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Which do you prefer with the same rate of pay, an interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun? 2016.5.7 ML

An interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a boring job with more vacation, which one is better.


题目大意:一个假期少但是有趣有挑战性的工作和一个假期多无聊的工作,哪个更好。 此题是一道比较类的题目,而且发现两个种工作各有利弊,所以波波建议,用取决于的观点来写,即认为那种工作好取决于人们的年龄,对于年龄大的人来说后者好,对于年轻人来说,前者好。



The next two months will witness the graduation of a huge number of college students in China, triggering an urgent issue whether it is better to seek an interesting and challenging job with less vacation than finding those jobs with more vacation but less fun. From my perspective, a challenging and interesting job matters more.

For one thing, mentally challenging jobs can keep employees’ mind sharp even long after retirement. To put it more specific, even a mentally demanding job may stress workers out today; it can provide important benefits after retirement. “Based on data spanning 18 years, a study suggests certain kinds of challenging jobs have the potential to enhance and protect workers’ mental functioning in later life,” said by Gwenith Fisher, a faculty associate at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. The research analyzed data on 4,182 participants in the U-M Health and Retirement Study, which surveys a representative sample of more than 20,000 older Americans every two years and the final result reveals people who had worked in jobs with greater mental demands were more likely to have better memories before they retired and more likely to have slower declines in memory after retiring than people who had worked in jobs with fewer mental demands. Accordingly, being engaged in a challenging and interesting job will benefit employees’ mental functioning.

For another thing, the more challenging the job is, the higher salaries employees will be paid with. Generally speaking, a challenging job will require employees to master multiple capabilities and techniques and to undertake more responsibilities. Thus, they will be paid with high salaries, making it possible for them to do whatever stirs up their interest. For instance, one of my friends named Jason works as a top software engineer in a renewed IT company in China and he is well paid. Besides, his hobby is photography and travel in foreign countries. On weekends or public holidays he often chooses to take photographs in different places of historic interest and scenic beauty or travel abroad. In the near two years, he has traveled in many countries in Europe and Southeast Asia and take a lot of beautiful pictures. Obviously, compared with average citizens in big cities who are busy in dealing with a variety of problems in daily lives, Jason’s life experience can tell us that his high-paid job gives him chances to live a more leisure life during vacation.

Admittedly, if people choose to take a less-fun job with more vacation, they can spend more time with their families and doing what they like. In this way, they will live a less-pressure life. However, from what I believe, people should try their best to play to their strengths and talents on the career path especially when they are young and a challenging job will require employees to be fully devoted.

To conclude, a challenging job with less vacation is superior to a job with more vacation but less fun.


In the current society full of fierce competition, we can readily observe that landing an ideal job has become increasingly difficult, which forces us to a concession in the requirement of the job we want. When it comes to which is more appealing, an interesting job with less holiday or the boring one with more vacation, people varying in backgrounds and personalities may view the same issue from different angles. From my perspective, the issue should be analyzed case by case.

On the one hand, choosing a challenging job with less vacation is a wise move for the young. As we know, the defining characteristic of young adults is the degree to which they are endowed with lofty ambition and never fear any challenges. As a result, challenges accompanying the work will help young people to tap their potential capability and thus achieve greater success. For another, less spare time is not a big deal for the young, because they are so energetic and vigorous that a sound sleep can help them to restore their vitality. A good case in point is the experience my friend, Andy. As a broker in an Stock Exchange Company in Beijing, he has to deal with large quantities of data and keep close track of any events which may cause the fluctuation of stock price. Although the heavy pressure brought by his job often require him to work overtime and even around the clock, he never makes complaints because the exciting and adventurous experience from selling or buying stocks appeals him a lot.

On the other hand, older people prefer to select the relatively boring job with more leisure time. For one thing, boring jobs means that employees have to accomplish the same tasks again and again so that there is less pressure and stress, which is very important to the health of older people. As is common sense, the senior are more susceptible to various diseases such as hypertension and heart attack due to the weakening immune system. Consequently, any additional stress from work may pose a serious threat to their physical well-being. Also, older people are usually those who have got married or even have children, so spending more time accompanying their family members is of great significance. Undoubtedly, the job with more vacation can better satisfy the need of staying longer with their kids or spouse. During the stay, the emotional bond between them will become closer and more intimate.

Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that it depends on the age group of people whether the interesting job with less vacation is better than the monotonous one with more holiday.


Should people choose to do challenging jobs with less vacation? Or should they get involved in tedious jobs that offer more off days? I lean towards the latter choice.

Indeed, challenging jobs seem good for modern people, since the essence of those jobs can motivate employees and make them feel they are valued and respected. Is it really worth it, however, to put what other people think of them in priority at the expense of a more comfortable work style and more vacation? Drinking a Margarita on the beach in Hawaii or feeling the breeze on the Seine is all it takes for one to choose a job with longer vacation but less fun.

Longer vacation provides people with unparalleled relaxation. Modern people are tortured by heavy workload in all walks of life, ranging from common office workers to corporate bosses. What they need is nothing but a long vacation far away from daily chores. When seeing sun rising from the horizon, appreciating the grandness of pyramids, or smelling the fragrance of lavender in Provence, one would definitely take his minds off whatever bothers him in work. Some people will say that shorter vacation can serve the same purpose in terms of relaxation. But shorter vacation like a day or two days off is far from enough for employees to get a thorough refreshment. Without enough relaxation, employees are less likely to feel satisfied towards their life, let alone be concentrated on work itself.

Challenging jobs are not wise choices not only because they offer less vacation but also because such jobs tend to make employees overexert themselves. Interesting as it may seem, a challenging job put workers in a situation where they have to fight for their career security considering the myriad competitors. In sales field, which is commonly considered as quite challenging, it is not rare to work extended hours or even on weekends to follow potential customers. Thus they are often haunted by endless mental stress. In contrast, a job that is less fun may give people a monotonous life, but they are less susceptible to unexpected employment and less pressure, which compromises the monotony thing after all.

All in all, people should try to take various factors into consideration when choosing their jobs. When a job’s entertaining and challenging nature conflicts with vacation it could offer, I go with the latter.


