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备考托福的小伙伴对于托福写作模板肯定都不陌生,但是却很少有人指导模板的正确使用方法。今天小编和大家分享托福写作高分攻略 ,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。





Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?

In twenty years, printedbooks will no longer be in existence.



Some people hold that in twenty years, e-books will substituteprinted books because the former is much more convenient than the latter. Othersmaintain that despite of the many merits e-books present; printed books willnot become extinct. From my perspective, the statement is ungrounded because itignored not only the drawbacks of e-books, but also some intrinsic value ofprinted books.


Some people hold that…… others maintain that…… From my perspective,the statement is ungrounded because ……

与此同时,还可以对该模板中的“hold, maintain“,“from my perspective“,“ungrounded“进行同义替换, 增强模板的多样性和适用性。模板可以升级为:

Some people hold/argue/maintain/claim that…… Othershold/argue/maintain/claim that…… From my perspective/As far as I'm concerned/Inmy opinion/From my point of view, the statement isungrounded/unwarranted/invalid/unjustifiable because。


Agree or disagree:it is often not a good city to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose touch with old friends.


It is not a good thing to move to a new cityor country because we will lose old friends.





As the technology of public transportation keeps advancing, more citizens can choose to dwell in the cities that are beneficial to their own development. Inevitably, there occurs a controversy whether moving to a new city or country will lead to the rupture of relationship among friends. From my perspective, I think the statement is not sensible.

Firstly, moving to a new country or city will not result in the loss of old friends. To be more specific, the maintenance of friendship doesn’t lie in how far they live with each other and the development of technology has diversified the ways of interacting with friends. The invention of cellphones break the shackles caused by distance and overseas students can choose to communicate with their family members and friends through a variety of Apps like WeChat that makes video calls possible. Except for that, by looking at the pictures popping up all over the social media like Facebook, people can easily capture what is happening to their friends. For instance, my friend Selina took selfie in the Sydney Opera House a week ago and I would learn that she was having fun in the Australia with her picture posted on the Instagram. Therefore, a wide range of advanced electronic gadgets can be used to sustain friendship.

Moreover, instead of losing old friends, city migrants can even enlarge their social circles and achieve more success. Restricted in a city for a long period, people may be trapped in a situation that would block their development and they can gain refreshing experience while immigrating to a new city. My friend of Mine named Michael served as a Market Analyst in a renewed company in Beijing. However, he couldn’t see any progress in recent years and then an opportunity comes out. Because of his five-year working experience, a foreign trade cooperation tried to recruit him as the Market Analyst because the firm was planning to start a new program. Then he grasped the chance and earn a challenging life that he likes even though he was required to work in Shanghai. Our relationship have not experienced any interruption and his strong ability of being adapted to the new environment helps him to make lots of new friends. Accordingly, moving to a new city can, occasionally, help to break the deadlock in our professions.

Admittedly, it can be sensible that friends can be estranged owing to the long distance with each other. Specifically speaking, the chances to meet with each other will be limited a lot. However, as I just put, for one thing, people can talk with each other through various social network software. For another thing, the distance between cities is not a problem anymore since there have been many public transportation tools like the high-speed trains and airplanes that will lead us to anyplace we try to go in a very short period.

In a word, moving to a new city or a new country is good choice under some circumstance. Besides, the highly developed technology can help to strengthen the relations with our friends and the possibilities of living a different life and achieving success can both explain why I stand by the statement that it is a good thing to move.


It is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours.



With the increasingly diverse means of acquiring information, it has become a common phenonmen that we are exposed to conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern. A growing boday of average people are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my pesepective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.

Firstlly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information and get closer to the truth of the events. As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span. In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brandnew perspective and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events, with the result that a whole picture is formed. On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded.

Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaitance with more people. As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humbility, which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones. Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant so that they not consider others’ thought or feeling but impose their own opinion. Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the alreadly established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.

In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective, in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network.


