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今天小编给大家带来新GRE写作六大高分句型运用方法技巧实例展示 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。




1. With a large range of potential jobs to choose from, X.X are more likely to …

2. It is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various aspects, including work, school, economy, and so forth.



… plays an crucial role in …

Whether …or not depends on …


简单的FOR EXAMPLE肯定比不上下面这种举例的句型,同时还兼备承接观点的效果,非常好用。

This point is best illustrated with the example of …



状语前置:Gradually, …

In order to …, one should to

强调句:It is not until recent years that people began to realize the severity of global warming.

被动句:Measures need to be taken to insure the quality of higher education

插入语:Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively …

…… , to some extent, ……某种程度上

倒装句:Only if/when …does + 陈述句 (在Topic Sentence之后用)

Hardly did people realize the importance of protecting environment (几乎没有)

比喻句:… is as adj. as …适合开头结尾


There is a man who is …

I have been to Tibet in 2009, where I met a nice person.

… is a good …, which is …



… be supposed to do …

… is a lifelong process

… is a main driving force behind …

… be inextricably intertwined with …

Nothing could be accomplished without …

No better chance could be found to do something than doing something.

It’s no exaggeration to say that …

For one thing, …for another,…

… is not a panacea for …(某种方案不是解决某个问题的万能药)

… would expand one’s horizon.

… shape our understanding of …

With the development of society, …

As a result, …

Develop a good habit

… cultivate a reasonable attitude towards …

All of this just lead to children not …(wasting money any more)



……including….. 做描述型谓语

We observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing children to develop in a prearranged direction.

We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes increasingly specialized.

In stead of doing….., one……

Except for …, …

Welfare 福利

Infrastructure 基础设施

Monopoly capitalism(垄断性资本) impoverish a community while enriching a small number of people

Cheaply mass-produced food, laden with pesticides and chemical preservatives, would crowd out the healthier, fresher, and tastier local produce on the shelves of the large shopping center

Let alone …更不用说…

Someone be gravitated towards sth 某人被某物强烈吸引

Regardless of …, people tend to …

…win over …争取到


2.2.5 不幸

infelicitous adj. 不幸的,不妥当的

infelicity n. 不幸;不恰当

sinister adj. 不吉祥的;险恶的 (sinistral adj. 左边的 sinistrorse adj. 左旋的)

star-crossed adj. 时运不济的

untoward adj. 不幸的,(坏事)没料到的


3.1.2 渊博

encyclopedic adj. 广博的,知识渊博的

encyclopedia n. 百科全书

erudite adj. 博学的,饱学的

informed adj. 见多识广的;消息灵通的

literate adj. 有文化修养的;有读写能力的

omniscient adj. 无所不知的,博识的

profound adj. 渊博的,深奥的;深的,深刻的 (profundity n. 深奥,深刻)

savvy adj. 有见识和精明能干的

versatile adj. 多才多艺的;多用途的

illuminati n. 先觉者,智者

literati n. 文人;学者[复] (literatus n. 文人(单数))

polymath n. 知识广博者

pundit n. 权威人士,专家(印度学者,梵文学者,博学者)----plaudit

sage n. 智者;adj. 智慧的

savant n. 博学之士,大学士


aghast adj. 惊骇的,吓呆的

appall v. 使惊骇,使恐怖

apprehend v. 恐惧;逮捕 (apprehension n. 焦虑,担忧)

apprehensive adj. 害怕的;有眼力的

awe n./v. 敬畏

awe-inspiring adj. 令人敬畏的

bugaboo n. 吓人的东西;妖怪

dire adj. 可怕的

eerie adj. 可怕的,阴森恐怖的

formidable adj. 可怕的;困难的

ghastly adj. 可怕的,惊人的,惨白的

grim adj. 可怕的,冷酷的

grisly adj. 恐怖的,可怕的

gruesome adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的

horrendous adj. 可怕的,令人惊惧的 (horrible adj. 骇人听闻的 horrify v. 使恐惧)

horrific adj. 可怕的

macabre adj. 骇人的,可怖的

monstrous adj. 可怕的;巨大的 (monster n. 妖怪)

nightmare n. 可怕的事;恶梦

panic adj. 恐慌的;n. 恐慌,惊惶

quail v. 畏惧,颤抖;(n. 鹌鹑)

qualm n. 疑惧;紧张不安

redoubtable adj. 可敬畏的

scruple n. 顾忌,迟疑;v. 顾忌

specter n. 恐惧;鬼魂,幽灵

squeamish adj. 易受惊的,易恶心的

stun v. 使惊吓,使晕倒,打晕

stupefy v. 吓呆,(使)茫然 (stupid adj. 愚笨的)

