影,科幻电影畅想未来,可以激发我的想象力和创造力。然而,本国的电影,叙述历史,情节老套,背景熟悉,可以预测故事结局,因此,很多像我一样的年轻人不感兴趣。

2. 看外国电影是一种很好的拓宽视野的方式,放松身心的方式。

3. 外国电影吸引年轻人的另外一个重要的原因就是其优质的制作,很多外国电影,场面恢弘,人物俊美,情节起伏,因此可以给观影人带来持续的新鲜感。




1. foreign movies or TV programs = movies or TV programs made in another country 外国的电影电视

2. home-made movies or TV programs 本国的电影电视

3. exert a far more profound influence on sb 对于…… 施加了更加深远的影响

4. I enjoy a fairly diverse range of films and TV programs 我喜欢看很多类型的电影和电视节目。

5. The movies and TV shows made in foreign countries can,to larger extent, intrigue my personal interest 外国的电影电视,更大程度上使我感兴趣。

6. arouse my sympathy 引起我的共鸣

7. Science fiction movies can stir my wild imagination and develop my vivid creativity 科幻电影可以激发我丰富想象力以及创造力。

8. bring me constant sense of refreshment 给我带来持久的新鲜感

9. deepen my insight into exotic cultures 加深对于异国文化的洞察

解析:exotic adj.异国情调的

10. When I watch a foreign movie or show, I can always be greatly attracted by its gripping plot,eye-catching heroes and unexpected ending 看外国的影视剧,我总是被其引人入胜的情节,帅气美丽的主角以及出人意料的结局所吸引。

11. Language is another reason why foreign movies and TV programs can be more fascinating than the counterpart made in one's own country. 语言是另外一个原因,为何外国电影比本国电影更加有吸引力。

12. The debate reminds me of An American classic movie, Titanic ……争议使得想起了经典的美国电影,泰坦尼克

13. Success only favors those who dare to give it a try, take risk, assume responsibilities and accept challenges 成功青睐哪些敢于尝试,敢于冒险,承担责任以及接受挑战的人。

14. The brave ended up wining honor and enjoying tremendous reputation故事的结局是,勇敢者最终获得荣誉以及声名远播

解析:end up doing sth 最终以 ……为结局

15. Many home-made movies fail to arouse my interest and impulse of watching 很多本国电影无法引起我观看的兴趣和冲动

解析:impulse n冲动

16. A good domestic movie or TV show might also be captivating. 本国制作的电影电视,也许也是有意思的。

解析:captivating 引起兴趣的;有魅力的

拓展:amusing = interesting 有意思的

拓展:fascinating =attractive 有吸引力的

17. arouse our patriotism 激发我们爱国热情

18. deepen our insight into national culture and history. 加深我们对于民族历史和文化洞察

19. In comparison with A, I have a preference for B 和…… 对比,我更加喜欢……

20. I prefer to do sth rather than do sth 我喜欢做…… 胜过做……


