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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should spend money helping more people access the Internet instead of improving public transportation.

Although, in recent decades, there has been a growing need for Internet access and the government has been strongly advised to increase its budget in this area, I personally think that it is more essential for the government to spend money on the improvement of public transportation than on more access to Internet.

首先,原题中有提到一个非常关键的词instead of,这其实就要求学生在写作时两边进行比较论证。我们可以很清楚的看到W同学对题目的正解,it is more essential…。大家都清楚,对于独立写作,ETS评分标准第一个就是address the topic and task。那么高分的作文就是effectively address the topic and task。


For one thing, public transportation influences our life in a deeper and wider aspect than it is assumed. In fact, the great impact on the Internet is still not as comparable as public transportation. What is easily recognized is people’s need to commute back and forth between their homes and workplaces, or to travel from one city to another. Convenient public transportation shortens the distance between different locations, makes our traveling experience more acceptable and even enjoyable, and saves us plenty of time for a tasty meal or a good rest instead of wasting a large amount of time on a long tedious journey. What most people may not be easily aware of, on the other hand, is that public transportation also influences the quality of consumer goods taken from the factories or farmland over a long journey to its target customers. Take the infant formula of milk powder as an example, it is the common wishes of mothers to let their babies enjoy the freshest and highest-quality milk. However, if the production base of milk is a little bit far from the milk origin, the quality of the milk will likely deteriorate if there is no convenient public transportation such as expressways or airlines. Even after the milk power is produced, it may still have a long way to go to reach the babies, and without reliable public transportation, the packaging might easily break up or the products might be moistened due to increased humidity on the way.

这里截取了W同学两个分论点论证的第一个分论点论证。在段落的开始,她直接给出了分论点public transportation influences our life in a deeper and wider aspect than it is assumed. 尤其注意分论点中的deeper and wider,比较级突出了为何更应该投钱在public transportation上,符合总论点所需要回答的理由。也就是说从文章的结构上来看,分论点必须符合两个要求,第一回答总论点,第二总结分论点段的内容。很多同学在写独立写作的时候常常是写完总论点就把总论点要求论证的东西忘了,写完所谓的分论点就把分论点给抛了,之后的论证五花八门。这样一盘散沙式的论证无疑直接降低了拿高分的几率。所以,脑洞大,有想法是好事,但是也要符合“游戏”规则才行。在之后的论证中,我们可以看到W同学,运用了我们所熟悉的说理还有举例论证,层层递进把分论点论证清楚了。

According to the aforementioned discussions, it is apparent that public transportation not only plays an important role in our individual life, but can also contribute to making the earth a greener place. Therefore, the government should spend money on improving public transportation instead of increasing internet access.




对于很多同学来说,备考托福是一个“功到自然成”的事情,也就是说,大家往往都会认为只要不断在做题目,不断在背诵词汇,到了差不多的时间去参加考试,总是没有问题的。但是,时间并不是我们想象中的那么简单。如果凡事没有一个明确的deadline, 我们的习惯就是有多少时间就浪费掉多少时间,所以,如果还没有报名的同学首先应该强迫自己报上名,这样对于考试就会有一种紧迫性。








Rent control is the system whereby the local government tells building owners how much they can charge their tenants in rent. In the United States, rent controls date back to at least World War II.

In 1943 the federal government imposed rent controls to help solve the problem of housing shortages during wartime. The federal program ended after the war, but in some locations, including New York City, controls continued. Under New York's controls, a landlord generally cannot raise rents on apartments as long as the tenants continue to renew their leases. In places such as Santa Monica, California, rent controls are more recent. They were spurred by the inflation of the 1970's, which, combined with California's rapid population growth, pushed housing prices, as well as rents, to record levels. In 1979 Santa Monica's municipal government ordered landlords to roll back their rents to the levels charged in 1978. Future rents could only go up by two-thirds as much as any increase in the overall price level.