superstition n. 盲目恐惧,迷信

trepidation n. 恐惧,惶恐

ugly adj. 可怕的,难看的

henpecked adj. 惧内的,顺从妻子的

intrepid adj. 无畏的,刚毅的

unprincipled adj. 肆无忌惮的

unscrupulous adj. 肆无忌惮的

unscrupulousness n. 狂妄,肆无忌惮


agog adj. 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣的

agreeable adj. 令人喜悦的;欣然同意的

alacrity n. 乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼

amuse v. 使愉快,逗某人笑 (amused adj. 被逗乐的 amusement n. 娱乐品,消遣 amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的)

beatific adj. 快乐的,祝福的 (beatitude n. 至福,十分幸福)

bliss n. 狂喜;福佑,天赐的福

blissful adj. 极幸福的

blithe adj. 快乐的,无忧无虑的

bracing adj. 令人振奋的

buoyant adj. 快乐的;有浮力的 (buoyancy n. 浮动,快乐)

convivial adj. 欢乐的,狂欢的

conviviality n. 欢乐;好交际

delectation n. 愉快,享受

delectable adj. 赏心悦目的

deplore v. 悲悼,哀叹

ebullience n. 兴冲冲,亢奋

ecstasy n. 狂喜;激情状态

ecstatic adj. 狂喜的,心花怒放的

elated adj. 得意洋洋的,振奋的

enrapture v. 使狂喜,使高兴

euphoria n. 幸福愉快感(欣快症)

exaltation n. (成功带来的)得意,高兴

excitability n. 易兴奋性,易激动性 (excite v. 兴奋,激动)

exhilarate v. 使高兴

exhilaration n. 高兴,活跃

exuberance n. 愉快;茁壮 (exuberant adj. 茁壮的,繁茂的)

exult v. 喜悦,欢腾

exultant adj. 非常高兴的,欢跃的

festal adj. 欢乐的;节日的

festive adj. 欢乐的

fragrant adj. 愉快的;芳香的

frisky adj. 快活的,活泼的

frolicsome adj. 快活的,欢乐的

gaiety n. 欢乐,快活 (gay adj. 欢乐的 gaily adv. 欢乐地)

genial adj. 愉快的,脾气好的

glee n. 欢喜,高兴

gloat v. 窃喜,幸灾乐祸地看

gratification n. 喜悦,满足

gratify v. 使高兴,使满足

halcyon adj. 愉快的;平静的

hectic adj. 兴奋的;繁忙的

hilarious adj. 充满欢乐的

intoxicate v. (使)欣喜若狂;(使)沉醉;(使)喝醉

jaunty adj. 愉快的,满足的

jocund adj. 快乐的,高兴的

jolly adj. 欢乐的,快乐的 (jollity n. 快乐,欢乐)

jovial adj. 愉快的

jubilant adj. 喜悦的,欢呼的 (jubilation n. 喜悦,欢呼)

mirth n. 欢乐,欢笑

piquant adj. 兴奋的;辛辣的,开胃的

rambunctious adj. (兴奋)控制不了的;骚乱的

rejoice v. 高兴,喜欢

rosy adj. 美好的;乐观的;健康的;玫瑰色的

sprightly adj. 愉快的,活泼的

transport n. 狂喜;v. 运输 (transportation n. 运输;交通)

upsurge n. (情绪)高涨

vivacious adj. 快活的,活泼的

yeast n. 兴奋;酵母

acclaim v. 欢呼,称赞 (acclaimed adj. 受欢迎的,受称赞的)

caper v./n. 雀跃,欢蹦

cavort v. 腾越,欢跃

dally v. 嬉戏,闲荡

disport v. 玩耍,嬉戏

exult v. 欢腾,喜悦

exultant adj. 欢跃的,非常高兴的

frisk v./n. 欢跃;娱乐

frolic v./n. 嬉戏;雀跃

frolicsome adj. 快活的,欢乐的

gambol n./v. 雀跃;嬉戏

jocular adj. 嬉戏的;滑稽的,诙谐的

jubilant adj. 欢呼的,喜悦的 (jubilation n. 喜悦,欢呼)

lark n./v. 玩乐,嬉耍;(n. 百灵鸟;云雀)

rollicking adj. 欢闹的

triumph v./n. 欢欣,凯旋,胜利

bacchanal n. (行为放纵的)狂欢会

felicitate v. 祝贺,庆祝 (felicific adj. 导致快乐的 felicity n. 幸福;适当的措辞)

jamboree n. 快乐、喧闹的集会

revelry n. 狂欢 (revel v. 陶醉,狂欢)

optimism n. 乐观主义 (optimize v. 使完善)

optimist n. 乐观主义者

sanguine adj. 乐观的

rosy adj. 乐观的;美好的;健康的;玫瑰色的


