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As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.



With the development of the society, natural science and social science help people learn more about the world and the things seems to be clear, actually, under some circumstance, in-depth researches on things cause three consequences at the some time: comprehensible, complex and mysterious rather than merely understand.

Accumulated knowledge helps problems or theories to be expressed clearly and lucidly so that people feel easy to understand the issues. For example, Galileo, who was a famous Italian astronomer who despise the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his question to the nature instead of the ancient, and who drew his conclusion fearlessly. Eventually, his experiment and observation established a new theory and overthrew the old one from Aristotle. Because of his success and theories,people learn how to observe the sky with telescope and begin to understand another space, which is far from the earth. Obviously, without knowledge from Galileo’s theory, universe might also be a inspiration and even a vacancy. Take another scientist for example, Edison, who invented electric bulb by making thousand experiment and brought the society into a brilliant century. Recently, people live in a society which full of light and help them to learn what they can see and observe. With the revolution of human beings, knowledge solves various problems and creates a more comprehensible and comfortable life to the people.

However, those knowledge makes us to considered the reason and origin for human nature of curiosity, as a result, the world become increasingly complex. Take the same instance what have pointed above, although people learn to use telescope to observe the sky, people unsatisfied with such a "observation" and desire to touch with the outer space and understand other planets. In this case, scientists invented the spacecraft which have successfully landed on the Moon and Mars, after these experiments, people know that there are no water and few gravitation in Moon, and the Mas might have the similar condition of the earth. however, the complex problems come out, because people feel difficulty to explain the phenomena in the outer space.

Therefore, the research on astronomy becomes complex and involved. Not only this field, but also all scientific area becomes complicate. When people understand a surface of things, they will feel anxious to learn the core of them, however, the deeper people do researches, the more complications exist.

Additionally, in-depth learning causes desire of researching for mystery, which follows the existence of complication. Indeed, there are many uncanny problems in process of doing research when people hope to point out the reason of complex issue. For example, the construction of pyramid has been an enigma for a long time, because people fail to imagine that the ancient people can construct such a palatial with old and traditional method. Moreover, "black hole" would be a mysterious place that astronomers desire to touch and understand because no one know a little about this untouched field. Faced with these things, human nature motivates and stimulates people to purchase the reason and the secret.

In sum, people learn more about things by accumulating knowledge and then establish new theory and system, and at the same time, complex and mysterious problems exist simultaneously for the desire of exploring secret and untouched field-all of these constitute a process of learning and researching.


The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.



I safely agree with the speaker's argument that the search for common ground and reasonable consensus is the goal of politics. But I am reserved to support his or her idea that the goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal. The pursuit of an ideal is not doomed to conflict with the search for consensus.

Politics, as it was defined is an art of balancing, that is to keep subtle balance between different parties, which represent vested interests of different groups, hold different ideologies, to harmonize disparate social organization such as Green peace organization and Arms manufacture association, to concert different development plan and the like. Various interests of different groups intertwined together, forming a huge net. It is this net that restrains any individual part's self-intention and possible partial proposal, makes the leaders think over before leap. In this way, the policy making would be more stable and reasonable, meanwhile the majority’s interests could be taken care of. A convincing example in this point is the nomination of the candidate of President in certain party. One must be selected from tens of candidates who are on the behalf of different groups. At first, every group may name his own representatives,but the winner is single. After seeing his nomination is not supported by the majority,thus has no chance to win, they will compromise on the premise that their core interests are ensured, select the one who can be accepted by most groups if not all to reach reasonable consensus, This interacting relation is the fundament of democracy, which marks a country's civilization degree and propel the society to forge ahead.

When it comes to another point of the speaker’s argument, namely the goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal; my attitude sharply varies between different explanations and comprehensions on the key word- ideal. If ideal was defined as impractical ideas- castle in the air, of course, it should not be the base for the policy-making. The leader with hollow ideal may lead his people to abyss, such as the former Iraq president ‘s dream of his “Arab empire”. However, if the ideal was defined as certain ground and reasonable ambition, it could even be argued that the very difference between politician and statesman comes from the pursuit of ideal. Politicians do with the ideal, statesman without. The most brilliant politicians in the history are those who are harboring holy but ground ideals, cherish their ideals as the source of commitment.

In a sum, politics has its specific trait, once an individual steps on the power stage; he (or she) will greatly influence the rest of people, and his (or her) decision impacting the interests of various groups are unavoidable to be the result of compromise, a wiser politician will pursuit their reasonable ideals and move ahead on the process of compromise.


