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The Negro has callus growing on his soul and it’s getting harder and harder to hurt him there. That’s simple law of nature. Like a callus on the foot in a shoe that’s too tight. The foot is nature’s and that shoe was put on by man. The tight shoe will pinch your foot and make you holler and scream. But sooner or later,if you don’t take the shoe off,a callus will form on the foot and begin to wear out the shoe.

It’s the same with the Negro in America. That shoe—the white man’s system—has pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it almost destroyed him. But it didn’t. And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him too,that callus is going to wear out that system.

很显然在这段文字中,作者想证明的是全文第二段的最后一句话:And now a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him too,that callus is going to wear out that system。(现在黑人的灵魂中已经产生了老茧,除非白人的统治体系能调整以适合他们,否则老茧将使这个体系土崩瓦解。)简而言之,就是黑人终将冲破白人统治。


再来看上面这段文字。作者很巧妙地找了CD,即foot(nature)——shoe(put on by man)之间的关系。鞋子小了,脚穿着会疼,如果不及时脱掉或调整,脚上会产生老茧。如果鞋子继续对脚进行禁锢,那么总有一天,脚会把鞋子穿破。这是一个再平常不过的道理,不需要再花时间进行论证,括号里的就是AB和CD间的相似性,轻松论证了这个复杂的命题,这就是类比的魅力。


“It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make,independently,the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”

Another reason why an international effort is required is that other problems of an international nature have also required global cooperation. For example,has each nation independently recognized the folly of nuclear weapons proliferation and voluntarily disarmed? No. Only by way of an international effort,based largely on coercion of strong leaders against detractors,along with an appeal to self-interest,have we made some progress. By the same token,efforts of individual nations to thwart international drug trafficking have proven largely futile,because efforts have not been internationally based. Similarly,the problem of energy conservation transcends national borders in that either all nations must cooperate,or all will ultimately suffer.


Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

Woman, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.(妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在小石中流过。

The touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree.无名的日子的感触,攀缘在我的心上,正象那绿色的苔藓,攀缘在老树的周身。


我们知道Argument是驳论性文章,也就是找一段文字中的错误,进行有理有据的驳斥。Argument比issue容易些,因为错误的类别其实很固定的,俗称“七宗罪”。在这七宗罪中就有三宗是跟类比有关系的,分别是:misapplied generalization(概括误用,即以大推小);hasty generalization(匆忙概括,即以小推大);faulty analogy(错误类比)。不管是哪一种错误,只要是跟类比扯上关系,在驳斥时,我们都可以把它简化成一件事——找相异性。因为对于类比关系而言,它成立的前提和基础就是相似性,所以只要找到所比较两者间的相异性,那么再有逻辑的推理也是不成立的。我们举个很简单的例子来说明这个道理。如有这样一个观点:




In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."


Whether college faculty should also work outside academia, in professional work related to their academic fields, depends primarily on the specific academic area. With respect to fields in which outside work is appropriate, I strongly agree with the statement; students and faculty all stand to gain in a variety of respects when a professor complements academic duties with real-world experience.

As a threshold matter, the statement requires qualification in two respects. First, in certain academic areas there is no profession to speak of outside academia. This is especially true in the humanities; after all, what work outside academia is there for professors of literature or philosophy?

Secondly, the statement fails to consider that in certain other academic areas a professor's academic duties typically involve practical work of the sort that occurs outside academia. This is especially true in the fine and performing arts, where faculty actively engage in the craft by demonstrating techniques and styles for their students.

Aside from these two qualifications, I strongly agree that it is worthwhile for college faculty to work outside academia in professional positions related to their field. There are three dear benefits of doing so. First, in my experience as a student, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights and a contagious excitement about the subject at hand. Moreover, they bring to their students practical, real-world examples of the principles and theories discussed in textbooks, thereby sparking interest, and even motivating some students to pursue the field as a career.



“The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”



“The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.”There have been many methods of documenting in the history of human, from carved ancient pottery to sheepskin documents, of which the video camera may be the newest form with certain superiorities and inferiorities to written records. The advantages of video camera certainly make it an important form of documentation, but not to the extent of being more essential than written records due to its disadvantages.

To begin with, video can be interpreted as a series of pictures associated along the time, while written records can be considered as the descriptions of these pictures.Therefore, it is undoubtedly that video contains much more information than that of written records. From a video, we can clearly know what happened with subtle details.Merely with a television set, we can easily watch the happenings at home, such as the Olympic Games, comfortably sitting on the sofa, needless to be present on the spot.

And more excitedly, certain close-up enables us to scrutinize our favorable athletes. If there isn‘t video camera, we may be unable to enjoy such activities unless we can afford time and expense to be on the spot. While it is true that we can also be acquainted with the circumstances through newspaper or other media, however, the written record may be unable to present them as accurate as video. The imagination from the reports, however detailed, dooms to be imaginary, by all means different from the real circumstance, which video can represent. Moreover, the written records may contain some mistakes due to the carelessness or injustice of its reporters, while the video may be more accurate and convincing.

Another strongpoint of video is that it can be perceived simply by visual signals, from which people mainly get information in their daily lives, and therefore this method is more natural than written records. Everyone, ranging from a babbling child to an old grandpa, is able to get some information from the video just as they do during their daily lives, regardless of their literate ability. While the written record, no matter how easily it is represented, requires literacy of its readers, and a newspaper or book means nothing to an illiterate person. In addition, video is much easier to comprehend for people all over the world. For instance, an American can grasp nothing about a story written in Chinese unless s/he has learnt such a foreign language. However, s/he can absolutely understand something about a video recorded in China, although s/he may be confused with the language spoken in the video.

While video is certainly not superior to written recorders in all aspects, its limitations determine that the written record will not be replaced at least at present. The first disadvantage of video is that it is much more inconvenient and expensive. Video must be recorded on the spot, namely, when an event happens to you, you cannot record it unless you have a camera at hand. However, even though you haven’t paper and pencil either, you are still able to recall it to record based on your remembrance.

Therefore, for those who can’t afford a handy camera or who are unwilling to bring it anytime anywhere, the written records may be the easiest form available. Further, another weakness of video is that its cost is too high and its correspondingly high-quality record may be beyond people‘s requirement. The cost of making a written report is much less than that of manipulating a video. Also, every morning we may browse a newspaper to know what happened throughout the world, and the simple report, which may only consume us a few seconds, meets our needs of curiosity; we needn’t the accuracy and vividness of video, which may be more time-consuming.


