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雅思G类小作文一直是同学们考试的难点。在G类考试写作中,由于范例少,缺乏讲解,无实用生活背景,大家写小作文时候尤为挑战。比如雅思书信类写作,雅思书信类的小作文如何结尾?下面小编就和大家分享 雅思书信类小作文如何结尾,来欣赏一下吧。


1. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year? Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year。

I better get to work now. I'll talk to you again soon。

Take good care of yourself.



2. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know。

I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care。


用If you want to talk more about…let me know。告诉我如果我还想继续讨论上一次的话题尽管提出来,因为某一个话题可能一次是不够讲的。

3. OK, it's kind of late, so I'll quit for now. I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep。

I hope to hear from you again soon.

Take care。


OK, it's kind of late。我觉得这种结尾方式最简便了,无需更多语言,因为充足的睡眠当然是非常重要的。Kind of 的意思是“有一点“

4. Well, it's now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means it's 4:30 p.m. in Beijing. I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day。

Take care! Ben


5. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor. That is something I'm good at。

Take care.


我的朋友经常都会很客气地用Let me know if you…这样的方式问我是否需要更多的帮助等。我当然是抓住一切机会多提问啦!因为问得越多,从他那儿了解到的东西就越多啦。

6. OK, that's it for the moment. I'll be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope。

Take care!


朋友没有直接说I hope you can write to me tonight, 而是很委婉地说I'll be looking for a message from you…,这种间接的提出希望和要求的表达方式很新颖哟,还有点不露痕迹的意思!用一下试试看:)

7. Well, since I don't have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll quit for now. I hope you had a good time with your friend.

Talk to you soon.


这里用两个since (表原因)来给这封邮件画上句号,很自然也很贴切。

8. OK, that's all for now. I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport. Talk to you soon。


这里get a little sleep 用得很好,把sleep 当名词用,而且搭配动词get, 可以丰富我们过去单一的表达,如:I need to sleep for a while.





1. They argue that, large cities can provide a higher standard of living.

2. Parents should encourage their children exercising regularly.

3. Many private companies do not understand its responsibilities for protecting the environment.

4. There are many websites that helps children with maths.

5. The results of space research has increased our knowledge about our own planet.



第1句话that和它引导的从句之间的逗号让这个本来应该干脆利落的句子变得不伦不类了。然而,我们滥用逗号的情况又实在太常见。事实上,在that和它引导的从句之间决不能写逗号,而且也不能在because, while, such as这三个词的后面加。所以,改动的方法就是把逗号去掉。

第2句话,没有找出来的同学再好好看一下。老师有没有讲过动词的搭配?配encourage sb, to do.对不对?那如果漏了to后的这个句子是不是就很诡异了?

第3、4、5句觉得有问题的同学太棒了。世界上,很多矛盾和冲突就是因为不合适造成的。这里也是一样的。companies作为主语是个复数,那its就要改成their了。websites又是个复数作主语,helps就要去掉s变为help。the results是主语,就要把那后面的has改成have。




当雅思考官说出观点时,我们听了之后觉得很赞同,在这种情况下,我们可以有很多选择来回答,而且回答很简略。比如,“I think there is a lot of pressure on kids these days”,这是别人的观点,那我们最为地道的回答可以是 “Definitely”, “Absolutely”, “Exactly”等,这些都是表达十分赞同的口语常用词。

如果不想用一个词来说明,也可以选择一些简单的句子,比如 “You’re right.”, “That’s true.”, “That’s for sure.”等。这组句子其实就是肯定对方的话,但使用了完整的简单句子来表示。而除此之外,我们还有更多的表达方法,比如 “I agree(with) you.”, “(oh) yeah.”, “(oh) I know”.等,这样的表达方法更为直接,都可以表达自己对对方想法的赞同。

当我们不再随时附和别人的观点,而是要提出自己的建议的时候,我们该怎么表达更好呢?最简单的方法就是 “I think”, “I believe”等。除此之外,我们还有很多其他的表达方法,比如 “It seems like…”, “It seems to me(that)…”,这样的表达方法更为委婉,更容易被人们接受。我们可以举一个具体的实景来看一下:

A: I do not think families spend enough time together—not like they used to.

B: That’s for sure. And it seems to me that is why some kids get into trouble.

这个对话中显示出了另一个人提出自己的一个想法,运用it seems that 更能表现出这种建议的个人性与独立性。


A: I can not decide what to do because it is an extreme difficult time for me. Even though I would like to stay with him and maybe in the future I want to marry him, he still hesitates whether I am the most suitable one for him.

B: Yeah, I know. But actually one thing you need to know is that he does not really care you a lot. It seems to me that he just feels good to stay with you now, but that is just all about it and there will not be any results between you.

通过上面的对话,我们看到了对方在表述自己的建议的时候,先用了actually,这个词在口语中的常用度非常高,因为actually是提出自己新观点的开头,它后面的内容往往都是新的信息,所以需要我们多去注意这后面的信息。之后对话中又用了it seems to me that是一种自己处于为对方假设的情况,从而表达出了自己的建议与观点。

从以上的一些常用口语的词汇句式来看,英文利用一些基本的词义与一定的句子结构表达出具有逻辑性的陈述内容。所以我们在日常口语交际回答中,首先要注意的问题就是short and simple, 其次就是在这个基础之上能够运用简单的句式逻辑表现出具体的思路。交流是一种艺术,英文的交流时文化带着艺术,我们需要用英文的文化特点来具体的进行交际,这就是运用语言的一种能力体现,希大家在今后的学习中都会有所提高。


