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当然,这个例子还可以用来讨论公众隐私(29, 161题)和快餐文化(107, 151, 215等题)中,这里就不多解释。


Positive side:

1)Media's magic power to turn a nobody into somebody overnight

2)Media's role in bringing public attention to the misfortune and the helpless who may otherwise be neglected and discarded by the society

Negative side:

1)The world's over-emphasis on the appearance, not on the inner-self. By turning a homeless to a fashion model, the story of Brother Xili is just an extreme case of many.

2)The frenetic pursuit of instant fame and interests by modern people dwarfs the most fundamental basis of human nature: love, equality, respect and compassion.

3)The world only cares about the "fashionable" photos of Brother Xili and flocks to Ningbo to see him in person. But no one really cares about him as a person, a man with mental disorder, a brother that needs our care and love, not relentless media exposure and disturbance.


Aristotle 384BC -- 322BC

Greek philosopher, scientist, physician. One of the greatest figures in the history of Western thought, Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedonia. In 367 BC, he went to Athens, where he was associated with Plato's Academy until Plato's death in 347 BC. He then spent time in Asia Minor and in Mytilene (on Lesbos). In 342 BC he was invited by Philip of Macedon to educate his son, Alexander (later, the Great). He returned to Athens (335 BC) and opened a school (the Lyceum); his followers were called Peripatetics, supposedly from his practice of walking up and down restlessly during his lectures. After Alexander's death (323 BC), there was strong anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens; Aristotle was accused of impiety and, perhaps with Socrates' fate in mind, escaped to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died the next year.

Aristotle's writings represented an enormous, encyclopedic output over virtually every field of knowledge: logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, rhetoric, poetry, biology, zoology, physics, and psychology. The bulk of the work that survives actually consists of unpublished material in the form of lecture notes or students' textbooks; but even this incomplete corpus is extraordinary for its range, originality, systematization, and sophistication.

His work exerted an enormous influence on mediaeval philosophy (especially through St Thomas Aquinas), Islamic philosophy (especially through Averro?s), and indeed, on the entire Western intellectual and scientific tradition. The works most read today include Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, Poetics, De anima and the Organon (treatises on logic).


"The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society."

The media does tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society.

One example of this observation is the fact that the media is owned, controlled and used my a segment of the population that is usually out of touch with the realities of groups within the society it covers. . . For example, the gangster rappers have gained a reputation for being women hating, anti-authority, and violent. Before, the MTV and V-H1 and CNN provided coverage to these groups, theyre were limited to street sales and specific areas that w ere not mainstream. Thanks to national coverage in print and broadcast, these groups becaome more popular because it was "different" and taboo. The lyrics, dances, and fashion statements portrayed became big money items and surburbanited people were intrigued withe this counter-culture. They began to act, talk and behave like the lyrics espressed. Continued media fenzy contributed to kids wanting to become more familiar with this culture, thereby creating an atmosphere or arena for this counter-culturre to legitimate. The media created these values but these vlaues of the gangster rapeer do not reflect the actual values of the society.

Another example of the media creating the values of a society is the coverage of the modeling industry. Clearly, most women neither want to or can look like Kate Moss. The typical Calvin Klein male models do not appear the way most men are naturally. This look is both unhealthy and atypical of most humans. Nevertheless, thanks to the media's coverage, including magazine advocating, newspapers ads, and commercials to sell products, a large portion of this society has done everything from liposuction to becoming bullimic to attain a supermodel look. If the media does not cover the indutrsy in such a manner, a growing number of people would not care about the skeletal look of kate Moss or any other unrealistic physical attrubutes that are usually genetically or surgically produced. The media creates this image of how men and women should look thereby creating the values of this society. These values would be totally different without the media's negative influence.

Lastly, when the media chooses to focus on pervers and negative, and unhealthy aspects of a society, then that part of society becomes the "values' of that society. Gangster rap or anorexic models could not possibly have made it without the media's concentrated coverage of either.


This response presents an adequate discussion of the topic. After a succinct announcement of the writer's position on the issue, the paper develops two relevant examples: musicians ("gangster rappers") who have negatively influenced people's behavior and superstar models who have negatively influenced people's self-image.

Although the examples are well chosen and support the writer抯 position, they are not always clearly explained. For example, the writer claims that "most women neither want to nor can look like Kate Moss" but then contradicts that claim by explaining that "a large portion of this society has done everything from liposuction to becoming bullimic to attain a supermodel look."

In general, the vocabulary is clear, but not particularly precise. Sentences are formed correctly, but they lack effective variety. Grammatical and mechanical errors occur, but they do not seriously interfere with meaning. In almost every way, this is an adequate response and earns a score of 4.