In any housing market, rental prices perform three functions: (1) promoting the efficient maintenance of existing housing and stimulating the construction of new housing, (2) allocating existing scarce housing among competing claimants, and (3) rationing use of existing housing by potential renters.

One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rental units. Rent controls have artificially depressed the most important long-term determinant of profitability — rents. Consider some examples. In a recent year in Dallas, Texas, with a 16 percent rental vacancy rate but no rent control laws, 11,000 new housing units were built. In the same year, in San Francisco, California, only 2,000 units were built. The major difference? San Francisco has only a 1.6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws. In New York City, except for government-subsidized construction, the only rental units being built are luxury units, which are exempt from controls. In Santa Monica, California, new apartments are not being constructed. New office rental space and commercial developments are, however. They are exempt from rent controls.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The construction of apartments in the United States.

(B) Causes and effects of rent control

(C) The fluctuations of rental prices

(D) The shortage of affordable housing in the United States.

2. The word They in line 9 refers to

(A) the tenants

(B) their leases

(C) places

(D) rent controls.

3. Which of the following was NOT a reason for the introduction of rent controls in Santa Monica,California?

(A) rapid population growth

(B) inflation

(C) economic conditions during wartime

(D) record-high housing prices

4. The phrase roll back in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) credit

(B) measure

(C) vary

(D) reduce

5. The word stimulating in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) experimenting with

(B) identifying

(C) estimating

(D) encouraging

6. It can be inferred that the purpose of rent control is to

(A) protect tenants

(B) promote construction

(C) increase vacancy rates

(D) decrease sales of rental units

7. The word depressed in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) saddened

(B) created

(C) lowered

(D) defeated

8. The information in the last paragraph supports which of the following statements?

(A) San Francisco has eliminated its rent control laws.

(B) Rent control leads to a reduction in the construction of housing units

(C) Luxury apartments are rarely built when there is rent control

(D) There is a growing need for government-subsidized housing.

9. According to the passage , which of the following cities does NOT currently have rent controls?

(A) Santa Monica

(B) Dallas

(C) San Francisco

(D) New York City

10. The word stringent in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) straightforward

(B) strict

(C) expanded

(D) efficient

11. According to the passage , which of the following is NOT exempt from rent control?

(A) Luxury apartments

(B) Commercial development

(C) Moderately priced apartments

(D) Office space.



By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been introduced into the American colonies through books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and traveling colonists who brought back copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with European art institutions.

By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: limner was usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's; painter characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface. By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.

Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste — a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) European influence on colonial American painting

(B) The importance of patronage to artist

(C) The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century

(D) Subjects preferred by artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century.

2. The word outbreak in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) cause

(B) beginning

(C) position

(D) explanation

3. The word undergone in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) led to

(B) transformed

(C) preferred

(D) experienced

4. According to the passage , before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to

(A) paint wheel carriages

(B) paint portraits

(C) varnish furniture

(D) paint flat surfaces

5. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England

(A) considered artists to be superior to painters

(B) barely painted portraitists

(C) were often very wealthy

(D) imitated English painters

6. The word consorted in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) made decisions

(B) studies

(C) agreed

(D) associated

7. The word sufficient in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) adequate

(B) temporary

(C) friendly

(D) expensive

8. According to the passage , artists such as Copley, West and Peal signed their paintings

(A) increased the monetary value of the paintings

(B) made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings

(C) supported the artists' image of professionalism

(D) distinguished colonial American artists from European artists

9. The author mentions James Bowdoin III and William Byrd in line 17 as examples of which of

the following?

(A) Art gallery owners who displayed only European art

(B) Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes toward art

(C) Artists who gave financial support to other artists

(D) Patrons whose helped to encourage artisans to become artists

10. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?

(A) Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to develop great art.

(B) The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.

(C) The value of colonial American paintings decreased after the Revolution.

(D) Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving culture of the new nation.



